Bergdahl’s victims

| June 2, 2014

Bergdahl victims

Five years ago, I was getting emails from folks who knew what happened in the Bergdahl incident. Folks from around the US in positions that would have first hand knowledge as well as people who were in Afghanistan. I made the decision that I wouldn’t say a disparaging word about what folks were telling me. Unlike Bergdahl, apparently, I knew that once the Taliban or Haqqani thought that he had no value to them, he would be a headless body in a shallow grave, irrespective of the actions that led to his capture. So, for five years, I kept my mouth shut. Now some of the people who served with Bergdahl are coming out with their stories. Like Nathan Bradley Bethea in the pages of the Daily Beast;

Our battalion suffered six fatalities in a three-week period. On August 18, an IED killed Private First Class Morris Walker and Staff Sergeant Clayton Bowen during a reconnaissance mission. On August 26, while conducting a search for a Taliban shadow sub-governor supposedly affiliated with Bergdahl’s captors, Staff Sergeant Kurt Curtiss was shot in the face and killed. On September 4, during a patrol to a village near the area in which Bergdahl vanished, an insurgent ambush killed Second Lieutenant Darryn Andrews and gravely wounded Private First Class Matthew Martinek, who died of his wounds a week later. On September 5, while conducting a foot movement toward a village also thought affiliated with Bergdahl’s captors, Staff Sergeant Michael Murphrey stepped on an improvised land mine. He died the next day.

It is important to name all these names. For the veterans of the units that lost these men, Bergdahl’s capture and the subsequent hunt for him will forever tie to their memories, and to a time in their lives that will define them as people. He has finally returned. Those men will never have the opportunity.

Now we read that the Taliban and Haqqani are doing their happy dance. From AFP;

Taliban supreme leader Mullah Mohammad Omar Sunday hailed the release of five senior insurgents in exchange for US soldier Bowe Bergdahl as a “big victory”.

“I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the entire Afghan Muslim nation, all the mujahideen and to the families and relatives of the prisoners for this big victory regarding the release of five Taliban leaders from Guantanamo prison,” he said in a rare statement.

I can only hope that the folks who do that stuff put GPS trackers up each of their asses and as soon as they’re released, the GPS trackers are replaced by Hellfire missiles.

Category: Terror War

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2/17 Air Cav

The ONLY question I have is whether Bergdahl went off his rocker, just lost his shit altogether. Once that question is answered for us–his superiors and those who interacted with him day in and day out already know the answer, I am sure, then I’ll be able to either condemn the guy or just shake my head wondering how things got to the point they did.

As for the Taliwackers, yes, it is a victory. No question. Did they not thank Obama for serving it up to them? I know they are full of hate and bloodlust but, hey, a little gratitude would be nice.


2/17 Air Cav…Well said and I am with you. I think this stinks to high heaven but I will wait to hear the answers. I believe the answers exist already and need no in depth investigation to discover. If he went bonkers it will come out. I think that is what he will claim to avoid court martial. If it is true, then a whacko made it through the system to the wrong place. But I don’t believe he went Section 8 on the Army. I think he did what he did knowingly. But I will wait to hear.


Bowe could just be misguided by Bob,who clearly completely lost his shit, or never had it to begin with.


Yeah – “What about Bob”. There’s an Islamic sympathizer for you, complete with the “Taliban face fur”. I suspect the apple did not fall far from the tree.


I think I read in a Rolling Stone article that one of the men he was in Afghanistan with reported that he said something along the lines of, “If this deployment is lame, I’m going to head into the mountains of Pakistan.” Didn’t he also basically ask someone in a leadership position if he could take his weapon and NV gear if he left the base?

Hard to say he went off his rocker if those things are true and I really have no reason to doubt the word of men who stayed their stations.

I was in the Navy and know of one guy who went absolutely crazy during REFTRA off GITMO. Long days, lots of stress. He jumped off the flight deck at oh dark thirty and was going to swim to Florida. Luckily the fantail watch heard him hit the water and called the man overboard. He didn’t ask anyone how much trouble he’d be in beforehand.


“… lost his shit altogether…” or not means less than nothing.

For some things, there are no excuses. No exonerating circumstances.

In fact, this constant need to find excuses for the inexcusable is a large part of the Cult of Victomology.


