Mexican Army chopper crosses border

| June 27, 2014

ROS sends a link to Tucson’s KVOA which reports that a Mexican Army helicopter crossed into the US, the fellows riding on it then fired at Border Patrol and returned to Mexico;

Art del Cueto, Border Patrol Tucson Sector union president:

The incident occurred after midnight and before 6 a.m. Helicopter flew into the U.S. and fired on two U.S. Border Patrol agents. The incident occurred west of the San Miguel Gate on the Tohono O’odham Indian Nation. The agents were unharmed. The helicopter went back into Mexico. Mexico then contacted U.S. authorities and apologized for the incident.

Well, see, they apologized, so we’re cool now. I wonder if Marine Segeant Andrew Tahmooressi ever thought about apologizing.

By the way, President Polk got tired of the Mexican Army crossing the border in Texas and he sent the US military to Mexico City to teach them a lesson. I guess they forgot that lesson after 168 years. Or maybe they’re hoping that we do invade and take more of their shithole country from them. After all, Polk was a Democrat.

Category: Foreign Policy

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Stay classy Mexico.


I am done with anything and anyone due south of Texas … I say game on … Send them ALL back and lock down the border … Oh, never mind!


James K. Polk is my all-time favorite president. He had one campaign promise–manifest destiny. He went all in, took what we wanted, and decided against running for a second term because he accomplished his promise… And he had a mullet.


Oh yeah, manifest destiny. That’s something to support. Way to represent.


The Original Honey Badger!


We should just landmine the border and put up a farking wall like Berlin. Oh wait,
that wouldn’t be politically correct.


My teenaged kids and I watched the movie “Pacific Rim” where the humans were building these ginormous walls to protect their cities. That’s what we need to do here – build up concrete walls over 60 feet high, with razor wire and claymores at the top. If they scale the wall and survive, then maybe they can stay.


I’m sure Halliburton is already lobbying for the contract.


Topic of discussion in the shop this morning is how to mount sidewinders on a CBP truck. We’ve decided to go with stingers instead.

The Other Whitey

Chaparral system?


Chief Mechanic says twin .50’s on a truck. Sometimes low-tech is the best answer.

B Woodman

A semi-auto Barret .50 cal should do the trick. One or two rounds through the rotor mount or engine area should get the point across.


Yep, that’s all we need. A Gun Truck Platoon with M55 Quad 50’s mounted on 2 and 1/2 or Five Tons on a rolling 24 hour patrol. A live fire demonstration into the water flowing in the Rio Grande would prove very beneficial to keeping the waders down to a minimum.

Pinto Nag

Wait a minute…we had a foreign military aircraft cross our border, and our Air Force didn’t respond? Aren’t we supposed to scramble jets, or something? What did I miss?


Pinto Nag: the incident was likely over before an aircraft could get there – and possibly before it could even get airborne. It’s possible we may not even have detected it prior to hearing the shots.

Location of the incident appears to be roughly around 100mi WSW of Tucson. Nearest air facilities suitable for combat aircraft are Davis-Monthan AFB in Tucson and the Gila Bend AF Aux Field near Gila Bend, AZ. Only the former has such aircraft permanently stationed there.

I don’t think we keep combat aircraft airborne along the SW border 24/7/365. If they had aircraft on strip alert at D-M in Tucson (and I don’t think they do), getting a pilot to and in the bird would probably take about 2-5 min. Add another 3-5 min for quick check and takeoff, and you’ve burned 5-10 min. It would then take around 10-12 min at high subsonic to get to the area. That’s a total of at least 15-22 min to respond. Worst case, add another 5 min to that (being very generous) for folks to figure out how to call for assistance and get authorization to respond.

If the incident occurred within, say, 5 miles of the border, the chopper would have time to enter/shoot/return to Mexican airspace well before the US aircraft could get there – and possibly before it even got airborne. I very seriously doubt they’d get authority to pursue into Mexico for an isolated incident like this – it would have to be a major incursion or a rather long repeating pattern IMO before that became allowable.

Above is assuming we detected the aircraft prior to someone getting shot at. Lots of canyons and ridges along that border; that creates dead spots for radars. I don’t know personally just how good the aerostats along the SW border are at detecting skilled pilots doing NOE flight in canyons/along ridges. Absent detection as it’s crossing the border, the offending bird could likely easily be back in Mexico before the responding pilot even got to the plane on strip alert.

