NRA statement on Open Carry Texas

| June 2, 2014

The Washington Times reports that the NRA has issued a statement regrading some of the same issues that we have addressed in recent weeks in regards to the “Open Carry” movement;

“We applaud Texans for [their robust gun culture], but a small number have recently crossed the line from enthusiasm to downright foolishness,” the statement continued. “[I]t is a rare sight to see someone sidle up next to you in line for lunch with a 7.62 rifle slung across his chest, much less a whole gaggle of folks descending on the same public venue with similar arms. Let’s not mince words, not only is it rare, it’s downright weird and certainly not a practical way to go normally about your business while being prepared to defend yourself.”

“[W]hen people act without thinking, or without consideration for others – especially when it comes to firearms – they set the stage for further restrictions on our rights. Firearm owners face enough challenges these days; we don’t need to be victims of friendly fire,” the statement concluded.

Geez, I thought I was blunt, but the NRA out-blunted me. I’m glad to see the NRA take a common sense approach to this, but they could have been more vocal about it sooner and they fêted one of the leaders of the movement just a few months ago at their convention, that probably only encouraged him.

But, better late than never, I guess.

Category: Guns

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Echoes of “Happy Gilmore” – DUMBASS!


I would hope this will put an end to OCT and other groups in your face “activism”..


Hope this puts a stop the left’s claims that this is NRA supported. Dumb assed hicks!


Excellent statement. When the NRA has to tell you to knock it the hell off, you know you’re a true dunce.


Yea, took them long enough to make a statement. Probably had to have a slew of lawyers review it. Glad to see they got it right though, but it looks like they just copied/pasted straight out of the comments from TAH on the subject. Yea, the NRA just called them dumbasses. Guess that makes it unanimous then.

The Other Whitey

I dunno, I like the idea of open carry. OTOH you’ll never, ever see me doing like those guys, strutting around the mall food court with freakin’ custom Saiga that costs more than my truck with 45 pounds of tacticool latched onto it “because I can,” either.

I like the idea of open carry. That doesn’t mean I like the idea of looking like I’m trying to retake Fallujah while I’m standing in line at Arby’s. I guess my opinion on it is “you can, doesn’t mean you always should.”

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty

This is why “civilized places” texas is not have good gun control laws! We don’t let people walk around with suitcase atomic bombs even though most atomic bomb owners would not blow them up to see a mushroom cloud over a city. No more sandy hook school massacres!

B Woodman

Please do NOT feed the troll.
Thank you, your cooperation is sincerely appreciated.


OMG what a dumbass!

Great analogy: suitcase atomic bomb and 2nd Ammendment. Good God!

Why not find a Bergdahl friendly website so that you can feel more at home.


Only one word can describe this guy, moron.

The Other Whitey

VWPutz, please feel free to suckstart a howitzer.


The Derp is back must his moma canceled his Xbox account again.