How can ethical Democrats be split on Dollar Bill?

| June 7, 2007

In the Politico this morning, Josephine Hearn writes that Democrats are split on whether they should even investigate Willam Jefferson, the Congressional Democrat from Louisiana who was discovered to have 90 large in his freezer after being filmed taking a 100 grand for a bribe. This is after the two other people on the same film have already pleaded guilty and have been residing in the local hoosegow for more than a year.

Ms. Hearn writes that;

The simmering divisions were evident in the results of a vote Tuesday night, calling on the House ethics committee to investigate Jefferson and report back on whether he should be expelled from the House. Eighteen caucus members supported it, 13 opposed and three voted present. The resolution passed overwhelmingly, 373-26.

Everyone was writing about Jefferson a few days ago which is why I resisted. Given my limited time to spend on this blog, I figure that I should concentrate on things other people might miss, but, Holy Moley…26 people in Congress – all Democrats – didn’t think there should even be an investigation? 16 people in the House Ethics Committee either voted against the measure or weaseled out with a “present” vote.

Even a Republican-controlled Ethics Committee voted to investigate Tom Delay, f’Pete’s sake – with no real evidence that Delay even broke the law. But nearly half of the committee voted to not investigate a man caught on video accepting a bribe? Who can believe their lyin’ eyes?

But, this is how Democrats “drain the swamps” I guess. So what possible reason could anyone have for not voting for the investigation?

House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.), one of Jefferson’s strongest congressional supporters, voted against the resolution. Asked about it Wednesday, he seemed to allude to the civil rights concerns.

“I came out of the sit-ins, where you were guilty until proven innocent,” he said. “Let’s let justice run its course.”

So because of what happened in this country more than 40 years ago, the race-baiters use it an excuse to tolerate corruption. Again, who can believe their lyin’ eyes? But Hearn writes that the Congressional Black Caucus doesn’t agree on what course to take;

“This caucus has spent a lot of time talking about the culture of corruption and holding members of Congress to a higher standard,” said Rep. Artur Davis (D-Ala.), who supported the resolution. “You have to act on your rhetoric. There’s a separate question (from the Justice Department investigation) of whether he misused his office.”

Oh, no kidding? The Democrats understand that actions speak louder than words? Since when?

Speaking of ethics, the Washington Post front page was covered in daily non-stop Delay coverage during that dust-up that led no where, so where are the stories in the Washington Post about Jefferson’s 16 charges and the 1/2 million bucks in bribes? Today’s WaPo has one tiny little story in Paul Kane’s story about how this is a splendid opportunity for some other no-name Democrat to get a slot on the Homeland Security Committee. Huh?

Everytime the Washington Post goes after this administration or the Congressional Republicans, it’s front pages for weeks. Now the biggest Congressional bribery case in the history of Washington, and the Post can’t be bothered with the story. Instead we get Immigrant Measure Survives Challenges and They Know How to Caucus instead of a front page layout on how the most ethical Congress is about as ethical as a pirate.

But if you use the search feature on the Washington Post and search on “Libby” you find 25 DIFFERENT articles and opinion pieces in the last two days in the Post.

Category: Media, Politics

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“How can ethical Democrats be split on Dollar Bill?”

Politicians – ethical….Don’t they have a name for that? Oxymoron comes to mind 🙂