Jim Gourley: 10 reasons not to vote for a veteran

| April 28, 2014


Chief Tango sends a link to an article that was in Foreign Policy but had too much pop-up BS for me to read the damn thing. So, Stars & Stripes gets the traffic. The article is written by Jim Gourley, who claims to be an Iraq veteran and advises his readers to not vote for veterans. Why? Well because f**k you that’s why. Here’s the short answer;

10. We are really bad at managing tax dollars. Not really. Most of us barely scraped by with broke dick equipment and made it work well enough to kill hundreds of enemy with bailing wire and 100-mile-an-hour tape. Real soldiers never got near government dollars, but officers like Gourley always had everything they needed.

9. We’re just as political as the politicians. Again, a lie. I can count the number of political conversations I had with members of my infantry units on two fingers in the two decades of service in that branch. Yeah, we voted. I became a Republican after voting for Jimmy Carter. I needed to police myself.

8. Being a vet doesn’t make us a morally superior candidate. Another lie. Have you seen the morally reprehensible members of Congress who lie to our faces on the floor of the House and Senate. Just being truthful once would make us morally superior.

7. Combat isn’t an accomplishment. Says the intelligence officer. Leading troops in combat against an armed enemy and bringing them all home safe made me more accomplished than any of my peers in college, and probably most of my professors. See, there’s the key word, Gourley – Lead. Look at the mess we’re in because there are no leaders in Congress or the White House.

6. We really don’t understand the average American. Um, we are the average American. We come from families across the country, in every high school, every grocery store, every MacDonald’s. We weren’t raised on special farms where the government grows it’s soldiers. What we don’t understand is why there are so many who feel entitled to government handouts, and why they’re so afraid of us. We don’t understand why crime is so high and the law enforcement agencies are so afraid to deal with that problem. When we did something wrong, punishment was swift and painful. We don’t understand why Americans are so slow to recognize dangers to the country and why we’re so willing to coddle our enemies. We don’t understand why civilians aren’t all at the recruiting station trying to make something of their sad, dependent lives.

5. Our life experience is limited. Yeah, life experience is limited – like the 22-year-old buck sergeant who was responsible for the lives and well-being of eight other men and a half-million dollars worth of equipment. As compared to the 22-year-old college grad who once was responsible for getting the keg to the frat house on Saturday night – and he was probably late.

4. We’re overrepresented as it is. The stupidest, most telling excuse of all. There was a time, arguably a better time, when nearly every member of Congress was a veteran. You know, back when they had a work ethic and were grateful to be alive and felt a duty to those of us who hadn’t returned to honor their memory by preserving our country.

3. We make a mess of the dialogue. WTF does that mean? Have you listened to the assholes who worry about islands that may tip over because there are too many Marines on it? FFS.

2. The parties are just using us as poster children. No, not the parties, the politicians. One comes to mind in particular – the fellow who “reported for duty” at his convention. Then there was the Senator who had for years been telling his constituents that he’d been to Vietnam when he hadn’t. And the Senator who said he flew in Vietnam combat missions when he was actually just a guy who ferried planes between Japan and Vietnam. But then, we honor fake Indians, too.

1. We actually do feel entitled! Probably because we’ve actually accomplished something in our lives before we turned 40 years old. We’ve bet our lives and our futures on an idea of liberty and freedom, instead of living off our parents for our entire young lives. When we go to college on taxpayer dollars, it’s because we earned it before hand. And used our youth as down payment on our promises.

Gourley is an associate of Tom Ricks, so I understand that he is willing to sell his soul for an opportunity to screw his fellow veterans. In fact, he writes how we’re hiding behind our service, but I’ll bet cash money, that’s the first thing he’ll hide behind trying to defend this intellectually vacuous POS. A Baby [LTC Robert] Bateman making his political bones on the backs of veterans. Good luck with that, Jimmy, I hope you choke on it.

By the way, if you look at Gourley’s LinkedIn profile, you’ll notice that he leans heavily on his military career. So, I guess it’s alright for an aspiring writer who intends to write anti-veteran screeds to advertise themselves as a veteran, somehow it qualifies him to be a writer. But politicians not so much.

