Simon Waxman: Think “Redskins” is bad?

| June 27, 2014

Simon Waxman

The Washington Post can’t find much room in their pages for news about this administration’s scandals these days, but they found space to print some stupid garbage written by some perpetually outraged Leftist Simon Waxman of the Boston Review. I guess Simon was one of the millions of guilt-ridden Liberals who assuaged their “white guilt” by opposing the name of that team of US footballers in the nation’s capitol.

Now, that they’ve gained a foothold on that issue, it’s time to find something else to make themselves feel better. In Simon’s case, he wants the military to dump the Indian names from their arsenal. You know, names like Apache, Comanche, Chinook, Lakota, Cheyenne Black Hawk and Kiowa helicopters. Also the Tomahawk missile and he’s also upset that the hunt for bin Laden was Operation Geronimo.

Why do we name our battles and weapons after people we have vanquished? For the same reason the Washington team is the Redskins and my hometown Red Sox go to Cleveland to play the Indians and to Atlanta to play the Braves: because the myth of the worthy native adversary is more palatable than the reality — the conquered tribes of this land were not rivals but victims, cheated and impossibly outgunned.

Don’t forget, Simon, the 2d Infantry Division is the “Indian Head Division”. Their patch;

Indianhead Division

I’m guessing that the names were given out of respect for the warriors that our fore-bearers had for the fighting prowess of their enemies and also their allies. Unfortunately for Simon, the military is about war fighting, and the Indian Wars are part of our history, and our culture. But Simon, to fortify his argument, draws from that great American philosopher, Noam Chomsky;

Noam Chomsky has clarified the moral stakes in provocative, instructive terms: “We might react differently if the Luftwaffe were to call its fighter planes ‘Jew’ and ‘Gypsy.’ ”

Nice straw man, Noam and Simon. No comparison. Unless you’re a guilt-ridden Liberal hack trying to convince other guilt-ridden Liberals that words are sticks and stones, and that words are strictly how guilt-ridden Liberals define them.

You know what offends me, what words I think would make my life more pleasant if I never heard again? Just about everything that Liberals think I need “fighting for”. Most of all, what with all of the problems in the world, I think we can do without pencil-necked dorks who worry more about language than they do about solving those problems. In fact, I’d like to see the Washington Redskins become the Washington Pencil-Necked Dorks, to honor all of the Simon Waxmans of the world.

Thanks to the twenty or so folks who sent the link to me this morning.

Category: Liberals suck

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6th Marines uses the same Indian head.

What a worthless pimple on society that Waxman is.


Fun fact about the 2nd Infantry division: On two occasions during WW1, the 2nd ID (then just called the 2nd Division) was commanded by a USMC general. 😉

I was in 2nd ID back in 91-92. It’s a great division with a proud history. 2nd Division fought hard in WW1, in the Battle of the Bulge in WWII and was badly mauled in Korea when it ran “the Gauntlet” on the Chongchon River.


Thanks Martinjmpr; Another fun fact about the 2nd Division during WW I and the reason they were commanded by a USMC Major General is that the 5th and 6th Marines made up the division’s 4th Brigade. The other brigade was the 3rd and was US Army. The two brigades were known as the “Racehorse Brigades” because they were always racing each other to close with the enemy. A little interservice rivalry was a good motivator. Here is a link to the lineage page:

My wife’s grandfather was an 18 year old member of the 4th Brigade’s 73rd Machine Gun Company and we have a stack of original letters he sent home to his mother from the trenches.

The division was commanded by MajGen Omar Bundy then later by none other than famous Marine and later Commandant of the US Marine Corps Maj Gen John LeJeune.
Another famous Marine, two time recipient of the Medal of Honor Sergeant Major Daniel Daly was also part of the brigade. He is quoted as saying, while a First Sergeant, to rally his men “Come on you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever”?


1/509th infantry (airborne) is the Geronimos. You can be as offended as ya want by it, but when ya hear someone yell Geronimo in a bar, ya better pray ya aren’t on the receiving end of the ass kicking that is sure to follow


They should become the Washington Blood Sucking Insects making them the team of DC. (Poly meaning many, tic meaning blood sucking insect)

These are the same people who sit back and do nothing but talk about how things “should” be and how “someone” should go do something about the horrors in another country. But then never lift a finger to do anything directly themselves.


