How times change

| November 7, 2008

Remember when this was hip;

That was a picture I took just this last March.

This was in April;


And this was in July;

Ron Paul 069

Upside down flags were the way the Left showed their displeasure with the Bush Administration.

Over at Gateway Pundit, Jim discovers that it’s not so cool any more since Tuesday;

Veteran Lou Schrader of Las Cruces, New Mexico flew his flag upside down on Wednesday in protest of Barack Obama winning the presidency.
This alarmed his liberal neighbors.
The Sun-News reported:

“Now that there’s an African-American president, he’s protesting the U.S., and I think it’s funny because, if you love your country, you love it no matter what.”

Kollaros said he backs freedom of speech, but flying the flag upside-down shouldn’t be done lightly because it could send the wrong message.

“We’ve got to be careful about how we do that, because we don’t want to offend people,” he said.

I’m not saying I support Mister Schrader’s flying the flag upside down, but I think it’s pretty hypocritical of the Left to pick and choose when they’re going to get a bout of patriotism. The flag represents the people, the nation, not the party that resides at the White House.

Stable Hand at The Jawa Report writes about similar sentiments in Seattle of all places;

I shall now call them phony f’n patriots.

“Red, White & True Blue: City Hoists Old Glory

Barack Obama’s presidential win held a poignant significance for liberal Seattleites: This is their America, too.

The feeling was evident in jubilant partying in the streets, in quiet moments of reflection and in blossoms of red, white and blue.

With newfound patriotism, Seattleites want to wave the flag, hang it from their homes and stick it on their cars.

I wonder what Skye will encounter in West Chester, PA this weekend.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Politics

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Gail S

Well, it’s like this, after 8 years of them calling President Bush, “Hitler”…seems that it’s our turn to call the president “Stalin”. (The little believers cheered or him and che and a host of other insane idealogues exactly the way the libs have responded to Obama.)

Actually, we have much better manners than they do, but it’s time to cut funding for ACORN and to introduce the world to activist conservatism.

So far, we have only talked and blogged, thinking that rational people could see reason. But, it is time for us to recognize that we are not dealing with rational people.

Best regards,
Gail S


I wonder if they’ll maintain this new found patriotism if Obama doesn’t follow through on his rhetoric and actually fights this war.


For the record, Stalin killed 10 times as many people as Hitler. Not sayin’ Hitler’s a good thing mind you, but perspective is everything…


Bush = W.
0bama= H.

just sayin’


Comrade Porter from CCCP (Chester County Coalition for Peace) is already hearing from impatient members of the Politburo that pit bull Rahm isn’t “progressive” enough.

In a year, they’ll realize that “Hate Bush” was not a good reason to vote Obama.



I won’t compromise my principles. I want the politicians that I support to know and swear by the Constitution, eliminate government mandated socialism, reduce the size of the government, more individual freedom and a commitment to free enterprise and a strong national defense.

Maybe the country is going socialist and with this past Presidential election, the results are that we have a radical socialist as President-elect of the USA. I’m not going to give up though and lay down while our country swings hard left. We’re going to fight back and I’m sure most who post here agree with me.

Ringo the Gringo

Every weekday for the past few years on my drive to and from work I’ve passed a home in front of which a tattered American flag hangs upsidedown….Well, at least it did up until Nov. 5th when I noticed that it had been replaced by a nice new rightsideup flag.

Over the past 8 years I have attended numerous anti-war demonstrations and have had the displeasure of seeing the flag flown not only upsidedown, but desicrated with swastikas, spray painted and walked upon. If Mr. Schrader’s neighbors are offended,well, that’s their problem.

As for me, I’ll keep flying my flag the proper way regardless of who is in the White House.


In the first photo, that looks to be Greg Paterson, NION/RCP puke, who in January 2007 said on CBS Radio News, “I can’t support the troops, they’re the ones killing people.”

Traitors flock together. Wonder if he’s VFP too? Seen him self-ID as VVAW-AI, though he was too young for Vietnam I believe. But then again, VVAW-AI = RCP.

'The Phoenix'

“because we don’t want to offend people.”

Damn but that sounds like Europe and the UK.

No wonder they loved him, over there!

‘The Phoenix’


Ringo the Gringo,

Thanks for sharing with us. I couldn’t help but notice that the third picture had a swastika inside the Star of David included in the Stars and Stripes. The fourth picture had the Star of David represented by barbed wire within the Stars and Stripes. There’s definitely antisemitism involved within the supposed anti-war movement besides the hatred for America in general.


I admit, I toyed with the idea of either fliping my flag or taking it down… but dismissed it. I don’t love the President, I love the country. That flag doesn’t just represent a party, but the idea of freedom and liberty. I fought to defend it, and have been irritated at those who would deface it, I refuse to join their ranks. That said… it’s the same old tired double standard applied to the opponents of the left. I’m just suprised the man wasn’t arrested for a “hate crime”.


