Rickey Wagoner; phony crime victim

| June 19, 2014


Some of you may have read about Rickey Wagoner, a 49-year-old in Dayton, Ohio who claimed that a Bible in his pocket had saved him from some thugs who tried to rob him. He even had a bullet wound in his leg to prove the encounter. Well, Dayton police are doubtful that it happened that, according to the Washington Times;

“This assault, as reported, is not true, not accurate,” said Dayton Police Chief Richard Biehl at a recent news conference, The Associated Press reported.

Police aren’t going as far as saying the entire story was a fabrication, but they are saying that simulated firings show that a Bible wouldn’t have protected the victim from wounds.


His story made national headlines — especially because of the Bible angle that seemed to suggest his saving was directly due to a higher power. But now police say his story can’t be true, and that the Bible couldn’t have saved him as he insisted, AP said.

Everyone is phony, I guess. By the way, you didn’t read about Mr. Wagoner here until today.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Just an Old Dog

Guy looks pretty pathetic. Anything to get attention I guess. When I worked doing termite inspections I ran into a loon like this.
He was trying to get the Radio Host Roger Hedgecock to talk about it, and get the story ran in the paper. He was bitching that “Roger” ( that’s right he considered himself on a first name basis with him) was ignoring him.
He had an over abundant amount of patriot stuff and conservative talk show host posters and books all over.
When I did he inspection I notived that he had had 4 more companies out in the past two days.
To make matters wore he was the renter, not the owner, The owner must be the one to have any work done.
A few months later we got a new inspector who had worked for another company that knew the guy.
The guy was famous for calling different service companies out and running bs stories by them.


Great! Thank you Rickey Wagoner for yet another black eye for folks that use their Bibles for what it was intended for. Thanks very much! Remember Rickey, God knows all truth and He knows your story…ain’t. Also, when God throws lightening bolts at someone Rickey, His aim is always perfect!

Green Thumb

I wonder if this clown knows the “Big Turd” Riley Keeton.

Very similar in many ways.

2/17 Air Cav

First off, it wasn’t a Bible but a book of Bible verses. Second, the police went out of their way not to brand his story a complete fabrication. Third, so what? He isn’t a representative, elected or appointed, of Christianity so what’s the big deal? The story isn’t a story at all. As far as I am concerned, it was an opportunity to knock Christians. I don’t recall seeing the original story. And if no one in the media has noticed, there does appear to be a common thread among another religion: terrorism. But you know what they are called in the Big Media? Terrorists.


Live near (but far enough away) from Dayton. When this story broke I told some friends something was not right and that it was BS.

Roger in Republic

There is one way that a book could have stopped a bullet. Ammo mis-match. A PO friend of mine took a .38 off of a banger that was loaded with .32 ammo. The punk has used black electricians tape on the .32’s so they would stay in the cylinder.In this scenario the slugs would sort of bloop out of the barrel. They may have been stopped by a pocket bible.


We must ban electrical tape!


Dude looks like a fat(ter) version of Jason Alexander…