The American Dream is still alive

| October 22, 2008

According to the Washington Times‘ Jennifer Harper writes that, according to poll, despite the rhetoric from politicians and race pimps, more than three-fourths of Americans still believe in the American dream. John McCain squeezed by Barack Obama in the poll as being the candidate most likely to do a better job of helping Americans acheive their dreams, and more Republicans than Democrats believed in the American Dream;

Who would do a “better job” of helping Americans achieve their dreams? More than half – 51 percent – cited Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin, just squeaking by Sens. Barack Obama and Joseph R. Biden Jr., who garnered 49 percent. Mr. Obama was cited more than Mr. McCain as “an American dream story,” 58 percent to 42 percent.

There’s a partisan divide amid sentiment: 84 percent of Republicans compared with 71 percent of Democrats said they believed in the American dream.

Cynicism surfaced: 11 percent of the respondents said the federal government helped Americans prosper; about two-thirds said the nation assisted immigrants or other countries achieve success over its own citizens.

I don’t know what people think the American Dream is, but I know it’s not the race-baiting, class warfare drivel that Obama spews everyday. I guess there’s a portion of America that thinks the dream is sitting in front of a big screen TV and watching “The View” while someone else works to pay their bills.

To me the American Dream is freedom from fear in an environment where I can work and earn and provide for my family without a government that looks over my shoulder and counts every penny I make. An Obama in the White House who wants to “spread the wealth around” isn’t what I dream about.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, John McCain/Sarah Palin, Liberals suck, Politics

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John, the problem here is the cult of the personality. People believe that the messiah is inspiring and they are awestruck by his teleprompted speeches. The cold hard truth is if you must look outside yourself for hope, and especially to an elected official, you are a very sad individual and more than likely doomed to failure. I’ve always believed that as long as blood flows through my veins there is hope for me to succeed. The only thing someone in the white house can do is prevent success through policies. I doubt anyone has ever said ” Thank God for President X, he’s the one who got me to where I am today!”