So, What’s Going on in the World Today?

| November 1, 2008

Economic doom and gloom…Check.
Afghanistan War quagmire…Check.
Sen. Stevens corruption…Check.
Encouraging Obama voter turn out…Check.
Trumpeting for gay marriage…Check.

Did I miss something?

Oh yeah, that. The fact that Obama’s aunt is an illegal alien absconder who resides in squalor (provided by the government and she is not entitled to) who also illegally contributed to Obama’s campaign…well that’s just a distraction.

H/T Sweetness and Light

UPDATE: I wonder if she is registered to vote? Anybody want to take a guess?

Category: Politics

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So the NYT has also missed the story that there have been wide-spread protests in Afghanistan against the ghastly behavior of the Taliban?

I suppose it just doesn’t fit the narrative.


Even more interesting is the question “How many times has she registered to vote?”

Frankly Opinionated

“……In my world today,,,,,,,,,,”: I went to a very rural fire dept’s open house, where all the visiting cars had some sort of McCain apparel. The farms and homes in the area all have McCain/Palin yard signs. On my way to a car show, (also very heavily conservative), I drove through the ghetto. Even my little small town here in the Panhandle of Fla has its very own ghetto. Didn’t see any McCain yardsigns, or bumper stickers. Seems that those who are used to doing for themselves want it one way, and the others who sit on their asses and suckle the government tit want it another way. Lord help us who help ourselves, and see that we don’t give ourselves over to the government.
I wouldn’t want to bet that sensible can win out over ignorance tonight. For states to damned dumb to have good election/registration practices in place, and those too damned dumb to be able to purge the voter rolls, screen the person registering, assuring that ones vote is not being placed by another……… Why should they have the right to participate in a national election? There are states that have good election/registration practices. If they can do it, why can’t all of them do it. It is bad enough that we don’t have any sort of inteligence test for voters. Shit- most of ’em can’t even name their 2 U.S. Senators, nor describe their jobs.
I truly wonder just how this will all wash.
nuf sed