Kyle Carpenter to be awarded the Medal of Honor today

| June 19, 2014

At about 2:15 Eastern Time today, the President will award medically retired Kyle Carpenter the Medal of Honor. He shielded his mates from a grenade blast with his own body. From USAToday;

“I don’t think I’d ever thought about what I would do in that situation,” Carpenter said by phone from Columbia, S.C., where he attends the University of South Carolina. “I don’t think there is any way to know until you’re faced with it. But I did what I was trained to do, and that is protect my fellow Marines at all costs.”


Fellow soldiers pleaded for him to “fight” and “hang on.” He recalled their voices sounded far away.

“I thought about my family,” he said, “and how sad and disappointed they would be that I didn’t make it out of Afghanistan alive.”

He said a final prayer. That’s the last thing he remembers before waking up in a room at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., with Christmas stockings hanging on the walls.

You can watch Carpenter receive his medal here – but keep in mind that it’s an honest-to-goodness miracle that he’s even here among us.

Category: Real Soldiers

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God bless Kyle Carpenter. Thank God for Marines and Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen like him. Men who would give all, to save their fellow warriors. All my respect and honor are at their highest for this young man.


Dude is the penultimate poster child for HARDCORE.

A Purple Heart glass eye.

I wonder if he’ll get a MOH star on a glass eye.

The Other Whitey

Agreed. This guy can take my man card and wipe his ass with it.




I worry about our future, and then I see the courage and sacrifices of people like Kyle Carpenter, and I breathe just a bit easier.

Toasty Coastie

A true hero. Blessings of light and love to him, his family and troops.

Henry S Weeks

May God Bless Him For Rest Of His Life

Veritas Omnia Vincit

There are no real words that matter here, but words are all I have to work with.

Willing to sacrifice himself for his brethren says everything you need to know. No thought about himself, just saving his comrades.

That’s immeasurable intestinal fortitude.

I am humbled that we have men like this in our midst.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

We are all better off because we have this young man amongst us. God bless the United States Marines.

2/17 Air Cav

I stopped watching when the Emperor began his VA Commercial. That is beyond forgiveable. Sure, thank the doctors but this was a Medal of Honor presentation ceremony–or it was supposed to be, anyway. The doctors did their jobs. That is what they were supposed to do. What Carpenter did was extraordinary, selfless, and inspirational. God Bless him and his family who raised such a man.

Climb to Glory

Go figure. I couldn’t watch. I knew he’d try to make it about him and steal that deserving Marines moment. Semper Fi Diablo Perro.

Climb to Glory

It’s always politics with that guy.


During the 2012 campaign, I had occasion to go to a few ceremonies where I had to endure Holder and Napolitano speaking.

During their time at the podium, both of them injected a talking point reminding the audience of something that Dear Leader had done for them.

One of the occasions was the Candlelight Vigil at the LEO Memorial in DC. How tacky, but not surprising!

What was surprising was that the CBP cop standing in front of me at the ceremony actually applauded Holder when he was introduced. I was floored.


Does he have to repeat “Commander In Chief for Dummies-101” now? Unfuckingbelievable.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, I was expecting him to say, “As Kyle’s Commander in Chief, I guess you could say I was responsible for his being in a position to do what he did. Plus, I am the President and I personally approved this message–er, Medal of Honor.” and I hope “Kyle” called the skinny guy with the ears “Barack.” Fair is fair.


Lest we forget:
I can’t wait for regime change.

Pinto Nag

God bless this man, who has both strength and courage.


Stark contrast between his miracle and the “miracle” busted in the next article!

I always find it a pity that the MoH is awarded by whomever the sitting President is – so few are fit to kiss the feet of those they award. Especially this one.

HS Sophomore

God bless, Mr. Carpenter.

Delilah T.

I see people like Carpenter, who amaze me.

And then I see other people who can’t hold a candle to them.

And then I see Carpenter again, and others like him. Enough said.


I am always amazed by the humility of those awarded the MOH.


Such a shame such an honorable man had to be awarded by such a dishonorable man.

Semper Fidelis, Marine.

B Woodman

My thought exactly. An honorable man, being presented the nation’s top military honor, by this CIC (Communist In Chief) O’Baomao.


Shai Dorsai!


Maybe I shouldn’t say it, but I bet Corporal Carpenter wouldn’t even think of walking outside of the wire.

Bravo Zulu, Corporal! I salute you, sir!