That’s how I see it, but it seems we are in the minority. Alas …


At least here you aren’t in the minority. I don’t think anyone would disagree with you. It seems that personal responsibility is a thing of the past in the nation today.



Farflung Wanderer

If by “glass”, you mean “level with high radiation plasma”, and by “parking lot”, you mean “what Afghanistan ought to be”, then yes, we are of accord.

The Other Whitey

Do you think the neighbors will even notice? It won’t be all that different from how it is now: primitive, chaotic, anarchistic, post-apocalyptic shithole. It will have a significantly lower asshole concentration. But otherwise…


Sounds like “bomb them back to the stone age” except in the case of Afghanistan it’s “bomb them FORWARD into the stone age.”


The Other Whitey…after the “bomb” I think the only thing the neighbors will notice, besides the occasional sores and coughing is that the damned Opium Poppy is growing tremendously large this year.

That Guy

I volunteer to ride the bomb in.


Nuke ’em ’til they glow and shoot’em in the dark.


I don’t know, Jonn. It seems as if this Administration will do whatever they want in order to pick up a few points in the polls, or to get the VA story off the front page of newspapers.

I’d be willing to bet that POTUS will not allow a prosecution of Bergdahl no matter the reason, since he’s “suffered enough already.”

The stories you post on this site regarding all of the posers that you and others have exposed pale by comparison to this guy, Bowe, in my opinion.

The posers are a collective bunch of asswipes while Bergdahl seems (if you believe the supposed eyewitness stories) to be a traitor.

Watch, nothing’s going to happen.


LIRight My thoughts, since his release have been the White House will instruct and otherwise interfere with and intervene with the Pentagon to go easy on him and try to spin him into the hero, captor and Obama into a savior.

The Other Whitey

Regarding his supposed “suffering,” do you think they gave him his own goat? Or did he have to wait his turn in line for the one the hajjis were fucking?


In another article a senior Pentagon official is quoted as saying “Five years is enough”.
Guess we know what kind of sentence potential “treason/desertion/causing fellow service members to get get killed” carries now.


David…Who else saw that coming? POTUS already putting his heavy hand on the Pentagon.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

We release 5 of the worst of the detainees. Men who were in command positions and men who were involved in the killing of heathens on a regular basis.

I didn’t realize we were now a nation that does prisoner swaps. I hope the CinC has a plan for ransoming the next poor bastards who get grabbed for the purpose of prisoner exchange. We should try and get ahead of the curve by sending kidnap teams around the globe to build up a good supply of trading cards for Americans who will be captured as a result of this action.

I certainly don’t want to see any harm befall Mr. Bergdah, and l don’t know anything about the circumstances surrounding his capture. I have concerns that this action of 5 for 1 will become problematic, especially when we are leaving a small force behind as the majority of personnel leave. The taliban and aq will be motivated to capture Americans wherever they can now so they can release more of their Gitmo residents back into the wild.


VoV This WILL become precedence for the Taliban. I think they will do all they can to get everyone they can out of Gitmo before we’re gone and now, they believe they have the ultimate trump card.


If/when they grab another soldier, maybe we can trade them Shinseki. Or Pelosi. Or Reid. Or Holder.


All the above.


Even if the Taliban doesn’t grab anyone, can we still send them the named dumb asses?


How about Justin Bieber?

The Other Whitey

Well, we sure as hell don’t want his gay ass, and the Canadians don’t want him back. I bet the hajjis will LOVE the little queerbait.


” … in the back room, she was everybody’s darling ….”




Yeah, they wouldn’t want any of them, because their “government” is more efficient than Shinseki, Pelosi, Reid or Holder.

E-6 type, 1 ea

Or 15 million illegal Mexicans.


I’m still in a bit of disbelief that we did this exchange too. My only hope is that AQ shows no real intelligence and when they DO try to kidnap people, and they will, poor planning and a gross misjudgement of their own capabilities in comparison to that of our guys results in a few dead would-be kidnappers. Repeatedly.


LC…I sure hope you are correct. At this point the ROE need to be revised to allow EVERY troop to be armed ALL the time, inside the wire as well as out. If anyone thinks Taliban supporting Afghan forces are not past grabbing a troop off post and leaving off with him they need to think again. These guys need NEW ROE NOW! To be armed around Afghan forces everywhere and shoot to kill if they are threatened. I was tired and sickened by the Taliban supporting, Afghan forces killing of unarmed troops before. Now it is essential we allow our troops to defend themselves at all times.


