Obama’s solution for Iraq; 300 troops and John Kerry

| June 20, 2014

Yep, it’s been a week now since al Qaeda forces cut a swath across Iraq pointed at Baghdad, and the president finally decided that he’s going to put boots on the ground – nearly 300. Well, 300 + 1 – John Kerry is going, too. But, that’s the same thing the White House told us last week, isn’t it? Well, it’s new again, according to the New York Times;

Mr. Obama said he still believed that the solution to Iraq’s strife was political, not military. He said he was sending Secretary of State John Kerry to Europe and the Middle East this weekend to build support among Iraq’s Arab neighbors for a multisectarian government in Baghdad.

The president also suggested that there was a constructive role for Iran, Iraq’s Shiite neighbor, to play in the crisis if, he said, “it is sending the same message to the Iraqi government that we are sending.” But he warned that Iran would be a destructive force if it supplied “armed forces on behalf of the Shia.”

So, basically, we waited for a week to see if anything would change and it didn’t. The President says that the solution to Iraq’s problems is political and not military. With what political entity does he plan to negotiate? I know he means that Maliki needs to change his ways like he promised years ago, but there is no political solution to al Qaeda at the gates of Baghdad. The only thing that al Qaeda understands is death, and unless they plan to have Kerry bore them to death, they’re going to need to apply some military force to the ranks of al Qaeda in mass quantities.

Category: Terror War

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Combat Historian

john kerry was in VIETNAM, just in case you didn’t know, a real RIVER RAMBO and all…


maybe this trip will be seared…seared in his memory. How wide is the Euphrates? Would he able to re-enact his Christmas trip up the Mekong to Cambodia, ’69?

Hack Stone

Not positive , but I believe that John Kerry’s Christmas trip to Csmbodia was December 1968. Don ‘t you remember, President Nixon sent him? Nixon was the first time traveling President, since he did not occupy the White House until January 1969.


That is correct. Kerry originally claimed to have been in Cambodia on Christmas Eve, 1968 – “while Nixon was claiming we had no forces in Cambodia”. He later backpedaled from that claim, saying he’d erred and was on a border mission at the time, but might have strayed unknowingly across the border. He further claimed at that later time to have conducted clandestine missions into Cambodia in Jan-Feb 1969.



John “I wish my last name was Kennedy” Kerry will probably come back with anoth Silver Star and Purple Heart and toss them over the white house fence again…


I’ll see your John Kerry and raise you an almost unbelievably small airstrike.


“I will send tribes of people against you who love death more than you love life. We will fight until God decides between you and us.” Or something like that.

I’m sure a political solution is right around the corner.

The Other Whitey

I’m on the edge of my seat waiting to see what brilliant political solution the Glorious Leader is going to pull out of his ass to solve the problem of large numbers of heavily-armed mass-murdering serial rapists marauding across central Iraq. No, really, I am! Especially now that they have their hands of lot and lots of American hardware, courtesy of the chickenshit cowards of the Iraqi “Army.” Yeah, that doesn’t sound at all like a military problem right there! I’m sure they can all just talk out their differences.

Is Obama really THIS much of an idiot? JESUS H. CHRIST!!!

On the bright side, this situation does offer a unique opportunity to make John “I got all these medals in Vietnam, fo’ reelz, yo” Kerry go away.


Wait a second… did you say “serial rapists”?

Who you gonna call?


oh, damn, they’ve gone off and f*cked the Wheaties again… bastards.

Delilah T.

‘Is Obama really this much of an idiot?’

Oh, TOW, I have to know if that’s a rhetorical question or a cry in the wilderness before I can answer you.

I do not see anything good coming out of this. Nothing at all. The sectarian differences are simply an excuse for violence.

Those of you who have said the Iraqis cannot be motivated to stand up for themselves are correct. They don’t WANT to be motivated, they want you to do everything for them. WE have wasted enough lives on that pisshole.

At this point, I’m not even sure that carpet bombing would suffice. The invasion should have been stopped at the border by Iraqis, but they ran away. Then they were caught, herded onto trucks, herded into ditches and shot at pointblank range. Sound familiar?

Well, it won’t stop. It will get worse. And I will start counting the days until bodaprez rescinds / recants / contradicts himself and orders troops to Iraq. Dempsey was sitting at a table before a hearing committee yesterday or Wednesday, lobbying to get troops sent back there.

B Woodman

Wasn’t this how VietNam got started back in the late 50s-early 60s? With a handful of “advisers”?


Yes, it was.


Early 1950s, actually. Military Assistance and Advisory Group – Indochina (MAAG-I) was established to assist the French during the First Indochina War in 1950 – during the Truman Administration. MACV was the indirect successor organization to MAAG-I (MAAG-V existed for a time, then became MACV).


I guess Kerry finally go around to watching “The 300 Spartans” and got some inspiration….


Yeah, I think the “300” number might have been an unfortunate choice, even if it is a coincidence.

BTW, doing the math here and 300 SF troops sounds like a full battalion (18 ODAs at 12 men each = 216, which leaves 84 augmentees/support/command personnel.) Obviously, they won’t be organized like that, but will be task organized, augmented, etc, but I wonder where the “lucky” battalion will come from?


I thought I heard that John Kerry served in Vietnam somewhere, I am happy that I know for sure now thanks to all the people that have reassured me that he did.
Maybe we’ll get lucky and they will kidnap him and hold him to trade with us for Hillary Clinton. Wouldn’t that be swell, just swell !!!


Then we get into the list of who else we’d throw in with Hillary. Not enough time, not enough electrons to go through that list.


No boots on the ground!! Well, maybe 600 boots and two Oxfords…

Sam Naomi

Hi Guys, I’am back, hope I have’nt missed out on anything, or did I. Just wanted to drop in to say thanks for the get well cards to my wife after her stroke. Things are looking real good, she’s doing her rehab twice a week, and if all keeps going as is I look to break out the fishing poles next month, so again, many thanks for the get well cards, you guys are the best.
Sam Naomi