Open Channel D

All well and good, but all bets are off when it happens on TON land. It’s a known local (I live 18 miles north of Nogales) fact that res cops allow open and regular travel across the US-Mexico border for reservation dwellers. On any given day, hundreds travel from Magdalena, Sonora to Sells, AZ and back again, without so much as ever a side look from any US official. The entire res is pockmarked with stash houses and 15-passenger vans with tinted out windows.

One of the best estimates of illegal immigration paths is the line of trash around typical border crossings. The entire TON border with Mexico looks like a New Jersey landfill.

I’m surprised it was BP agents that got shot at. Then again, not so much. If Mexican cartels have bought and paid for dozens (hundreds?) of BP agents, it’s no stretch they’ve got res cops on the payroll.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well they did apologize, we should let them know we accept the apology but we’ll still be using anti-air missiles next time and following up with a full destruction of the airbase associated with assholes who can’t figure out where they are in international airspace.

Mexico sucks, they’ve pretty much always sucked and now they suck enough it’s time to start deciding whether or not we should just annex the whole goddamn country and seal off the southern border as it’s smaller than ours….that would also eliminate NAFTA because they’d be subject to US trade and work rules. Or option two, time for militarily induced regime change, use our troops to change a regime where it might actually matter and prove useful to us over the long term.


VOV…Along with my constant position that we should wall the border and have it manned with armed guards at all times, I now think we do need anti-aircraft positions in place. To fly across the border, even by mistake is one thing, to open fire on American Border Patrol, is an act of aggression, apologies be damned. I now add we should fly patrols on the border 24/7 and any Mexican military aircraft that ventures into our airspace is shot down. Along with the destruction of its base of origin. We need to start sending messages to Mexico, loud and clear. NAFTA benefits Mexico far more than us I believe. Even with a walled border to control immigration only for legal purposes, they still need a place to sell their fruits and vegetables quickly since they are perishable. They will continue trade with us for U.S. dollars. That is all they want now anyway and they treat America and Americans like shit while enjoying our largesse. So what have we to lose? If they truly are dumb enough to want a military fight, they will lose, we will win and in short order. They have no more will to fight than Iraqis. They do what they do to their citizens and ours by keeping the most strict gun controls available, well, except for the drug cartels whom they help in their corruption and Obama helps with business as usual, like Fast and Furious. To hell with Mexico. Time for a regime change or a border policy and serious foreign policy change on our part.


VOV, if we annexed Meh-hee-co, a federal judge would, sooner rather than later, declare that all of the citizens of Meh-hee-co were, and always had been, citizens of the U.S., will full rights to welfare, food stamps, free healthcare, free housing and a new car. The rest of us would, of course, get the bill.

AW1 Tim

I’ve been calling for the closing of the border with Mexico for several years now. I want all our forces OUT of Iraq and Afghanistan. I want those troops HQ’s out of Fort Hood and deployed all along the border.

Put up mines and concertina wire and watchtowers. Set up machine gun emplacements and keep mobile reserves for reinforcing areas.

Issue shoot-to-kill orders for anyone who approaches within “X” meters of the border. Mandate that ALL traffic entering the US do so at specified checkpoints or risk being fired upon.

This is now an issue of national defense and it’s time we acted to stop this obviously armed invasion of OUR country by Mexico.


It’s been an issue of national defense for a very long time. Some were even heard to say, following 9-11, “Maybe NOW we will finally secure our border.”

Security of her citizens is one of the few legitimate functions of government. They are refusing to do so. We must all be nuts because we are allowing it to happen and have for decades.


Time to nuke TJ. From orbit.


No. Fallout into San Diego and (further) beach pollution for decades. Not acceptable.


Not even a little nuke? 😉 True, I enjoyed my visit to San Diego, very pleasant albeit brief. What about Juarez?

The Other Whitey

Hey, something like this happened in the “A-Team” movie. A Mexican general (pun intended) crosses into the US, guns blazing, and an F-22 promptly blows his ass away. Even liberal Hollywood gets this one right!

Last time I checked, Mexican military forces of any kind entering the United States and engaging in any kind of hostile action against anybody constitutes an act of war. I get that the Glorious Leader is both an idiot and a pussy, but power to declare war still rests with Congress. What the fuck?

As far as annexing Mexico, they’d probably like it, since it would save them the trouble of hopping the border. Still not worth the trouble, as Mexico is worth exactly none.

If this becomes a trend, we should leave nothing standing in Mexico City (I know, it will be hard to notice a difference) except the Chapultepec ruins, so that we can raise the Stars and Stripes over it again. The Second Mexican War Memorial will be a statue of a giant fist with the middle finger extended, built in Calexico facing south.