Category: Blue Falcons, Dumbass Bullshit

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The “Blue Falcon” tag is uniquely apropos for Gourley here.

Gourley’s public LinkedIn profile indicates he went to the USAF Academy, but somehow ended up in the US Army. (I’d love to know how that went down.) The USAFA’s colors are blue and silver. Their nickname is “Falcons” – as are their mascots.

Looks to me like he’s merely continuing being a blue falcon from his days at USAFA. Apparently he learned well.


“BaCaw” “BaCaw”.

Definitely a Blue Falcon.



I had a USAFA grad in my IOBC class. I have no idea who he pissed off to get there, but he was exactly what one would expect from an Air Force educated Infantry officer. There were some international students in that class who I respected more.


Hondo, when you graduate from one of the service academies, you can request to take your commission in any of the armed forces. It’s not particularly common, but you see it from time to time.

We had a lieutenant in my infantry brigage in Hawaii who had graduated from USAFA. He ended up getting court-martialed when he went to a party on the North Shore, got drunk, and got into a fight with an NCO. (Over a girl, natch). After getting his ass kicked by the NCO, he left the party, then returned, waving a .45 around and threatening to shoot the NCO.

So, USAFA does produce its share of dumb asses, as Gourley here so richly demonstrates.


“Brigage” = “brigade”.

Not enough coffee yet this morning.


Were you in 4/27 by chance. It sounds like something my PL did when I was stationed there.


2-35 cacti none better ive seen some dumb people but they typically get kicked out fairly fast

Green Thumb

What years?


Wolfhounds! I was in 1/27, but I think we are talking about the same guy. Brett something? Blonde surfer dude?

Doc Savage

WOOT!…4/27 before we reflagged to 2/27….1995-1998


True. But “request” is the operative term. Approval at very high levels is required – I think literally at the Service Secretary level or one level below.

The only time I’ve ever seen that personally was one guy from West Point who ended up going into the USAF. Story I heard was that he was able to document that he’d been promised that option before entry.

I’m also guessing that the services don’t routinely approve such requests, particularly for those who are considered top-notch prospects as officers. It costs the services a bundle to train and commission any officer, and the service academies are the most expensive way.

B Woodman

Everywhere there is the word “officer” (when referring to Blue Falcon Gourley and similar others), replace it with the word “orificer”.
There. Fixed it for ya.

2/17 Air Cav

Here’s a fun–but politically correct exercise. Insert Black for Veteran in each of the bold statements and re-read it. Would Gourley have written that? Of course not. He would have been cutting his own throat in doing so. But making such inane blanket statements about Vets is okay.

2/17 Air Cav

That should have been politically incorrect, not politically correct.


No, it’s not okay and he’s a turncoat, a parasite and a rhinestone-collared lap dog.

I may have unknowingly used him as the model for Senator Bedsore – er, Bledsoe. I am SO psychic.

This hogwallow just wants his day at the money trough, that’s all, however his little essay may backfirfe on him. If he makes these statements prefaced by ‘I’m a veteran’, why would anyone vote for him?


Looking over Gourley’s public LinkedIn bio a second time, I noted another interesting tidbit.

His final assignment was as an “Assistant Brigade Intelligence Officer” in the 101st Airborne Div.

25+ years ago, I was assigned to one of the maneuver brigades of that division. It’s my recollection that the A/S2 slot was an O2 slot – but it’s been 2 1/2 decades, so I could be wrong. (I’d appreciate it if someone with more recent knowledge of their TOEs could correct or confirm.) At the time, Gourley was presumably a CPT/O3.

If my recollection is correct, then I think there may be a good reason Gourley here has a huge hardon for the military. His departure at 7 years or so active duty may well have been “suggested” to him because he wasn’t exactly a “world beater” as an Intel officer – or as an officer, period.

Speculation? Yes. And I could very easily be wrong.

Perhaps someone who served with the guy can tell me if I’m off base.


