UN calls for use of force in Iraq

| June 26, 2014

Thanks, UN. It seems that they’ve actually authorized the use of military force against the ISIS juggernaut pointed at Baghdad, according to Reuters;

Nickolay Mladenov, who as U.N. special envoy to Iraq heads the world body’s political mission there, said Iraq’s key southern oil reserves remained safe. But he raised the estimated civilian death toll to at least 1,300 since the recent fighting began, up from Tuesday’s estimate of more than 1,000.

His remarks came as hardline Sunni militants attacked one of Iraq’s largest air bases.

“The part of the crisis that has been caused by the advances of ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) must be addressed militarily.”

I know, I’m glad I was sitting down when I read that. But, it’s just like the UN to come a day late and a dollar short – not to mention authorizing force when they have nothing to apply force with. Where were all of these war hawks six months ago when ISIS took Fallujah when there was a chance that someone could have stopped them?

Of course, when no one can stop them, the US military will be blamed somehow.

Category: Terror War

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Go ahead UN. Feel free to jump right in there….. WITHOUT the U.S.


Yes United Nations, thanks for finally weighing in. So here’s what you boys do. Get together a multinational, UN backed, Blue Helmet, military force and go knock yourselves out. Pardon us here in America if we sit this one out. We’ve sorta been there and done that. So it’s your turn. What, you say? You can’t find any UN member nations willing to front some military might for the cause without the U.S. in the lead, in dollars, force numbers and basically taking the lead in every respect. Who knew? Except you’ll probably want our troops to wear those spiffy, high value target, blue helmets, just to give the terrorists a little better aim point. The UN is and has been a worthless organization for decades. They sit on their hands until nations who continually vote against America in council see a need for help when their interests are threatened. They really and truly could care less how fast Iraq falls and how many are killed or whether the U.S. Embassy falls into ISIS hands. They really don’t care. They just decided that it was time, since we are already sending troops to get off their hands and pipe up. You know, like Obama trying to look good as a Monday morning quarterback. Screw the UN and evacuate all Americans from Iraq NOW. Pop the balloon and leave ISIS with nothing to take hostage and let Maliki fight it out with the well trained, well equipped army we left him with. They’ll have the country they are willing to fight and die for and no more. That’s all any people or nation deserve. I’m giving long odds that not one UN member nation is signing up to put troops in Iraq. Any takers?

Club Manager

Sparks, I have to respectfully disagree with part of your contention, the part about our “sitting this one out”. Hell no. We have at least a battalion of poser Seal/Force RECON/SF – all trained and decorated snipers. We can get them a pretty pink helmet so they can easily be seen and their sight alone should do it. Of course, all will be behind the lines or surrender and become POW’s so they can escape and wreck havoc on the enemy. As far as their UN Commander, I say if they have an officer who can find his butt using both hands and a mirror, he becomes their battalion commander.


Club Manager…Roger that! I can come up with a Battalion’s worth of folks we can do without.

A Proud Infidel®™

I hereby nominate Commander Phildo for the TFCO with Giduck as their TFXO!

Green Thumb

And Jay Kerwin can provide his services as a rent boy when dudes need release from the pressure.

Green Thumb

And do not forget Angel Gomez.


The Round Ranger and Round Marine could HALO in and be the pathfinders to set up the LZ. You can’t have a battalion of super high speeds just transport in like everybody else. They should all jump in with their gear. The LZ could be in Fallujah. Being all super trained, they should jump in on the next moonless night. A priority list could be produced for jump order based on poser MOS. Seal snipers first, and last would be Air National Guard supply clerks. Due to the sexiness of this mission, all main stream media anchors will make up the media pool. The Revs Sharpton and Jackson will jump in as unit chaplains.

Club manager, you are awesome! I could play with this thread all day!


and if you had a tie, two Seal Sniper Master Chiefs, the one with the most fake Navy Crosses gets to jump first.


Tankboy…And Chevy Chevalier could fly cover and support in his EC-130 Compass Call.

Green Thumb

And do not forget General Maggots and Rice to run the operational component.

Obviously with Jake Dilberto as his assistant.

And while we are at it, may Joe Teti can run the PSD.


We could send Dennis Howard Chevalier in, flying a C-130, to “fuck them terrorists up!” :mrgreen: 😈

Green Thumb

With the amount of cheese that turd eats, he could fart and wipe them out.

Chemical attack.

Green Thumb

On second thought, that might be a bad idea.

Between him bitching about Jim Parker the and rat-fucking MREs the whole time, a lot might not get accomplished.


I know a highly skilled pilot that can fly them all the way to the crash sight. And give free legal advice outside of the continental U.S.

Roger in Republic

They will have to go in with rented soldiers from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Indonesia. A truly fearsome fighting force, except Friday and Saturday. The UN does not instill fear in the current bunch of insurgents, or in other folks I know of. They are pretty good at rape though.

Delilah T.

Send in the French. Those Johnny Crapauds really know how to… well, bore them to death.

Pinto Nag

Oh, shit. Now that Barry has UN approval, he probably WILL send troops in.


Pinto Nag…That did not cross my mind until you wrote it and I am remiss in not seeing it before. With UN approval, all bets are off with Obama now. He will take that as a thumb’s up to do as he pleases. God help our country. God protect out Americans in Iraq.

