Late Tuesday with Claymore

| May 6, 2014

Gunning for smarts

Quoting crazy in the echo chamber

On the bright side, I’ll have some awesome beach front property here in Atlanta

Economics…they don’t has any

Nazi analogies are only good if a liberal uses them to describe conservatives

They don’t have a prayer

Socialist masturbatory comic books?

Sort of puts a new spin on the whole “Blue Man Group” thingy.

Frock you, Hans Brix!!!

10 points to Griffindor!

Let It Happen On Purpose vs. Let Them Die On Purpose.

This week’s “You’re a Greedy Racist” screed

Call Of Duty: Penn Ave. Edition

Salon thinks there’s no point in working with white Southern males.

A Feast For Crows

Liberals are smarter than you are…and more moral too. And humble. Don’t forget humble.

Hillary vs. Sebelius?

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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HS Sophomore

Nominate Claymore for a Purple Heart on this one. In the course of his duties, he bravely infiltrated the enemy camp, but was inflicted with horrific damage to his mind by the stupid radiation. An excellent soldier if ever there was one.


The whole domain is a natural disaster zone. Logic nor facts are found within.

Claymore obviously gets hazard duty pay for entering that twilight zone.


…it’s a target rich environment. 🙂

Kinda old ET1

Very target rich.

Love how bent out of shape they were getting themselves over the HoePo story on the Antarctic ice sheet. One, it would take ocean temps of about 2.5° warmer,*which none of the current models are calling for. Two, it would take 5,000 -10,000 years for that ice sheet to flow into the sea. Bunch of damn harpies.


Ha. They can just keep choosing the emotion over reason, effing fools.
I cannot stand it more and more. They really do want the echo chamber, and nothing more. They will not learn until all of it directly affects them because they truly believe that their support of all things democratic is going to protect them…Gah.