I would say it probably still is or an 0-3 and if he were worth more he would have been over at the 311th and not over at the BDE.


Islandof misfittoys: my recollection was that the S2 slot at the time was an O3 billet – but, again, that was 25+ years ago, and I could be wrong. I know the guy filling the slot was a CPT at the time I was there, and his A/S2 was an O2. But they might have been slotted “1-down” due to shortfalls in Intel officers of the requisite grade within XVIII Abn Corps.


I have not been there since 93 so it has been a while and while I worked with the Division in Iraq that was at the division level. I will ask around though.


In Afghanistan, the BN S-2 OIC was transferred and became the Bde A/S-2 OIC as a Captain. So I’m guessing it is entirely possible that its an O-3 position now. That was in 2011-12.

Frankly he should’ve been “promoted” to O-0, but that’s just me. (And he might have)


You could add in that most military folks travel overseas more than the average American adding to their life experince. Also being on the bussiness end of forgein policy decisions tends to add to perspective. Or at the age of 19, 20, 21 being more responsible than most other that age and being put in charge of taking care of others and/or millions of dollars of high value equipment. This guy ia a real piece of work and I am sure in the land he seems to live in of gumdrop skies and unicorns this argument makes sense but here in the real world it is not even close to the truth. Of course I am sure there are plenty that will lap it up and believe in it.


“Ten Reasons to Never Read Anything Else by Jim Gourley:”

10. For someone in the intelligence field, he doesn’t display very much.

9. Talks in sweeping generalizations.

8. Hates bacon AND coffee.

7. Those that can’t do, criticize.

6. Buys into the stereotype of the “Ticking Time Bomb Veteran.”

5. Buys into the stereotype that Service Members and Veterans are dumb (except him, of course.)

4. He has a distinct sense of self-loathing. Since he’s willing to screw veterans, he’s also willing to screw himself.

3. Willing to use his veteran status to get ahead, he just doesn’t want any other veteran to do the same.

2. Probably never led troops in garrison OR combat.

1. A veteran who hates veterans who did more than he did. He deserves Shinsekian levels of derision and ridicule.

A Proud Infidel®™

If he hates bacon AND coffee, that alone is grounds for DEMANDING that he turn in his Man Card, I bet he’s effeminately metrosexual to the point he doesn’t like Hooter’s either!!


I’m certain he avoids the place (and Twin Peaks) because it demeans and objectifies women.


While I refuse to vote for anyone on any single thing such as Veterans Status, Gourley is an asshat for all the reasons mentioned in Jonn’s response.
I particularly hate the labeling of Veterans as feeling “entitled” or seeking entitlements…
I’m sorry, but what the fuck is up with all these asshats, particularly from the left now trying to label us this way? Oh, I get it… in order to protect their constituency whom they bribe with entitlements and keep those entitlements protected they want to try and paint welfare as somehow equal to being a veteran.
Well last time I fucking checked a welfare recipient did not have to volunteer for anything that put their lives at risk. Last time I checked, they were not forced to sacrifice shit… no, just stand in line and put your damned hand out.
A veteran on the other hand, peace time, combat Vet, as long as they are honorably discharged have earned every damned benefit they get. I do not care if it is a retirement, health, education, or disability benefit. They are all earned in blood, sweat, and sacrifice.
Is this a reason to vote for a Veteran? No, it isn’t but it sure is reason to get right in anyone’s face who dares to compare, or worse to equate Military/veterans benefits to any “entitlement” program.

Oh Hell

Right on!! Thank You for Your Service!!


Entitlements. Mr. Girly, you keep using that word, but I do not think you know what it means. [Turns off Inigo Montoya voice.]


I would love for this tool bag to come on here and defend his thesis amongst his fellow veterans.

LebbenB had a very striking point in his post, “Talks in sweeping generalizations”. Ghorley does not really make any detailed arguments for his article. He throws out a bunch of liberal talking points and slurs, takes a shot at LtCol. West and marches on down the road.

I love the fact that this fucker uses his veterans status as a hammer to use on his fellow veterans. Blue Falcon indeed. There is no doubt in my military mind that this asshole was told to hit the bricks by his superiors. And he is bitter. Too bad, so sad.


