Montgomery County protest against illegal day labor center

| July 22, 2007

I’m a resident of Montgomery County, Maryland. You probably know Montgomery County from the incident a few years ago over smoking – they enacted and then retracted a ban on people smoking in their own homes. That’s the kind of goofballs running this haven for yuppies and hippies. They’re also blocking the expansion of facilities for Walter Reed at the Bethesda Naval Hospital installation because it will tie up their traffic. But they care about the troops – uh-uh.

Well, yesterday there was a stand-off between MoCo residents at a Gaithersburg Day Labor Center funded with County taxpayer dollars. From the Washington Times;

Separated by a line of police officers, the demonstrators taunted each other, often with profanity-laced insults, from across a street for several hours outside the county-owned center in Derwood beginning at around 8 a.m.

“This trailer is in better condition than our schools,” said Brad Botwin, director of Help Save Maryland, an offshoot of the Help Save Virginia group that was formed to lobby local officials for tougher enforcement of immigration laws.

Protesters said they are angry elected officials in Montgomery County are supporting illegal aliens and the contractors who hire them with a new laborer center.

“I don’t want to do what I’m doing here today, but there are times when the government is corrupt,” said Ken Aldrich, operations director for the Maryland Minutemen Civil Defense Corps.

They make a good point, actually. The hippies and yuppies in Montogery County have let the Council run slipshod over taxpayers here for years. County income taxes are astronomical yet the coouncil has blocked useful spending on infrastructure while paying for social programs like this day labor center.

From the Washington Examiner;

“[Governor] O’Malley has put out a list of pending budget cuts for libraries, schools, care for the elderly and hospitals, but we have money for illegal aliens?,” said Brad Botwin, director of, an anti-illegal immigration group. “How is there money for this but not other things?”

County officials say they are not concerned about the protest plans.

“It’s a free country,” county spokesman Patrick Lacefield said. “I think one of the things our recent report showed is that since the newest center opened there have been no incidents of any kind, which is quite in contrast with the inflammatory rhetoric that some folks, including these groups, throw out to try and scare people.”

The county released a progress report in early July that said center staff tallied 596 daily job placements and 208 new employers using the Gaithersburg center in May.

Botwin said the figures are unreliable because they were compiled by CASA of Maryland, an immigrant advocacy group that operates the center.

“There’s nothing that an illegal can do that CASA thinks is wrong,” Botwin said. “There was no independent audit of these statistics.”

Ah, so as long as the criminals who’ve come here illegally behave themselves, we’ll throw taxpayer dollars at them, huh? That’s the kind of vacant rhetoric we like to hear from our lawmakers.

Fernando Garavito, who manages the center, said small bands of protesters routinely show up during the week.

“That is a good thing in this country, that you have freedom of speech,” he said.

Mr. Garavito said that although the center does not check the immigration status of the immigrants who come looking for work, they all pay taxes, like every other American.

So even though he doesn’t check their immigration status, he knows they pay taxes? That’s a fairly ignorant thing to say. In fact here’s even more vacuous crap coming from our County Executive, as reported by;

County Executive Isiah “Ike” Leggett supports the day-laborer center and says Montgomery County will not follow in the footsteps of Prince William and Loudoun counties. Those jurisdictions this month passed legislation against giving services to illegal immigrants.

So this one petty little criminal hiding behind an elected office presumes to speak for the entire county? In the face of protesters to his policy from that same county?

And of course the Left cloaks the protesters in xenophobic terms – that’s not true. Most of us aren’t anti-immigration – we are anti-illegal immigration. I don’t give a tiny rat’s ass how many jobs in this country are lost to immigrants – as long as the immigrants have a fricken visa.

And the entire Montgomery County Council should be locked up for aiding and abetting thousands of counts of felonies. And give me a rebate on my taxes.

Category: Economy, Politics, Society

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