Nicely done, Jonn.

The ‘net is exploding with comments and articles from those who were (or at least say that they were) in positions to know what “really” occurred. It will take a bit to sort through it all officially. We shall see.

Surely there already was lot of information collected at the time of his disappearance and plenty of data to support the claims that enemy tactics changed immediately following his “capture.”


Why were those 5 NOT infected with a really nasty disease, like the plague or something, before they were released?


Ex-PH2…Great thought. Smallpox maybe.

A Proud Infidel®™

Given the sexual preferences and fetishes of Talibanners, I hope thy go back HIV POSITIVE at the very least!!


That wouldn’t be fair for all the children they will eventually molest.


Oh PLEASE Won’t somebody THINK OF THE GOATS!!!!


Infidel, I did not think that goats would be affected by H.I.V.


Agile for a moment what would happen if these guys were carrying an STD of sorts.

It would give Man Love Thursdays over there new meaning.


Should say Imagine.


Yeah, but think of the shame for those goats if they’re seen by other goats getting “done” by the bearded fucks.

Cliff Clavin

Regardless of the facts, the Administration will undoubtedly say “at this point, what difference does it make?” so they can spin this as a success and move on.



Who will inquire whether Bergdahl complied with the Code of Conduct, and what portions of it were violated? The obvious fact in this case is he was captured and became a POW was a direct result of him deserting his unit. I’m hard pressed to see how that can be ignored by the military.

2/17 Air Cav

The ‘obvious fact’ that he was captured is, in fact, in dispute. Was he captured or did he surrender himslf? At this point I can’t even say with certainty that he was held against his will.


2/17 Air Cav…Again, I agree with you. I am not sure he was held against his will. Most low rank, common soldiers captured are used for fun and entertaining torture until they die or are shot or beheaded. Especially if they comply with the Code Of Conduct and resist at all or try to escape. I believe this guy, being of no intelligence value, was not a big time trading card player for them to keep alive five years. Unless, he was supportive of them and lent aid at all. Just my speculations since the truth has not been released yet. But sometime, someday, the truth of the truth will congeal into something making sense of what he did and why. That is, if the POTUS does not intervene and side step military protocol in these matters and allow him a pass, you know, for all he has suffered already. /sarc/ He has some big questions to answer for, most importantly…the lives he cost searching for him. But then again, the POTUS side stepped the law in getting him out so nothing is past the Emperor.


You could see Obama trying to use this to distract from the VA with his little stunt at the podium with berdhals father and mother….
A nameless DoD offical acknowledged that they had no desire to punish him (Bowe) as they feel he suffered enough. To me, that is acknowledgment enough that they know he deserted.
People are not just speaking out now, they are screaming from the rooftops.
Yes, I am glad the piece of shit is home now too. He deserves a trial though! Too bad 6 other Paratroopers came home in Flag Draped boxes because of him.


More than likely this bumbling fumbling sorry excuse for an administration opened themselves up to another scandal by trying to draw attention away from the others. Five of the absolute worst of the worst just got released back into the wild; we’ll probably be hearing from them again soon.


Israel has made some notoriously lopsided trades for not only kidnapped soldiers, but also Israeli citizens kidnapped abroad. In one instance, a businessman who was clearly a sh!tbird involved in nefarious dealings was lured somewhere and kidnapped by Hezbollah. Similar to some degree with Bergdahl, who apparently abandoned his post (the absolute cardinal sin of the Army), Israel still gave up a lot for the businessman.

The terrorists are frequently attempting to capture Israeli soldiers and civilians abroad to use as bargaining chips, because it works. Like most rational people, I’m glad Bergdahl is home as in my opinion nobody deserves to be confined by Islamic terrorists, but this is a bad precedent for the US. There are a lot more of us, to include off-duty soldiers, than there are Israelis.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Plus, unlike the Israelis, we won’t generate a lot of pre-emptive or retaliatory strikes.

They don’t mind lobbing shells back at the house being used by their enemies as a rocket platform. We worry about all that “collateral” damage horsesh1t….there’s no collateral damage in an islamic nation, only future terrorists intercepted a decade early.


I would reserve judgement before using the term “confined” in this case.


Wait until you see him on Jimmy Kimmel with his new book next month.