Was never impressed with Gourley’s contributions on Ricks’ National Defense blog. Always seemed like a self-important blowhard who purported to know a lot about everything (surprising given his resume- strikes me as one of those TOCroaches who blathers on & on about his views on the world & Army when there’s an operation to manage), but hey- he’s entitled to his opinion, I suppose.


“TOCroaches” LMFAO!

A Proud Infidel®™

Gourley is an excellent example of a TOCroach, and his still being an )3 after so long is a good indicator that he’s a less-then-stellar example of an Officer, much like the caliber often assigned to command at Basic & AIT Units!


Proud Infidel: he got out after 7 yrs AD. Being an O3 would be about right for that much active service. I believe 9 or 10 years to O4 was the norm in the 2008-2009 time frame.


We should release the Kratman! Someone send this to Tom Kratman, I would love to see him rip this weenie apart.


I posted this to his Baen.com page. is the popcorn ready yet?

I’ll grab some beers….


I have followed Keller SOP and now have huli huli chicken with a splash of Sailor Jerry’s on the grill over mesquite. Somebody grab me a Dr. Pepper please.

Tom Kratman

I don’t think I have a thing to say that wasn’t said perfectly well above.

Well, one thing: The difference between this guy and that shitweasel, Bateman, is that Gurley isn’t a serving officer. Thus he has as much right to talk as anyone else, even if we don’t – and I don’t – like what he has to say.


I smell a Joe hating officer. I’m sure he was fun to work with and was insufferable when he got his Bronze Star (if he deployed and got one of those rubber stamped BSMs)
also, the Starts & Stripes link not working for anyone else?

A Proud Infidel®™

Ya’ mean like the Bronze Stars that TOCroaches got for making coffee at all hours and keeping the copier supplied with paper?


I’ve had plenty of political conversations in uniform, but to say “We’re just as political as the politicians” is some sort of special kind of stupid. Politics are completely all consuming for politicians, they are almost always politically motivated in almost everything that they do. Misunderstanding this is the kind of moronic mistake that reveals the writer as a hack who is more interested in garnering attention than in providing honest analysis.



I want to write him a nasty letter, but I have to first get all the invective out of my system.


Nicki: given this guy’s idiotic thesis, that can’t possibly be all. Please continue. (smile)

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well call me a veteran bigot then, because I hire based on that quality. I just recently met with an organization in Connecticut (CPTV) that is operating a program to get vets qualified in graphic arts from production in television to skill sets for printing. I will be working to find a fit for a vet from that program at my facility. The reason is simple as you all know, vets work harder and smarter and bring very little drama to work. They understand tight deadlines and the need to put bullshit aside to get the job done, on time and correctly.

Heaven forbid we should get some elected leaders who understand that the world isn’t all about them, it’s about the people they agreed to serve. Mr. Gourley can go and pound sand for all I care for his idiotic opinions. I am sick and tired of assclowns who think they speak for veterans when the reality is they are only speaking for themselves to pad their own wallet.

In case that wasn’t clear enough: Fuck you Gourley, Fuck you very much.


While I consider being a vet a prime qualification for elected service, that just gets someone a closer look at their record and sure as hell doesn’t guarantee my vote. And after 10 years of dealing with intel officers, I can honestly say that from ’77 through ’87, I met two for whom I would conceivably vote (Major Yount and CW4 Price.) The rest of ’em can pound sand.


Jeez, he’s right about the money thing – I’ve seen TONS of money (cash and contracts) forked over to the Iraqis and Afghans. If it were my choice, we’d have kept every penny, but I’m just a vet and don’t know how to throw away the taxpayers’ money like the pros in DC.


Just saw the MI thing – that about explains it.

A Proud Infidel®™

Military Intelligence, THE ULTIMATE contradiction of terms!!

Gourley can GO FUCK HIMSELF to death up the ass sideways with a six foot long frozen catfish!!


WTF!!! I’ve got to head to PT now but I’ll come back to this ass wipe later!


