Is Hillary Clinton Running the Obama Surrogates?

| October 21, 2008

The big story today is the flack that Joe Biden started by opening his festering pie-hole again. Biden predicted a “generated crisis” within the first six months of an Obama administration designed to exploit his perceived weakness internationally.

But Michael Medved caught something that I missed.

Colin Powell predicted the same thing during his endorsement of Obama on MTP.

Listen here.

What is unbelievable about this is that I thought the Democrats had long ago proclaimed that using fear is a fascist tactic of the right?

Category: Politics

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THe generated crisis? Could that be Iran? As I have heard and it has not been paid attention to in the MSM, that Biden’s words weren’t supposed to have been heard by the press. And,apparently both candidates have had National Security briefings in regard to this ‘crisis.’ He was tryig to save his own political ass and fukk the Country. Typical.


Apparently some news has surfaced about Israel and Iran…WWBD? um, that is too scary to condider…