Delilah T.

bodaprez wants to send half a billion bucks to the Syrians. Haven’t we spent enough money and lives in that pisshole known as the Middle East?

When is that asshole leaving office? I can’t wait until he’s fired.


What does this do to the “no WMD” argument? Can hardly wait to hear why it is justified now but wasn’t back then.

John "Faker 6" Giduck

I’m available to go on short notice. I’ve watched Rambo 3 a number of times so I know Afghanistan well. My explosive arrows are ready and as you know I am a one man shovel fighting machine (although I’m a already bit winded just from writing this).

Did I mention I wrote a book and have photoshopped combat photos?

What? This is Iraq? There’s no difference from Afghanistan is there? Just know that if this was a cupcake eating contest, I’d have ISIS beat hands down.


John “Faker 6” Giduck

Green Thumb

You need a team.

I nominate AJ Dicken.


Green Thumb…And Phil Monkress with the entire staff of All-Points Logistics.

Delilah T.

Take Visconi along, will you? That will validate his awards. And the Brooklyn seal, too – he could just squash the opposition.


Looks like Ban KI Moon finds himself between Iraq and a hard place. Perhaps he can lead the Ruff Writers on a charge up Sum Wan Hill.


I’m down! I need me some more stripes on my right sleeve and a UN ribbon. My bags are packed! Just give me some time to get a contract marriage and clean my urine, I mean, put my stuff in storage…yeah…


Before anyone beats me to it! If you can’t laugh at yourself, well.


vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka iraq arabic for vietnam

So now america is on the side of russia syria and iran wow! Iraq is now arabic for, well I don’t know now!

Looks like vwp is going to be pro war in Iraq pretty soon…

A Proud Infidel®™

VWPissbucket, you claim to be “on the side of peace”, so does the United Nothing. Maybe it’s TIME FOR YOU TO PACK YOUR BAGS AND GO OVER THERE YOURSELF, ya glue-sniffing inbred little pile of shit!

Mr. Blue

Now THAT is a great idea.

How about it, vwp? Want to put your ideals to the test and show us how to wage peace? Are you just a coward, long on talk but ready to piss himself if he is actually threatened?

How much fun would it be to be sitting in a bar and have the guy next to you say “I post on web sites as vietnam war protester aka uss liberty aka arabic for vietnam.” It would be way more rewarding than a faceless poster. Calling someone a blithering dumbass and other things all while you discuss the dubious nature of their genetic code is always much more rewarding in person.

Climb to Glory

I agree, but I don’t think that fucktard would fair very well physically if he met some of the guys on this site face to face.

Delilah T.

Or the girls, either.

Mr. Blue

I doubt you could stand sitting next to him. The lingering miasma of stale urine, pot smoke, vomit, and unwashed hobo stank would be quite unbearable.

A Proud Infidel®™

Along with the smell of the plastic model glue and spray paint he just huffed!


That a major influx of US troops back into Iraq is going to happen is almost a certainty now. They along with other countries troops will work to clean up the mess once again.

I hope those in charge make sage decisions and protect our warriors


Same U.N. that was attacked in Iraq and then immediately left.

We really should stop funding that horse shit organization.

Farflung Wanderer

So, wait, *now* the UN is okay with an invasion of Iraq?

They’re only a decade late.


Well, Farflung Wanderer, arguably not. UN Resolution 1441 of Nov 2002 delcared Iraq in violation of multiple post-Gulf War UN resolutions. Many legal scholars hold that this triggers the previous authorization for member state use-of-force against Iraq in UN Resolution 678 – which was the Nov 1990 UN Resolution authorizing the first Gulf War.

This opinion is not universally held. But the argument is a fairly persuasive one, if for no other reason than plain common sense and logic, as follows: “The UN authorized force against you; we stopped hostilities contingent on you complying with these other requirements; and you’re not holding up your end of the bargain. So we’re coming after you again to force compliance.”

Farflung Wanderer

Wow. That’s really interesting.

From everything I’ve ever heard about Iraq from the MSM or my school textbooks, it sounds like the US and a few NATO allies went Rambo without UN authorization.

This tells an entirely different picture.


Well now, Mr. Putin has a perfectly nice army all spun up just north of eastern Ukraine, a mere 1,350 miles north and a little west of Baghdad. I wonder if he is thinking about volunteering to help out? He might have to make a path through Georgia and negotiate with Turkey or Azerbaijan but he doesn’t have to fly or sail, he can drive. Or he could make a deal and go around the east side of the Caspian and through Iran. I wonder about the internal politics and geopolitics of that? I wonder how desperate Mr. al Maliki is?

Closer to home, he could make a deal with Iran – after all they are both Shia. Iran gets influence in Iraq and potential land access to Saudi, the Gulf States, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. That sound exciting.

Delilah T.

Well, maybe the ol’ UN can fix Detroit City’s water problem, since the residents have written to protest their water being cut off.


Delilah T.

Meantime, bodaprez is trying to ‘connect’ with ‘real’ Americans who are struggling, instead of spending that $500 million on them; that’s the money he wants to send to Syrian rebels.


The disconnect from reality is just blowing my mind.