12-year-old persecuted for Palin shirt

| October 18, 2008

Apparently, the Obama thug-ocracy has infiltrated middle schools. This 12-year-old wore a McCain/Palin shirt to school and was called a racist by her classmates. Yeah, we’re the change we’ve been waiting for;

Jones is volunteering at the Republican Headquarters in New Smyrna Beach. The Palin t-shirt was a gift from her fellow volunteers.

But when she wore it to school she learned just how tough politics can be.

“Some of the students were calling me racist because I was Caucasian,” she said. “I wanted the Caucasian man to win. And I told them that’s not true. It’s my freedom of speech, it’s my opinion.”

So, using the logic of the middle-schoolers, all of the white people have to support Obama or we’re racist. I guess that’s bit of projection because those students are supporting Obama merely because he’s Black.

Category: Politics

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And this would perpetuate from the mouths of babes, presumably through the nastiness of parents who don’t teach tolerance…
My 17yo would not wear a GOE shirt to schol because it was known that she is one of two conservative thinkers in a junior level AP American History class.


It’s sad enough when middle schoolers act like that. It’s even sadder when so many adults act like middle schoolers.


That’s not just the logic of middle schoolers…..
I wish condi would have just run so we could have put this baby to bed.


That would be a great shirt to wear to a Code Pink rally.


The kids who called her “racist” are simply repeating what Mommy and Daddy spew at home.


How does this racist charge work when Obama has a white mother?