How unprepared is Obama/Biden?

| October 25, 2008

You’ve probably seen the WFTV’s Barbara West interview with Joe Biden where she had the temerity to actually ask Joe Biden questions about Obama’s relationship to ACORN, voter fraud and Marx. It all caused Joe Biden to lie so badly, you can actually see his hair plugs retreating back to his ass.  Here’s the video;

Well, from Michelle Malkin, by way of Bits Blog, I discovered that the Obama campaign cancelled an interview at the station by Biden’s wife, Jill later in the day because of this according to the Orlando Sentinel;

The campaign cited “an unprofessional interview” WFTV’s Barbara West did Thursday with Joe Biden. In a statement Friday, Adrianne Marsh, Florida spokeswoman for Obama’s campaign, said the station, in talking with Sen. Biden, was “both combative and woefully uninformed about simple facts.”

In case they take that down later, here’s the screen shot;

Bob Parks of Black & Right recounts the campaign’s message to WFTV;

“This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election,” wrote Laura K. McGinnis, Central Florida communications director for the Obama campaign.

Well, if a pretty, blonde reporter woman can fluster the campaign so bad, what will Ahmadinejad and Putin do to an Obama/Biden administration?  DavidL at Bits Blog wrote;

Republican administrations are expected to deal with old rude hags like Helen Thomas.  On the other hand, the Obama campaign can not handle simple questions from a local reporterette.

Malkin wrote;

Keep Barbara West in your thoughts and prayers. She can expect the Joe the Plumber treatment any minute now.

Meanwhile, Gateway Pundit reports that the LA Times is suppressing a video of Obama toasting PLO thugs while they bash Jews. That’s the kind of stuff that got Obama in this jam in the first place…the media covering for him and Biden. Who’s going to cover for them in office?

And the scandal that will follow them from the campaign is the story that’s just easing out into the media about the campaign’s disabling of the Address Verification System in their donation system that allowed people to donate unlimited amounts from around the world. Story from Ace of Spades who has kept a death grip on the story all week.

All of this stuff won’t be buried after the election, you betcha.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media, Politics

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West kicked Biden’s sorry ass for sure. THe thing that made me laugh: Who’s writing these questions for you? If there is a God, What goes around, comes around…hopefuly sooner than later.


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