Somewhere yesterday I read a suggestion that they be named for the primary accomplishment of the denizens of D.C.:

The Washington Red Inks

I rather like Jonn’s Pencil Necked Dorks as that would be such a motivator when playing my Cowboys.

Sam Naomi

For my part Mr. Waxman is no more then a jerk without a brain. my only advise to Mr. Waxman is, “SUCK IT UP” you know nothing about baseball, myself, I like the name, Washington Redskins even though I am a Chicago Cub Fan.
Sam Naomi


I wonder if dear Simon is going to change his name so non-Christians are not offended.

The name Simon has Hebrew roots meaning “He who has heard/hears the word of God”.

As far as that goes, it’s offending to Christians as well. Do only people with the name Simon hear the word of God?


I heard the meaning of his last name is one that likes to manscape other men in the way of the Brazilian.


Simon Waxman is a nice Jewish boy of the ultra leftist variety. Probably very anti-Israel, pro Palestinian. I wonder if he’s related to that douchebag, Henry “Nostrils” Waxman from southern California.

Tom Huxton

I guess he just has not thought to complain about the “Saints” yet. I suppose the Bruins and Dolphins are exploitation of wildlife.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, we haven’t heard from those where who oppose the Redskins as a football team name. I will be interested in learning whether this is different to them and how. (And by how, I do not mean how but just plain old how.) If it is not different to them, I look forward to reading their rationale.


I guess he doesnt know his baseball history either, the Braves were originally in Boston. What a TWAT !


Dude, no freaking way does this guy get to comment on what I, as a Soldier, get to place special reverence on. I have a lot of respect for the dumb bastard that meets me and my team on the field of battle for they tangle with the best. In fact I have more respect for my enemy than this keyboard cowboy. Quote me on that, idgaf.
We owe our vanquished enemy, good, bad, indifferent. Like all of history, they brought us here and as the relative victor we should carry that. If this guy wants to divorce that perspective from culture in general, that’s his choice as contemptible as it is.
Any conversation worth a damn happens at a socially acceptable level. This argument is not even close because its happening after a government agency decided not to protect the trademark of a private company. Where is the moral outrage on that? The diktat of 50 Senators is not law and even if it becomes codified, how is seizing private property moral?

And is asymmetric war now against some international law or something? This dude should call the UN and let them know that there’s asymmetric war going on in Europe, Asia, South America, Africa…


Of course, most of us probably know that there is a long, long history of armies incorporating the symbols (and the soldiers) of their vanquished enemies into their ranks.

Look at the English Army that incorporated both Scots and Irish regiments, as well as Ghurkas and other tribal units. The Romans and the Greeks used to do the same thing, in fact just about every successful army in history has done so.


We hosted a Brit unit for a cross-nation exercise that had feathers in their berets from when the unit burned down the White House in the war of 1812. Know what we did? Laughed and drank beer. That’s how
Warriors respect each other.


Last time I checked a Tomahawk was a weapon. Long handled ax that could also have been thrown. So why can’t we name a weapon aftwr another weapon. Also black hawks, besides being a Native American tribe are…wait for it hawks (as in the bird) that are black. So what’s wrong with naming a bird after a bird?
I didn’t think Mass passed a legalized pot law yet…


I’m sure it warms the hearts of the many Marines I knew with American Indian ancestry that some limp-wrist Boston scribbler is very aggrieved on their behalf over the nicknames of helicopters.

You know, I always wonder – all these dipshits who profess such endless concern and sympathy for the plight of the Indians, have any of them ever done one concrete thing to help Indians? Anything at all other than writing bitchy op-eds about the Washington Redskins and helicopters?


Hell no! This squanderer of the First Amendment and click-baiter is just whipping up blind fervor. He’s got to pay for that fancy college education somehow.
Yep, just called him a whore.


