Following Jonn’s Theme of Obama Equals Jimmy Carter

| October 26, 2008

In a recent interview, Barry was asked about troop levels. Here is what he said.

“In 2002 I said we should focus on finishing the fight against Osama Bin Laden. Throughout this campaign I’ve argued that we need more troops and more resources to win the war in Iraq.”

No he didn’t! Did he just say “more troops and more resources to win the war in Iraq”? Why yes he did.

I know that his position on Iraq has evolved considerably:
a. The war is lost, immediate withdrawal of all troops
b. Avoiding genocide is a not a good reason to stay in Iraq
c. The Surge will not work, in fact it will make things worse
d. Start withdrawal immediately; two combat brigades a month

But I don’t recall Senator Obama ever demanding more troops with the intent to “WIN” in Iraq. In fact he has built his entire meteoric rise in the morally bankrupt Democrat Party by being a bigger surrender monkey than the rest of the Socialists.

Of course the media has blindly fallen in line and refused to point out his many different and conflicting positions, particularly when it comes to the military. It is apparent that the young senator doesn’t know jack-shit about anything military.

That doesn’t mean that he likes to act like he knows something. Obama writing in Foreign Affairs in July/August 2007:

We should expand our ground forces by adding 65,000 soldiers to the army and 27,000 marines. Bolstering these forces is about more than meeting quotas. We must recruit the very best and invest in their capacity to succeed. That means providing our servicemen and servicewomen with first-rate equipment, armor, incentives, and training — including in foreign languages and other critical skills.

That doesn’t sound so bad until you watch this video.

He proclaims that he will cut billions of dollars worth of “needless” defense spending including “I will slow the development of future combat systems”. This is not spin folks, this is what the man said openly.

Perhaps the sage wisdom of Joe Biden can explain the dynamic between “first rate equipment” and no “future combat systems”?

Category: Politics

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So he will expand the military by cutting the military budget by 25%. You know what is scary, the dumb democrats will swallow that line without a blink of the eyes. I’m now, and have been for a while, recommending that no one be fool enough to join any branch of the military and If you are already in, get the he** out at the earlist time possible. Let Hussein draft enough Socialist and Islamist to fill the military. I would not, and will not, serve the stupid Americans in any capacity if he is elected. They want him they can have him and do the work to protect the country.


I’ve been kinda wishfully comparing Obama with Carter for a while now.

But it is just wishful thinking. Maybe if you lumped Carter and Clinton together? Still, the real question is whether we have a Reagan waiting in the wings… more so whether a Reagan could penetrate what an Obama Presidency will leave in it’s wake?

But then, this election ain’t over.


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LT Nixon

Regardless of who wins the election, I just hope Joe Biden keeps making wisecracks in front of large crowds. That NASCAR joke in NOrth Carolina went over real well with the crowd.