Obama’s aunt is illegal alien and Obama donor Updated; under the bus edition

| November 1, 2008

So AP is reporting that Obama’s aunt found in Boston was ordered to leave the country after a judge denied her amnesty request;

And apparently she made an illegal donation to the Obama campaign;

Now we know why he’s still begging for campaign donations like he’s running for another 20 months – he has to pay back all of those illegal donations he knows he took.

Michelle Malkin writes that the Bush Administration is moving to protect Obama’s aunt from deportation.

UPDATE: Now Obama claims he didn’t know she was illegal;

Now, ya know, my wife has non-US relatives and if one of them were living in the US, I’d know their immigrant status because if an illegal relative lived with me, I’d probably lose my job. I stay ahead of stuff that could alter my life at a moment’s notice.

But, then I guess this isn’t the Aunti Zeituni that Obama thought he knew.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Legal, Media, Politics

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What is absolutely unfathomable is that Obama is not even interested in upholding the rule of law as a Presidential Candidate!! I don’t care what he thinks he wants to change, this is WRONG!! Is this the first step to saying Fukk America? Why is the media not saying anything? This is utter bullshitt and totally not acceptable.


[…] Cove — Barracuda Patrol!, Obama’s Aunt An Illegal Alien | McCain Blogs, This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » Obama’s aunt …, JammieWearingFool, Michelle Malkin reports: Obama’s illegal alien aunt (and campaign donor!) is […]


[…] This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » Obama’s aunt is illegal alien a… […]


[…] Amnesty » Pirate’s Cove — Barracuda Patrol! Obama’s Aunt An Illegal Alien | McCain Blogs This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » Obama’s aunt is illegal alien a… JammieWearingFool Michelle Malkin reports: Obama’s illegal alien aunt (and campaign donor!) is a […]


Not exactly the Partridge Family bus is it?


Makes me think,
Sat in a Church for 20 years but didn’t know Wright was a racist, Did business with Ayers for 15 years but didn’t know he was a terrioist. Bought property from Resko but didn’t know he was shady. Didn’t know Dr. Khalid Abdullah was anti Semite. Didn’n know Auntie Zeituni is here illegally (living in Public Housing and contributing to his campaign illegally). Sent a Director from his campaign to a meeting with Islamic Terriost but didn’t know. Seems to me he doesn’t know some very important things….or did he and is not being honest! Obama is a dangerous man!

1. Occidental College records –Not released
2. Columbia College records – Not released
3. Columbia Thesis Paper – “not available”
4. Harvard College records – Not released
5. Selective Service Registration – Not released
6. Medical records – Not released
7. Illinois State Senate schedule – “not available”
8. Law practice client list – Not released
9. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate – Not released
10. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth – Not released
11. Harvard Law Review articles published – None
12. University of Chicago scholarly articles – None
13. Your Record of baptism – Not released or “not available”
14. Your Illinois State Senate records– “not available”


Seems the media mantra now is “the public doesn’t have a right to know.”

Dave B

Howard: I agree with your concerns. I think we can apply the same standard that you can apply in a court of law. I think we can draw a negative inference from the totality of everything we know and everything that he refuses to let us know. I’ll apply my own standard though because its my vote. I’ll be of the opinion that all those things you listed show radical, anti-semitic, anti-American, anti-white, socialistic, marxist, philosophies, and would show that he is totally incompetent, was given a position at Harvard without writing a single thing (first time in history)because he was black and connected, he’s not even eligible to be President because he is not a valid citizen born in the USA or territories, and he’s not as smart as everyone would have you believe. Now they can prove me wrong and I might change my mind. If not, that’s what I think. Its up to them.


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