Although highly unlikely, I’d like to see Bergdahl sign a pre-trial agreement that allows him to be discharged from the Army, but indicates that he cannot profit from this. Such an agreement is not unheard of.

Nigel Brooks

There is no doubt that the Army has a pretty good idea of exactly what happened with regards to his absence and capture. You can bet that Army CID and MI were all over this when it occurred.

I would imagine that within hours of his return to US custody he has been subjected to debriefings by MI and CID also. A long time age there was another (Robert Garwood), who came back from Vietnam a few years after the war was over. There was no question that he had collaborated with the enemy, yet nothing really happened to him other than a CM which busted him to E-1, dishonorable discharge, and forfeiture of all pay and allowances. After his return to US Custody Garwood refused debriefing even after his conviction.

If in fact Bergdahl did absent himself from his unit and subsequently get captured, he needs to be held accountable for the loss of life of those who were engaged in trying to find him.

I would hope that our military has the balls to investigate thoroughly and to bring charges should they be warranted, but I’m not sure that this administration will not interfere with the military justice system for a political purpose, especially after they have made a big hoopla over the negotiated release.


Call me cynical, but IMO, there is about as much chance of the truth coming out wrt this traitor and disgrace to our uniform, as the chances of survival of the proverbial snowflake in Hell.

Obama clearly is of the-end-justifies-the-means school of thought, so, in his eyes, it’s all good … whatever makes him look good. Irregardless of the damage it does to the faith and trust of the American people in the institutions of our government.

Just consider all of the actions, or lack of actions, of his faithful henchman, Eric Holder.

And consider Benghazi. That was significantly more of an issue than this turd. Has anyone been charged with dereliction of duty? Or anything else?


The “surely he has suffered enough” line has already been aired this morning on one of the national morning news shows.

Apparently he is claiming he was ‘separated from his patrol” when he was captured. Very disingenuous… sounds like he was cut off and captured while doing his duty, which is a long damn way from what accounts at the time said occurred. Or does being separated from his patrol by 24-48 hours after his return count?


If he were a 2LT and said he was captured after being separated 24-48 hours before, then I’d understand. But he’s not, so I don’t.


Nigel: I remember the Garwood case, it was even the subject of a movie starring every lefty’s favorite fictional president, Martin Sheen.

I think it will be interesting to see what happens here – seems to me that there are a lot of people who have a vested interest in sweeping this under the rug, namely the Army and the Obama Administration. A court-martial would do two things: (a) make the Army look like big bad meanies who picked on a poor kid who just wandered away from camp, and (b) it might reveal some embarrassing details, like the fact that Bergdahl could have been a full collaborator with the Taliban (to the extent of offering himself up for a “prisoner swap” so that they could get some of their key leaders back.)

For that reason I expect the Army to determine that Bergdahl’s desertion in combat does not require a CM and instead he’ll be offered a general discharge and quietly returned to civilian life while the Army and the Obama administration hope this just goes away.

I hate to be one of those tinfoil hat wearers, but in this case I do find my self asking “cui bono?”

Every organization that would make the decision to CM Bergdahl has a strong interest in sweeping this whole mess under the rug.


When Dear Leader made the “sudden” trip to Afghanistan, over memorial day, told my VFW drinking buddies that something is up. Didn’t know exactly what but Dear Leader never does anything that will not benefit himself.
He is a deserter in a combat zone.


That’s a good point, thanks for bringing it up. He was just there, which means he was probably getting some face-to-face time on the subject. Interesting.


Puts on tin foil hat.

Maybe the CIA chief was not willing to go along with it so Obama had him outed.

Takes off tin foil hat…


Definitely plausible, IMO. Doesn’t mean it’s fact, just plausible.

Obama is a pure political animal. This is right up his alley.


From what I can surmise from all of the information that is flowing out about Bergdahl, he deserted, people were killed looking for him and we as a nation have negotiated with terrorists for his return.

As usual with this administration, the story is an ever changing narrative that will put Obama in the best possible light while taking heat off of the VA scandal. Bergdahl will never suffer one minute of scrutiny for his conduct because he is going to become a poster boy for all the good this administration does. He is going to get an honorable discharge and his name will never be spoken in polite company again. Or just as soon as Obama and his minions squeeze all of the PR juice out of the story that they can.

