“Obama take care of my family.”

| November 1, 2008

Remember in the 1992 campaign some dimwitted, pony-tailed goofball, in a “town hall” setting asked Governor Bill Clinton to be the country’s father…to thunderous applause. We thought that was pretty damn silly back then. From e-Claire, I picked up this story from the El Paso Times;

A man who jumped 60 feet to his death from the Spaghetti Bowl on Thursday left a note with a message for Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama.


Police confirmed that the man left behind a note that read, “Obama take care of my family.”

I don’t WTF often, but WTF? That dim-witted bimbo a few posts down thinks Obama is going to pay her mortgage and gas bills and this airhead thinks Obama is a insurance policy for bridge jumpers.

The guy was a year younger than I am, and I know damn well that the government gives my survivor a one-time fat check for $268 to cover burial expenses (if your final wish was to be incinerated in your BBQ grill and the ashes stuffed in an empty milk carton)  Then the widow gets a couple of hundred bucks for each kid until they turn 18 – then it ends. What did he expect? What do any of these morons expect?

Do they realize that money Obama promises them is coming from the sweat of other Americans’ collective brow? I read a survey one time a decade or so ago to which 30% of respondents said the government has it’s own money supply aside from tax revenues. It must be that immovable 30% that vote straight Democrat in every election.

No amount of election rhetoric will change these cumbubbles who think they’re entitled to the wealth of this nation without applying themselves to any endeavor that brings us that wealth. This has to be changed at it’s core – the entire culture needs to be changed from the ground up.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Politics

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To be fair, the government used to have its own money supply apart from taxes. Like war spoils and things like that. We don’t do that so often any more. If we actually had positive money, we could be investing it.

Jonn wrote: “So often any more” – that must be some sweet-ass Koolaid, dear? Government had it’s own money supply in the Dark Ages – and still it came from taxes and tribute.