First Army Nurse since Vietnam War killed

| July 22, 2007

Captain Maria Ines Ortiz was killed in Iraq on the 10th of July according to a Defense Department press release. She was my wife’s close friend and I thought she deserved notice by my readers. She’s the first Army nurse to be killed in action since the Vietnam War. According to the Washington Post, she was killed by cowards firing mortars at the hospital in the Green Zone while she was finishing up her PT session. Also according to the Post;

At Walter Reed Army Medical Center, where Ortiz served from 2001 to 2003 as a dialysis nurse, Medical Command officials are considering whether to honor her by naming a building or clinic in her memory.

Category: Support the troops, Terror War

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Tell your wife I am very sorry for the loss of her friend, and also for the loss of a brave Soldier. This craven act is further evidence that terrorists cannot fight us one-on-one. They have to hit unarmed soft targets in order to be effective. As I said before, had I the power: no prisoners, no mercy.



My sincerest condolences to your wife and María’s family.