It appears to me and has since I started reading up on this kid that he was a special little pony who did not adapt well to Army life and he decided to go on a walkabout in Afghanistan which put his ass in the hands of the Taliban. Whether that was his intent or not, he still appears to be a deserter. He left his post on purpose. And good men were killed looking for him. He should be held to account for that, but good luck. It also appears that dear leader skirted the law to gain Bergdahl’s release but as usual, he does as he wishes cause he don’t need no stinkin’ laws.

This whole thing blows, from Bergdahl’s capture to the “negotiation” to his release to the story the administration is putting out to the timing of his release in the middle of the VA melting down. It all just fucking stinks.


Makes me wonder if the Marine in Mexico won’t be left to languish there until the next crisis occurs, then he will magically be released – to the full credit of the administration.


It’ll never happen. The difference between Bergdahl and Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi is political. Tahmooressi is a stand up Marine whereas Bergdahl is a traitorous ass. This administration would never get the release of someone who would never have voted for Obama to begin with.


Besides, the Marine got in trouble due to having his guns… no way is the Prez going to be seen going to bat for one of those gun-lovers.


Unless it’s his administration breaking the law allowing straw buyers to transfer hundreds of arms into Mexico.

Or allowing arms to be sent to Libya which also resulted in dead Americans and a cover up.

Obama loves to run guns just as long as it results in dead Americans. No American is dead, yet, so he’s just waiting it out…


One can hope … but I suspect ArmyATC has the right of it.

More’s the pity …

I’m still shell-shocked that oxygen-thief was re-elected.

Club Manager

I’ve got money that Obama gives him a medal. any takers?


Even Obama cannot be that stupid, can he??


Never underestimate the stupidity and tone deafness of this administration.




Not me. I would be surprised if Obama didn’t invite the entire Bergdahl family to the Whitehouse for a medal ceremony.


ArmyATC…Yes I can see it now. The whole family there for dinner (BIGTIME Photo-OP) with the Joint Chiefs and Obama, awarding him 1. The POW Medal, 2. The Bronze Star (Perhaps even w/Valor) and 3. The ARCOM

Their answer to the American people will be 1. The truth is none of your business. 2. He’s suffered enough. 3. What difference does it make now…he’s home, thanks to Obama.

All that is swirling around in the Administration’s, non-think tank minds, as we speak. I’d put the mortgage payment on it!


Yup royal order of the Blue Falcon with five Liberal tears & limp wristed handshake.


Club Manager: Nope, wouldn’t take that bet even if I was drunk.

BTW you can bet the anti-war left is already cueing up the vitriol that will be unleashed at the veterans and others who start publicly questioning the circumstances of Bergdahl’s capture.

Expect to hear solemn declarations of faux-outrage that the big, bad Republicans are beating up on this poor kid who just went through 5 years of hell in a POW camp (except, of course, we’re hearing now that Bergdahl got along very well with his “captors.”:


Daily Kos has already trotted that one out with the Reagan “Arms for Hostages” bit.


Far be it from me to defend the partisan hacks at DK, but a broken clock is right twice a day.

“A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that’s true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not. ”

-R.R. 3/4/1987

Facts and evidence. All that matters.

And if those facts and evidence in this case point to Bergdahl having even a fraction of something to do with the deaths of these soldiers, well, hopefully he will get the firing squad.


Firing squad? Not freaking likely. The only projectile Bergdahl has a risk of being hit by is a champagne cork.


Seems to me that Reagan at least admitted to his mistakes. That’s something Obama, with his massive ego, would never do. The arrogant prick doesn’t believe he’s ever wrong.


Well, it’s looking more and more like Obama may have broken the law with this. So, yet again, he’s inadvertently handed the Republicans rope to hang him with. Lets watch how they completely goat rodeo the fuck out of this and piss it away.


As they seem to usually do. It’s like the gang who couldn’t shoot straight. The Republicans might be better off waiting to see what happens with Bergdahl.

2/17 Air Cav

Hussar. So, what grade are you in? Are you a Veteran? It’s not necessary to be a Veteran to comment here but you don’t mind issuing orders to commenters here so I figure you must have a great many years in service, right? Plus, you referenced DD-214s in another post here. How many do you have? And a broken clock is NOT right once a day if it’s a 24-hour type. Coincidentally, vnwarprotester is here too.