Just an Old Dog

I’m pretty sure our border agreement with that slice of the third world parked on our border prevents military forces from BOTH sides being within a certain distance of the border.
I understand that the Mexican Army is basically a 1950s organization.
I coud actually see one of their hair brained pilots and aircraft accidently crossing the border,
How do you accidently fire on the border patrol.
This has Cartel written all over it.


Old Dog: dunno about “cartel”, given that the Mexican Army owned up to the incident promptly. I’d say no, but could easily be wrong.

Otherwise I agree with you. Some pilots get careless (or lost) at times, and incursions happen.

But I ain’t buying that the shooting was an accidental/negligent discharge that “simply happened to occur” during an accidental incursion. IMO, more than an apology is apropos for that.

wild bill

I live in New Mexico down near that border and it has long been known that in Juarez the military enforces for one cartel and the fedarales enforce for the other that is why Juarez is a war zone. So if a military chopper crossed the border and fired on border patrol they were probably protecting a cartel shipment or distracting border patrol agents to allow a shipment to sneak past.

Climb to Glory

Why do we allow these fucks to getaway with this shit. They walk all over us and we don’t say a word. Of course we’re just a bunch of racist gringo’s. It’s time to put that third world dump in its rightful place.


Time to set up some SAM Sites along the border.

Delilah T.

This has Sinaloa and the other cartels written all over it. And why not shoot back, when someone shoots at you?

Yeah, as someone else says, it was most likely a distraction to keep the border patrol occupied, running from bullets, while something sneaked through.

The Texas Rangers are still around down there. No reason to not call them in on this.

See below according to Breitbart:

MCALLEN, Texas—A trusted law enforcement source is reporting that shots are currently being fired on the Mexican side of the U.S. border. The shots are intended to harass the increased presence of Texas law enforcement personnel.
Source: “Shots fired south of Rincon Village from Mexico. Unknown if smugglers are f***ing with the game wardens or what the deal is.” Minutes later, more information became available.

UPDATE: Source indicates federal Fish and Wildlife agents are among the law enforcement the shooter(s) are intending to harass. Source indicates this marks the second occurrence in the area in two weeks.
Read more: Breitbart


So it’s not something new, but it is something that should be stopped.

2/17 Air Cav

That’s attempted murder and of a federal law enforcement officer. That’s a capital crime. I’m sure the Dept of State and DOJ are on this…Just as sure as I am that I will hit the lotto 10 or 15 times in the next week or so.


And if the administration had proof those guys voted democrat, it probably would be a crime.


Bet they used some of Holders Guns so it’s cool. Nothing to see here


Jen Psaki is readying a new hashtag campaign for Mexico: #PleaseDontShootMXArmy! @statedeptspox. See, all better now.


Things are obviously ramping up down there. I wonder what the ROE’s are for the BP and TX State troopers? Anyone know?


For the BP. Well, they can’t fire at anyone throwing anything at them, at least they aren’t supposed to.
I doubt that anyone can even get the pResident’s attention to let him know what’s going on down there. Not that he’d give a shit, anyway. He’s off in Minnesota, telling people he’s much more comfortable there than doing what he’s paid to do.


My money is on the militia types. I really don’t like those guys as a rule – I think most of them are idiot cowboys who think real life is like airsoft. However, even an ass has its place. Let ’em let fly at the next incursion. Hell, crowdfund a bounty. I’d pitch in a few shekels for a Mexican helicopter or Hummvee brought down/engine block-holed on our side of the border.


As a half breed, I can say this with all surety- All our out of work PSD’s and vets- tell them open season on ALL Mexican govt officials and cartels. tell them drugs and counterfeit money destroyed on site- all other materials and money kept for support and sustainment. These jerk offs make our politicians look like choir boys- Want to play Mexico City? Piss me off and see what I wont do.

If they didn’t make life soo damn unbearable for the normal Mexican folk- people would stay. I believe in the stance of the Warhawk Party. So I have no problem delivering death from above- My family told me that life was hard and difficult in Mexico and Spain- so they came here. You guys have any ideas?


Remember when a Foreign Army crossing an international border and firing on that countries citizens used to be what was called an act of war?

I guess I’m just a “dreamer” of when our country was led by men with balls and a belief in our sovereignty.


Armed incursion? The armed invasion force is already on the ground here (gang bangers, terrorists, et al), with little to no resistance, so why shouldn’t they think it’s fine and dandy to do the aerial assault thing?

As others have stated in multiple places around here, I don’t support the militia types for a variety of reasons, but at this stage, I would not lift a finger to slow them down much less stop them.