Seeing that our little chode Simon is from Boston, assuming he voted in the 2012 election, I’m curious as for whom he cast his ballot for US Senator?

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess it was for Squaw High Cheekbones of the Wannabe Tribe, more commonly known as Fauxcahontas, Lizzie Warren.

C’mon Simon, someone pretends to be a Native American so they can get a sweet paid gig at Harvard, and that doesn’t offend you? Fucking hypocrites.

The Other Whitey

Simon WaddedPanties, clean the yeast out of your vaj, quit being a puss, and shut the fuck up.

You notice which group is not getting behind your little white-guilt crusade? ACTUAL INDIANS!!! They don’t give ray’s nutsack about this! They have plenty if real grievances to worry about, grievances that liberals like yourself ignore entirely.

In summation, fuck off.

The Other Whitey

That’s supposed to be “rat’s nutsack.” Damned iPhone!

Climb to Glory

Outstanding Other Whitey. What a penis this guy is. Anyone who uses Noam Chompsky to make they’re argument they lose me immediately.

The Other Whitey

Seriously, just look at the turdburglar’s picture! Tell me that everything about him doesn’t just SCREAM, “I need my ass kicked!”

He’s a fucking new-age, white-guilt, left-of-Lenin, silver-spoon wanker who grew up a lot richer than I did and most likely wears carries a man purse (nothing manly about it) and drives a smartcar. Probably drives like a total asshole in that smartcar, too. I’d bet my monthly salary that he’s also a total pussy in a face-to-face confrontation. And all of this apparently makes him smarter and holier than us.

Fucking queerbait pussy…



I ain’t ghey, but I love you, man!

Delilah T.

I think it’s that smug little smirk on those thin lips of his that is most offensive. Droopy eyelids and a rat on his face, too.
I knew someone like that in college: couldn’t stop running his mouth, and never had anything positive or good to say about anything or anyone. This twit must be his clone.


Coffee is too manly a drink for this punkass bitch. He is definitely a double-frothed latte sipper. Or a more expensive chick drink from the Starbucks menu board.


The Other Whitey…I wanted to say it better but…I can’t. Thanks.


As always people like this hijack issues as a way to make themselves look like saviors of “those poor minorities”. If anything is racist its this white jerkoff’s need to act as a parental protector to people not of his race. Why doesn’t this asshole go and lecture the Apache tribe that blessed the newest model helicopter how wrong they are, and how he knows what’s best for them?


Looks like he’s about to say “would you like fries with that?”


It’s good to see that the commenters in the WaPo are almost unanimously hammering Waxman – including several who identify as liberals.

Give Waxman credit for uniting liberals and conservatives!


I doubt that I am the first to suggest this… but the ‘Redskins’ would much better represent their city by changing their nickname to ‘Foreskins’.

Slick Goodlin

I spent 8 years in Army Grumman OV-1D “Mohawk” Surveillance Aircraft.

I don’t think they’d like the official Mohawk patch either.


If honor matters to the members of our armed forces, they will agree.

That’s the single most offensive line in Waxman’s little screed. Who the fuck does this effete little crotch-sniffer think he is to lecture those who have served about honor?

Hey, Waxman, eat a bag of penis.

A Proud Infidel®™

Little Boy Waxman looks like the typical candyassed snot-spined booger-eating self-entitled white guilt liberal indoctrinated by the seven years spent in college to get a BS Degree in Gender Studies along with barely passing something alleged to be urinalism.


Sometimes I think people write garbage just to make a living. The more putrid, the better. Waxman is one such garbage spewer, LTC Batemen is another.

Top W Kone
2/17 Air Cav

“Well, we haven’t heard from those where who oppose the Redskins as a football team name. I will be interested in learning whether this is different to them and how.” (27 June 1:24 p.m. comment of mine)

Still waiting here.


Thank God there is so little, of so little importance going on in this country, as well as the rest of the world that these libtards can focus on these super vital issues.

I wish I could ignore the problems that their liberal leadership is/are creating for me and my (our) country that my (our) children will be paying for.

I really hate them and I TRY to live by Christian values where hate is wrong.

SSG Bryan Ott