The Other Whitey

I wouldn’t lump Hussar in with VWPussy, AirCav. He actually forms complete sentences and makes an effort to make sense. I don’t necessarily agree with him, but I think that comparison may have been a bit harsh.


What does any of that have to do with opinion, and stating fact? You’re using a very old trick of the left in avoiding discussion, and focusing on things that don’t matter or pertain to the discussion.

And I’m not this other poster you seem obsessed with. A simple check of IP addresses by the moderators of this forum can see that.

Old Trooper

It’s already happening, Martinjmpr, as I have seen it being done to myself and others and I’m not even questioning the circumstances, just saying he has to answer for abandoning his post. I’ve been hammered on fb for it, even by “alleged” 20 year Veterans, who should be well aquainted with the 1st General Order.

Roger in Republic

I just wonder what mosque he will attend once he gets home. You know they converted his snowflake a$$.


Taliban commander: You must convert to Islam or we will behead you!!

Bergdahl: You had me at convert!! As Salaam Alekum brother!!!

Pinto Nag

I want to know what his target for jihad will be.


Please share all of this widely. I realize this is a lot of information, but all of it is solid proof that treason has been committed at the highest level of this country. This took several hours to create. 2012 article in Rolling Stone citing that Bowe planned to desert, hated the military and the US: This is the fake POW’s Dad’s (Robert Bergdahl) twitter account that has many pro-terrorist/jihad ‘re-tweets’ and obvious connections to empathizing with Gitmo detainees. This is disgusting. Deleted tweet that other’s saved & shared that Robert posted about the Gitmo prisoners: One of Robert Bergdahl’s Twitter buddies who posted pro Jihad tweets on Robert’s twitter account…read through this link and see the post about ‘I want to lash youngster’s who vote hope for Democracy will change things!’ 100% TERRORIST. Link: Tweet from Bergdahl’s Dad on Twitter: Robert Berghdahl’s anti American post (the Enemy U.S.): Scroll down to find his Dad’s ‘Allah’ tweet post: Article on deleted tweet: President Obama offering sympathy for terrorists in Gitmo: “I don’t want these individuals to die,” Mr. Obama said. Mr. Obama’s remarks about the prison came in an otherwise sedate news conference, and at times he appeared almost anguish…ed. Mr. Obama made his remarks following the arrival at the prison of more than three dozen Navy nurses, corpsmen and specialists to help deal with a mass hunger strike by inmates, many of whom have been held for over 11 years without trial. As of Tuesday, 100 of the 166 prisoners were officially deemed to be participating, with 21 now being force-fed a nutritional supplement through tubes inserted in their noses. Defending Gitmo Prisoner’s Video: Re-Tweet by Robert Bergdahl Robert Bergdahl’s (Bowe’s Dad in Idaho) infamous twitter post: “@Albakhi: I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of every Afghan child, amen!” ABalkhi is the Twitter handle of Abdulqahar Balkhi, a Taliban spokesman. His account: New York Times 2011 Article about ‘ABalkhi’ as the Taliban’s spokesperson and NATO giving him hell:… Read more »


Wow, Patriot. Good Research!

To Fjardeson from Patriot

Thank you!
I spent over 6 hours tracking this stuff down and mass emailing/posting it on all the major news networks and pages like this one.
Please PLEASE send that entire post ‘far and wide.’
Obama has committed treason by aiding and abetting the Taliban and their supporters. His willful disregard for contacting Congress shows that he, and he alone fast tracked this bullshit. Also, keep in mind that only 2 weeks ago, the top CIA Station Chief in Afghanistan was ‘outed’ and removed, paving the way for Obama to push into Afghanistan to directly supply the Taliban with their own evil fucking scumbags.
My fellow veterans DIED putting these assholes in Gitmo. Every single veteran MUST RISE UP and demand the Obama and his Administration ARE REMOVED FROM D.C.


I would say doing a good job at investigating reporting but with that profession’s track record of late I won’t insult you but I will say BZ!


The deserter played badminton with the Taliban while soldiers died looking for his scummy ass.


“according to a Pakistani militant commander.”

“A commander of the Haqqani network, a militant outfit allied with the Taliban with ties to al-Qaeda, on Sunday painted a picture of a man who adjusted to his new life by engaging with his captors while clinging to aspects of his own identity.”

“militant chief said.”

I mean, really. We’re now taking the word of our enemy as fact? Lol…just, lol.

charles w

Just read on another site he is being promoted to SSG.

