Obama’s “grassroots” donors

| October 22, 2008

Every email I get from the Obama campaign touts the fact that the regular guys like me are what’s making Obama’s campaign the richest in history. Well, the campaign filed their records late Monday and the Washington Post found a bit of information that contradicts the Obama populist line.

Lost in the attention given to Obama’s Internet surge is that only a quarter of the $600 million he has raised has come from donors who made contributions of $200 or less, according to a review of his FEC reports. That is actually slightly less, as a percentage, than President Bush raised in small donations during his 2004 race, although Obama has pulled from a far larger number of donors.

It turns out that Obama is being funded by a large number of wealthy donors, not the grannies who are saving their pennies in a fruit jar as Obama would have us believe;

Interest among major party donors grew so fevered that the Democratic Party created a separate committee to capture millions of additional dollars from individuals who had already given Obama the most the law allows and who had also anted up $28,500 to the Democratic National Committee.

The Committee for Change, created in mid-July, has become a vehicle for ultra-rich Democratic donors to distinguish themselves from the 3.1 million others who have put $600 million behind Obama’s presidential candidacy.

“We kept running into donors who had maxed out to Obama Victory who wanted to do additional money and had the capacity to do it and were eager to do it,” said Alan Kessler, a Philadelphia lawyer who recently held a fundraiser for the committee. “They asked if there were vehicles and other ways to do it, and we said yes.”

So it’s the donors like George Soros and the Hollywood flakes that’s making his fundraising so successful. That’s change? Those are the people who think you’re a bitter, gun-clinging, superstitious clod and think you’re susceptible to the mind-numbing stream of ads that Obama has run trying to convince you that he’s just like you – even though he couldn’t ever want to be like you.

Obama has been bought and paid for just like every other politician…for all of his empty rhetoric to the contrary.

Category: Politics

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