Heh. VFF member calls Murtha as he sees him (UPDATED)

| November 3, 2008

I’ve been looking for reports from the VFF/Blackfive mission into Murtha Country this weekend and I’ve only found one so far. It highlights the speech of Shawn Bryan, Marine Sergeant.

During the rally, Shawn Bryan, a former sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps., said Murtha visited his unit in Iraq in 2005. At the time, Murtha told the soldiers “what a great job we did,” Bryan said, only to see him tell his district back home he no longer supported the effort.

Bryan said he didn’t put his life on the line for his country “just so some fat little bastard can come back and run his mouth.

It was the second time during his speech that Bryan, who flew in from Albuquerque, New Mexico, had called Murtha a “fat little bastard” during his speech.

Heh, again. The PolitickerPA.com story went on to point out;

His remarks were not publicly repudiated at the rally.

What’s to repudiate?Is Murtha not fat? Is Murtha not a bastard?

Bill Russell, former Army LTC running against Murtha, defended Bryan’s remarks;

In an interview after the rally, Russell told PolitickerPA.com Bryan’s comments didn’t reflect his own feelings, but he did the defend the fellow veteran.

The remarks are reflective of the anger many marines, who have lost dozens of fellow soldiers during combat, feel toward Murtha, he said.

“Am I going to throw him under the bus for it?” Russell asked. “No. I understand — he’s going to say what he believes.”

Murtha had better stay off of this forum if he takes offense at being called a fat little bastard. My readers and I have some more descriptive adjectives to describe him.

Michelle Malkin writes that Murtha is worried and brought the big guns to rescue him from what looks like certain defeat.

PolitickerPA also writes this morning that Murtha got a hot meat injection from MoveOn.org this weekend to the tune of $187,000;

Since issuing a last-minute appeal to MoveOn.org’s fundraising list on Wednesday, the organization has infused Murtha’s campaign with over $187,000 in cash, according to Federal Election Commission records.

Murtha’s ramped-up fundraising efforts comes just days after receiving heated criticism for saying in a media interview that residents in his Southeastern Pennsylvania district are “racist” and “rednecks.”

Murtha’s re-election, once seemingly assured, is now in doubt.

So if Murtha wins, he’s going to owe a big debt to the vacuous trolls of MoveOn – if he loses, he’s going to jail. In another interview, Russell seems sure of his chances to pull one out tomorrow;

“He is running scared,” Russell said of his opponent today. “He’s engaged in negative attacks that aren’t based on principal or policy.”

TSO sends this video from Uncle Jimbo at Blackfive;

Category: John Murtha, Liberals suck, Politics

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I wish MoveOn gave him millions!
The more that fat little bastard spends on his losing campaign the less MoveOn has available to spend on tight races.
Just my ornery contrarian nature showing thru!
Dan Maloney
NY State Coordinator
Gathering of Eagles


Hmmm, Shawn was ‘on it’ fer sure. I didn’t actually hear him say ‘fat little bastard’ during the rally, but there was a lot of applause during his speech.

Shawn did comment on Murtha’s fat head several time, thus the applause. Turns out Shawn was Murtha’s escort in Iraq… but that story needs to be first hand.


Update: Just talked to UJ and he noted his new post at B5.