77 11C20

The more time goes by the more screwed up this whole thing gets. If he did “walk” from his unit what the hell is the Army promoting him for, they should have already done an investigation. With the tweets from his dad and the son’s previous feelings I am beginning to get the feeling this result was the plan all the time when he left.


He was classified as a POW. POW’s do not have to compete for advancements. Advancement and promotions are automatic.


Dito. It’s SOP for all POWs reguardless of capture circumstances.

CB Senior

Capt. Spicer, he started as a LT when he was shot down in GW1. Was kept on the books and promoted all those years.

Green Thumb

He will write a book (with a ghost writer), spin the story and make millions.

He will then become the face of the “peace movement”.

I am surprised Reichkoff and those other losers over at IVAW are not licking this dude’s two-hole.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty

John McCain thinks president Obama paid to high a price to the taliban to get our pow back. Someone should ask him if nixon paid to high a price to the north vietnamese to get him back! I don’t remember him getting off the plain from hanoi saying nixon paid to high a price to get him back! He should be happy to get our pow back home like I am and all americans should be!


I wasn’t aware that our returning Vietnam War POWs were part of a prisoner exchange. Dumbass. And none of those POWS were deserters. Shitstain.

War of Spanish Succession Protestor AKA The Other Whitey

Yep, even Garwood or whatever the hell his name is was legitimately captured before he started collaborating. Sorry, VWPussy, you’re wrong again (as usual). So once again, eat shit and die, fucktard.


Actually there were two main factors that enabled a breakthrough at the years-stalled Paris peace talks. The Operation Linebacker II bombing campaign kept both North and South Vietnam at the table when both sides had threatened to walk out of negotiations. Then Nixon’s historic meeting with China alarmed the North Vietnamese that the US now had the ear of their largest benefactor. Regardless of his domestic troubles, Nixon’s breakthrough negotiations with China has been accepted by scholars on the left and right as a great success in US diplomacy. The only thing that Nixon gave up was a stalemate. And although South Vietnam fell, eventually Vietnam would become a country that although officially communist, has many thriving capitalists, and is not the Stalinist state we were at war with. So what exactly did Nixon give away? He surely didn’t hand over anyone wanted by the United Nations who had helped plan the largest terrorist attack on US Soil.


VWP, once again you arrive like a really wet fart, that is probably a shit and make a mess.

Nixon and his administration were negotiating with a recognized government. Taliban are no such thing. They are a terrorist organization. But you knew that. I aint a big fan of John McCain the politician, but he was one hell of a Sailor and he did not sell his country down the road for special treatment, as has been alleged that Bergdahl did.

So in closing, Go Fuck Yourself.


Oh, one more thing, nobody here is sad that Bergdahl got released, we are just suspicious of the circumstances of his “capture”, his “imprisonment” and the timing of his release.

And please, continue to fuck yourself.

Green Thumb


And to elaborate on what MGySgtRet said, “Go fuck yourself while you gargle my green balls”.

War of Spanish Succession Protestor AKA The Other Whitey

At worst, we’re glad to have him back so that we can string him up and/or tie him to a post in front of a brick walk for desertion, treason, etc.

Therefore, VWPutz, suck a gonnorhea-dripping diseased dick in hell.



…”getting off the plain from Hanoi…”
“plain”? “PLAIN”??

Are you serious, you illiterate, ignorant fool?

GFY, bedwetter…

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty

A deal is a deal ok. plane. nixons deal was for political gain and I am sure you think president obama was too. Didn’t some pows say some thing under duress we don’t hold that against them or at least I don’t. Again I am happy when a pow comes home!

Just an Old Dog

Fuck stick, McCain and others POWs were released after the peace treaty was signed. The US involvement in the war was ended.
We are still fighting the Taliban.
I am glad Berdahl is back in US hands, if nothing else it ends the claim that the Taliban has a US soldier in custody.
It also wil allow the Armyto conduct an Art 31 hearing and decide if he should be charged for violating the UCMJ.
At a minumum he faces desertion charges. As more information comes out about his collaboration he could be charged with treason.
I just hope there is a commander in the Army who puts his ass on the line ad demands a full investigation before he is carted off by the left as a hero.


“I just hope there is a commander in the Army who puts his ass on the line ad demands a full investigation before he is carted off by the left as a hero.”

