So Much For “We Didn’t Know”

| May 21, 2014

The more that comes to light, the more it’s apparent that senior officials in the VA years ago knew damn well that games were being played with patient scheduling.

Why?  Because as this Army Times article states, in April 2010, the VA’s Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Operations and Management, William Schoenhard, wrote a memo to regional directors “calling for ‘immediate action’ to review scheduling practices to eliminate “inappropriate” strategies.”  He wouldn’t have done that had senior VA leadership been clueless regarding the problem.

This means that senior VA leadership knew about the problem at least 4 years ago.  Dunno about you, but 4 years seems like long enough to get that one problem fixed.

Shinseki claims he “had not seen” the memo in question.  While that may be technically true, I bluntly do not believe he was ignorant of the problem.

Robert Petzel, the VA’s designated scapegoat in the matter, has indicated he was aware of the memo.  Maybe that’s why he ended up being the designated scapegoat – lack of “plausible deniability”.

Time to uphold the bushido code of your ancestors, Shinseki.  As well as to display the honorable conducted expected from a former US military officer.

It’s time for you to resign. Now.

Oh, and to anyone who may have falsely told investigators they were unaware of the problem, I have some free advice.  You really might want to “lawyer up”.

Because as I’ve said before:  it wasn’t the break-in that ended up putting many of those involved in Watergate in jail. It was their participation in the cover-up.

Category: Legal, Veteran Health Care, Veterans Issues, Veterans' Affairs Department

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It seems that uttering the words, “I take full responsibility” only means that you are willing to say the words, “I take full responsibility” while throwing in a “mad as hell” for effect.


That seems to be the playbook since at least Janet Reno and Waco.

Old Trooper

What a Class A, MkI, Mod0 clusterfuck.


I’ve already emailed my rep (Phil Gingrey) this week about it and ended up getting the standard boiler plate reply “I’m committed to our veterans”, “I’ve signed a letter to Obama asking for resignations”, etc. It seems like it was almost as useful as trying to go to the VA for help, so there’s that I guess. I’m just glad that I don’t rely on the VA for care (meds, operations, etc.) like many have to.

Combat Historian

obamao and shitseki should do the ‘ole seppuku on each other, like Japanese commanders did during WWII when their island was about to be overrun by the Yankees…yeah I now, I’m just dreaming…


Crystal Ball – BREAKING NEWS:

POTUS fires VA Sect at 1045 in WH briefing room today.


Master Chief…I hope that is true. Shinseki saying he didn’t see memos and wasn’t aware of this or that is typical passing the buck politics. Shinseki was aware of the problems. His only concerns have been his bonuses and if he would be invited to the next Obama soiree.


We can hope…


“We did not know…that there would be such a huge stink about this.”

“We did not know…that some people might actually expect us to get results instead of just make empty promises.”

“We did not know…that the media wouldn’t be able to cover for us for everything we screwed up.”


C’mon, Shinseki, “I’ve decided to spend more time with my family…” should be your next pitch.


Looks like I was … Wr … Wro … Wron … Wrooooooong.

Look like I was not exactly correct.

He ain’t leaving!