Sheehan begs facists to protect her from Nazis

| July 22, 2007

COBDanny at Crotchety Old Bastard sent me this story of Mutha Sheehan’s latest attempt at throwing the spotlight on herself;

At the School of the Assassins in Columbus, GA and in Charlotte, NC, we ran into similar problems: police presence that seemed to be there to foster violence. At both places the neo-Nazi, pro-war fascist group “Gathering of Eagles” came out to mostly try to intimidate us from our mission. At Ft. Benning, after we complained, the police kept them separate from us, but in Charlotte, the police refused saying that the Eagles had their rights to “freedom of speech.” But the Eagles’ freedom of speech has included physical threats against me and actual physical force against kids and women. When the Charlotte police were told this, they said that they couldn’t keep them apart from our group until the Eagles actually did something. So I chose to stay away from the rally rather than going and perhaps cause them to hurt someone else because of my presence. Freedom of speech is one thing, but I don’t believe the First Amendment protects violent speech, especially if it is one of the neocons or their media supporters calling for increased violence in the Middle East.

I guess we should forgive her for emboldening the Islamofacists who continue to kill our troops – all for the sake of her free speech. And I’m sure calling the Gathering of Eagles Nazis and neocons will certainly make them much less violent, you pustule on the backside of humanity. Oh, did you know your heartthrob, Hugo Chavez, was a graduate of the School of the Americas – dumbass.

The Gathering of Eagles’ blog tells a different story in Charlotte;

Sheehan, one of the best-known opponents of the war in Iraq, stayed in her car during the antiwar rally at Bryant Park that drew about 125 people.

Instead of addressing the crowd — some of her supporters said there was concern about her safety — Sheehan moved to Talley’s Green Grocery in Dilworth.

In a police memo dated July 19, Capt. Doug Gallant, who reviewed and evaluated the event in Bryant Park, said he was “quite frankly, surprised there have been complaints….”

The police memo says the 14 officers on hand noticed no displays that violated North Carolina law. One protester began using profanity, the memo says, and an officer asked the person to stop cursing.

The memo also says that police didn’t have to bring in physical barriers, like bike racks, to keep the groups away from each other. At one point, Sheehan’s security advisor said she had concerns about the Gathering of Eagles, and officers asked the group to move back, creating a buffer of at least 25 feet.

Imagine that, Sheehan was scared of people who disagree with her. The truth can be frightening, can’t it? It must’ve broken her shriveled little heart to ask the facist police to protect her from the Nazis. It’s been my experience that the Gathering of Eagles guys are law abiding citizens who wouldn’t harm a fly – unless manhandled by the wrong people – true Americans in every sense of the word.

SWAC Girl has photos and independent reporting on the Charlotte event as does Daily Progress, and the Journal of Civilized Man.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Gathering of Eagles, Politics, Society, Support the troops

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George Samek, CW-3 US Army Retired

I was the counter rally leader for the Gathering of Eagles at Bryant Park, Charlotte NC on July 17.
I stood with Cpt Larry Bailey, National Chairman for the Gathering of Eagles and a very large gruop of uncaged Eagles to face this vile woman.
I fully briefed the Code Pink leader of her protest. I told her he had older Eagles, disabled Eagles family members & childred in our group and there would not be any physical attacks by us & we expected the same from her group.
I told her we were loud, proud, and in your face, you will be called names & we will counter you in a very vocal manner.

Cindy Sheehan took one look from her car at the sight of uncaged Eagles on the field & she drove away to a local feed & seed & left her supporters to face the Eagles alone
Cindy Sheehan is a moral & physical coward, 14 armed Charlotte Police Officers were there to insure her safety.

It was our honor to make Cindy turn tail & run, Please Join us in Wash. DC on Sept 15 when we face the anti_America protesters in the streets of Washington DC
We need each of you on the rally line with us to insure victory for our troops.

Jonn Lilyea wrote: I’m honored that some Eagles have found their way here, and more honored that they’d post here. I’d planned on going to the anti-war rally on 9-15 anyway, but I’d be more content to be on the Eagles’ side of the rally.

It’s apparent to me that the Gathering of Eagles is having a profound effect on the anti-common sense crowd when I see cowards like Cindy Sheehan hiding from people who disagree with her. That’s been the whole problem with the Sheehan crowd – no one has had the guts to stand up to them and they honestly think that, because of their echo-chamber existence, the whole country must think as they think.

George Samek, CW-3 US Army Retired

To find more information concerning the Gathering of Eagles please visit us at our home page.


I maintain the NC G.O.E. Eagles Nest for our troops in combat, I post information and messages of support to our troops.
“Remember Me” Ms. Lizzie Plamer age 15, is a message from our FAMILY at war to their FAMILY at home, please view this and the other video’s


I didn’t even have to read the Eagles’ response to know that Sheehan’s claim of violence was bullshit. You know this moonbat really wore out her 15 minutes when she was disowned by the likes of Kos.


Jonn Lilyea wrote: Hey, Jane! I’ve also noticed that the media has pretty much tossed her aside, too. There’s hardly any press coverage of her since she announced she’d run against Pelosi.


[…] Before this princely fellow made his suggestion, someone had approached the counterprotesters and asked if they could turn down the volume on the bullhorn. Luckily there was only one volume setting – loud. Although counterprotests aren’t a new phenomena, they are more frequently attended these days. And the Left is having trouble dealing with that. Cindy Sheehan wouldn’t get out of her car last summer when faced with counterprotesters in Virginia, Code Pink demanded police protection in Miami when Cuban-American counterprotesters curtailed their little theater on Calle Ocho this month. The presence of Gathering of Eagles, Move America Forward and other organizations at ANSWER and IVAW protests, which have been relatively unopposed until recently, has driven the Left’s attendance numbers down. […]