An officer thinking lowly of service members?

This is my shocked face…..

I remember the EAS “talk” I got from my company commander in Iraq. Guy thought he had Miss Cleo powers and made sure he got in his say. It wasn’t really a talk but rather blow hard officer trash talk because enlisted can’t do anything but stand there and say yes sir.


I think as he’s gotten closer and more recognized on FP, he sides more with the Ricks’ side of things. I actually used to enjoy some of his posts and articles but as of the last 2 years anything dealing with vets and their issues he see’s it all as whining. I bet he does as an assistant 2 he was sitting in the Toc watching porn on the share drive. I had no idea he was an intel puke. They’re a weird breed of cat.

JarHead Pat


I sent him a nice message on fb,bitter asshole blue falcon for sure.


He is pretty bitter Allen West just didn’t let those ingrate troops die. He sure would have!

NR Pax

Looks like the page is gone now.


Yeah, he’s gone dark on FB. The hate must have poured in fast and furious. Poor wittle boy must’ve got his feewings hurt.


Okay, this ass hole has taken the cake for today. A commissioned officer who hates the military (who provided his tax free education) and hates the troops (because we are just to stupid and inbred to understand the bigger picture like he does). Only officers like him can see the big picture, not a simple minded, ass in the grass grunt. As an “intelligence officer” I am not surprised. I met some of those S2 ass holes back in my tour. There were a few who were “head and shoulders” above everyone else, in their own minds. The snickering, smirks of “I know stuff you are too low echelon to know and too stupid to understand”. Of course we had no choice but to follow their “intel” out on patrols. Only to find ourselves FUBAR. I think they simply wrote it off to “bad intel from other sources”. Nice, comforting words to the grunts wounded or dead. This guy is big time into triathlons. His big work “Faster: Demystifying the Science of Triathlon Speed”. I loved his Velo Press discussions under the category “Conversations With My Bike”. Maybe he needs to start talking more with his bike and keeping his fucking pie hole shut about veterans he obviously knows nothing about. How does he spend that much time in the military and come away with the bullshit he tosses out. Fuck him, up down and sideways with his bicycle handlebar.


He was an assistant S2 in a Brigade -2 shop. That means he was in charge of making coffee and proofreading power point slides. His opinion counts for naught.


LebbenB thanks. At least MOST of the S2 guys I met had a head on their shoulders about their jobs. This guy is just a loser, big time.


Back in 2010 he was an expert on PTSD. This Girlyman sure did learn a lot in 7 years…


OIF '06-'07-'08

Two words is what I can come up with regarding his 10 reasons.

((((((FUCK HIM))))))))

Just an Old Dog

Him and LT Col Bateman need to get together. Perfect pair of obnoxious assholes who know what’s best for us all.
I think his article is spot on in describing HIMSELF.


Haha, this guy was my PL in the 101st. He has a thing for driving a Pontiac Solstice…


Gotta say, not all of us Intel guys are that bad, and honestly, Mr. Ghourley is one of those guys that we enlisted guys likely all had issues with. Officers who wouldn’t take an NCO’s opinions as valid unless they validated their own. Almost as bad as Manning on the enlisted side of the house. Almost.


I think this makes the point that enlisted are better qualified than officers as they are FAR more grounded in reality. Also, I imagine this guy is a liberal because these same things he laments (Not being able to attack another person because of service, backlash on media for insulting someone’s service, entitlement because of service, messy dialogue ect…) are the same benefits liberals get: Not being able to attack someone because of their race, backlash for attacking a liberal, since of entitlement because they are liberal ect..


Doc, I respectfully disagree with you. The officer corps doesn’t have a lock on self-centered, self-serving individuals. As a career NCO, I met many an NCO that were legends in their own minds. Usually their actual performance didn’t justify their attitudes.


This guy shares a name with a very fine jazz guitarist who died a few years ago. Jimmy Gourley was American but lived and worked in France for most of his life. I’d hate to think they were related.

Green Thumb



I “don’t understand the average American?” I thought I was an average American.