Surly there is at least one, with enough rank, and a complete unconcern with his or her career prospects wrt the whole Truth being told, who understands that Honor is better than bread, that Integrity is better than gold, and that Truth will always be better than a lie.

However, even if there is, the bootlickers in the media will make it a real uphill fight.


OldSoldier54…I hope and pray you are right. If there is one in the Pentagon and they do seek full disclosure of the truth, including first, finding it, they will quickly be relieved and then vilified by the Administration and the media as a malcontent who does not speak for the White House or the military. They would then have to speak out without a job. I do hope there IS ONE who is willing to accept those consequences and move forward, in or out of the military.


Obama’s MO is to lie and try to cover up American deaths.

This will be more of the same.

John Robert Mallernee

Sergeant Lilyea:

Thank you for posting that picture.

I copied it and posted it on my own personal web site, “OUR ETERNAL STRUGGLE”, giving it the title, “ANOTHER ROBERT RUSSELL GARWOOD?”

Common Sense

I don’t understand all the commentary about how he ‘may’ have deserted and we should withhold judgement until we really know what happened. There was an official investigation in 2010 that conclusively determined that, yes, he actually did desert:

So when will he be held responsible for the deaths and injuries he caused? I’m guessing with this Admin, when hell freezes over.

Also, the excuse for not following the law, that his health was compromised, is a bald-face lie, considering that the deal has been in the offing for years.

It’s clear that Obama needed the VA scandal off the front pages and Sunday talking head shows and this was the ace he thought he had in his pocket. But given that there’s a petition on the White House site to punish Bergdahl for desertion, and the many accounts coming out from guys in his unit and others, not to mention what horrible terrorists were released in exchange, this may turn into yet another scandal for Obama, instead of the see-how-great-I-am moment he expected.


Here’s hoping that charges will soon follow. For all concerned.

El prezbo clearly broke the law by making this deal. If it is to cover up something greater, can anyone fathom what it might be? He knowingly committed an impeachable offense, to return a military criminal to the US in exchange for 5 even bigger criminals.

The arrogance has morphed into something beyond our current language. Megalomania comes to mind, but even that is not adequate.

What has he done over there behind the curtain while he did this to attract our attention to the back of the room?


I’m fairly sure desertion, with aiding and abetting the enemy, under these circumstances is a capital offense.

Even as He did with King David’s sin with Bathsheba, may the Lord bring ALL the Truth to light.

2/17 Air Cav

You are correct, Common Sense and the cat is now officially out of the bag. The Pentagonals’ investigation concluded that he walked away and into the hands of the Taliban. BUT–and here’s my reservation–the news release also says he was delusional. And that’s the issue: Was he of sound mind when he walked away? If not, the response is necessarily different than if he sought to aid and abet the enemy.


I’d like to thank my friends and colleagues for the restraint they demonstrated in withholding public comment while Bergdahl was still “in the hands” of the enemy.

Many KNEW then, as I suspected, that Bergdahl was a traitorous deserter TO the enemy. Some, even said so to me privately. Privately, we agreed to avoid public comment to that effect, until he was returned.

We now publicly say in unison: Thank God, he is home, for now he needs to face Court-Martial. May God have mercy on the soul he sold to the devil, for I will not.

As to the Politician in Chief, Freeing 5 terrorist commanders to get one traitorous private is NOT a deal, and whoever said they’d hate to play poker with you, re: OBL assassination, is an idiot. You clearly would throw away a royal flush in hopes of getting two of a kind, while going all in. has a great article up on what REALLY happened. I most definitely recommend it.


Indeed – a most interesting read.


Great link. Thanks.

So one O-6, who was hot for a star, threw major sand in the gears with the gag order.

He should do well with this administration.

E-6 type, 1 ea

I am fortunate enough to be able to travel to Normandy for the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings, and the President is supposed to give a speech there. Bergdahl is getting treatment at Landstuhl. My fear is that they will bring him to Normandy and put him on some sort of a pedestal, and I will be forced to drag him into the English Channel and hold him there until the bubbles stop.

2/17 Air Cav

I envy the hell out of you, E-6. A relative of mine visited Normandy several years ago and was thoughtful enough to return with a baggie half filled with Omaha Beach sand for me. I couldn’t get to the beach so the beach came to me. One day, maybe…