Russia moves troops back to Ukraine frontier
Last month, Russians moved their 40,000 troops from the Ukraine border, but according to NATO, some of those troops are moving back into action, says The Washington Times;
Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke by telephone to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande, voicing strong concern about the Ukrainian military onslaught. Putin said he expects Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to immediately launch his plan to end the violence, the Kremlin said.
Putin and Poroshenko then discussed details of the peace plan in a phone call – their second conversation this week. Poroshenko’s office said he emphasized the need for introducing effective border controls and quickly releasing hostages.
Russia has denied Ukrainian and Western allegations that it is fomenting the rebellion by sending troops and weapons into Ukraine.
I guess it has nothing to do with the fact that we’re all looking at Iraq this week. But, don’t worry, Ukrainians, Joe Biden is on the case, according to another Washington Times article;
He vowed that America, along with allied partners, would “impose further costs” on Russia if leaders there didn’t quit sending weapons to separatists across the border, NBC News reported.
Mr. Biden said the United States had already asked Russia to quit sending arms to eastern Ukraine — and that Russia was standing in defiance.
The White House released a short summary of the leaders’ talks, NBC News reported: “The vice president noted that the United States would work with our partners to impose further costs on Russia if it continued on its current course.”
I’m sure the Russians are shaking in their boots given the number of empty threats that this administration has flung around over the last few years. So we have Kerry dealing with al Qaeda and Iran and Joe Biden dealing with the Ukraine. What could possibly go wrong?
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy
I’m guessing that Obama’s “Red Line” on the Ukraine is somewhere around the Vistula River
Yep- he’s got Kerry and Biden doing the heavy lifting while he’s out golfing. A win win situation. I’m nearly sure the outcome will be wonderful. I’m almost positive.
“Putin’s peace plan,” defined as, “Russia takes the eastern half of the Ukrainian landmass, with parts of the western half for good measure, because they can. Anybody who says otherwise can and will get fucked.”
Putin knows the paper warrior in DC is not going to do shit about it…
I work with a Ukraine national who is ethnically Russian. They don’t want the Bear back as much as the ethnic Ukrainians do. A small minority assisted greatly by the former KGB/FSB is creating any and all of the problems in the Ukraine.
I wrote this last night and this morning, Associated Press is reporting that pro-Russian rebels are now operating tanks inside the Ukraine and that 7 Ukrainian troops were killed overnight.
What could possibly go wrong? O takes personal charge of either crisis…or a new one.
Not that it’s in his character to take responsibility, but it if his ego demands it…watch out.
Maybe we could integrate some type of Pro-Gay stance into our foreign policy with the Russians?
That seems to be about all Obummer has done.
“So we have Kerry dealing with al Qaeda and Iran and Joe Biden dealing with the Ukraine. What could possibly go wrong?”
Exactly what I was thinking. Although that Easter Island statue Kerry was a “war hero” so we got that going for us which is nice.
Oh no, not the Sternly Worded Diplomatic Note – not that!!