Tuesdays with Claymore
245 crappy progressive “achievements”
VA problems are all in red states…
All hail High Priest Degrasse Tyson
DUmbasses giddy over Russian and Chinese dominance
Godzilla…THE political/climate allegory of our age. Rawr.
Democrats are too centrist. Yeah. You just read that.
Republicans hate the future because the future is full of brown people.
Next, Obama’s brilliant anti-terror strategy of letting them blow themselves up in our buildings.
DUmbasses bitch slapping one another over male/female employment. Call HR.
Polls are only accurate when they favor Democrats
…if you like your First Amendment, you can keep it.
Capt. Wifebeater Crazyeyes says rich people suck
…oh, and they want his whack-job ass on the Benghazi committee.
Americans are stupid and clearly don’t appreciate everything given to them by their betters.
“American Spring” fodder for conspiracy theories
News flash: rich business people like to throw their money around for their interests.
I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested.
Elizabeth Warren…left wing “paladin against bankers”. Yup. That what this says. Enjoy.
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore
then explain why the Marion VAMC was not allowed to do any surgeries for several years after botching that gallbladder operation. not to mention the shitty post-op care that caused several deaths.