The Sheepdogs will stand in West Chester, Pa with the US flag flying proudly, as we always have.

Does the recent victory by the Lightwalker mean the US flag displayed on the dark side of West Chester, Pa will be removed from from its usual location – the trashcan? I don’t know, I will be looking to see where it now resides.


I can’t believe some of you guys are actually complaining about people flying flags right side up. Does it matter what got them to feel happy in their country? DI don’t care. I’m happy that they feel that way. I don’t care if aliens came down and told them to do it. I’m happy.

I will also point out that some of those flying upside down flags may have been doing it not out of disrespect but because they felt like the country was being overrun. They were calling for help, not trying to disrespect the flag. Now, with the election of Obama, many may feel that reinforcements are on the horizon. They can hold out through these last three months, because peace is ahead.

Jonn wrote: Did you even feel the breeze when my point went over your head?


ArmySergeant, I voted for Bush and now McCain, but did not worship them, so I won’t worship at the feet of Obama either. Sorry, I respect the rank, but not always the person holding it. Also, don’t be so quick to declare peace, the enemy has a say in this war.


AS: Just what is it that you hope to accomplish? Seriously kiddo. Lay out your personal agenda, please. Jonn only noted an apparent hypocrisy that seems valid.

If it’s peace at any cost just say that. And join the list of many.


Ironically, the CCPM could not even bring themselves to the rally yesterday OR display an un-adulterated American Flag. Apparently, holding adulterated flags or placing a Flag in the trash can is what makes them happy.

Reinforcement from Obama? Does that also include fuzzy unicorns? Don’t blame me when it does not happen. I’ll be too busy laughing at you.


Jonn: I wasn’t directly addressing you. To address your point, yes, I support the right of people to fly the flag upside down when they feel it is called for. If I ever feel the country is truly being overrun, I’ll fly it upside down myself.

Ponsdorf: I want the ideals the country was founded on to stand. I don’t want us involved in unnecessary foreign wars. I want our defense to always be ready, but to protect ourselves, not simply the nebulous “our interests”. I want us to be honorable, and brave, and true, and not just play it on TV. I want us to truly live up to the idea that each man is created equal-no matter what their race, creed, political belief, etc. may state. I want us to work together again. I want a lot. I don’t believe in peace at any price, but I also don’t believe in paying tribute to our enemies as we essentially are doing now.


ArmySergeant said:

I also don’t believe in paying tribute to our enemies as we essentially are doing now.

We’re paying tribute by killing terrorists:

Senior Al Qaeda in Iraq Leader Killed

As far as I’m concerned, let’s keep on “paying tribute” by killing these terrorist bastards!

BTW, when was the last time a terrorist attack occurred in the US?


Better to fight and kill our enemies on their turf than over here.


Note to Army Sergeant:
Pull your head from your sixth point of contact, where it’s apparently been for the last eight years. If I choose to fly the U.S. flag as a sign of my country’s distress, I’m gonna do it, just like all of the IVAW, and the rest of the anti-war turds did to show their displeasure.

Does it matter to you that I’m not happy in my own country right now because its being over-run by socialists who want to bring it to its knees economically, militarily, and in the face of an Islamic threat elated with THE ONE’S election?

Peace is ahead?? You gotta be fucking joking, sweetpea. Obama’s plan to negotiate with malefactors like Ahmadinejad ‘without preconditions’, ain’t “peace”. Matter of fact, a nes report just came out today about the Taliban submitting their first demoand to the Obamesssiah-elect: “Pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan, or else”.

You have no acumen of what constitutes strong leadership in the face of world wide threats.
I used to think you were just naive, but after reading your accumulated posts, especially this one, you’re as fruity as the rest of the moonbats in the IVAW.

I hope you get out of the Army real soon.


Liberals never take symbolism at face value, they always look for “motive” to determine whether they like the given expression or not. In other words, if you are a conservative, pretty much everything you do is suspect and must be resisted even if it is the EXACT SAME THING they do. By the same token, no liberal truly does anything bad so long as they “mean well”. This is why they all think Ayers is probably a pretty good guy – sure, he tried to blow up people’s houses and helped kill some cops – but he thought he was doing the right thing, and hated the Vietnam war. This gives him carte blanche as far as the left is concerned.

Specific to our situation, if I leave my McCain/Palin sticker on my car for the next 4 years in silent protest, and add a “2012 – The end of an Error” one, the thing will get keyed to hell and probably firebombed. Liberals talk a big game about tolerance and equality, but will casually obliterate anyone who deviates from their inflexible and controlling brand of political correctness. We’re talking about a group of people who literally asserted that criticism of Obama DURING A CAMPAIGN was inherently racist. These people wouldn’t support Bush against Iran even if Iran nuked Italy, but would strap bombs to their chests and storm Iranian beaches if Obama told them to – because by definition he must want it for a good reason. The entire situation feels like the 1-hour mark of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.