O RLY? “Not affiliated with any candidate or political party”

| October 17, 2008

Go watch the video up at VetPac. The last sentence on the video is about not being affiliated. Anyway, I discussed Col Klass, the President of the PAC that is not affiliated with a political party before, you know, the one serving as co-chair of Veterans for the candidate they aren’t affiliated with.

Also not affiliated with any political party or candidate is the Vice President of VetPac Lorin M. Walker. Here is a picture of her with her son and some dude she is not afiliated with, despite being a Delegate for a candidate she isn’t affiliated with.

Here’s her page at the campaign website of the candidate she isn’t affiliated with, where she serves as “NW Director, Blue Stars for BO – Chair, Gold Stars for [a candidate she isn’t affiliated with]”. Here’s her bio from VetPac:

She has been a congressional intern, served as an at-large delegate to the 2004 [party she is not affiliated with convention] and on the founding Board of Directors for Veterans and Military Families for Progress. In Washington state she serves on the Executive Board for her Legislative District and as 2nd Vice-Chair to the state [unaffiliated] Party’s Veteran’s Caucus.

But fear not for VetPac people! They have all their bases covered, they have a treasurer named Ian Stirton who will keep them from violating Federal Election Law. Besides:

Proving “coordination” between the campaign and [a veterans PAC] could be difficult and time consuming. “It’s not a short process. Cases vary depending on their complexity,” said Ian Stirton.

Of course, when Ian said that he was working for the FEC and was talking about the Swiftees, but it is an oddly prescient statement, no?

BTW- here’s a YouTube video shockingly similiar in sound, votes used etc of the VetPac one. Listen closely for the disclaimer at the end. If you don’t hear it, it must be your hearing.

BTW part Deux: Also serving as an advisor to VetPac with Bucha is General Merrill “Tony” McPeak, who is not affiliated with a candidate or party either, except being an advisor to a candidate of course. Personally, I blame this entire post on the Jews. Then again, before posting this I did ask myself, what would general Merrill Tony McPeak do….

Category: Politics

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The Sniper

I’m Barack Obama and I approve of this message with which I am not affiliated at all.

The Sniper

I’m not Barack Obama and I approve of this message that clearly supports me but is in no way related to me or my staff who aren’t involved with these ads at all but who got bonuses for them.

Freedom Now

Sounds like another Operation Truth in progress.

The deceit of the Left gets deeper and deeper.

They may justify it because they feel that it is vital to elect Obama, but the dishonesty isnt going to stop after the elections. They will continue to rationalize such behavior.


Well done, TSO.

I definitely agree with Freedom Now. “They may justify it because they feel that it is vital to elect Obama, but the dishonesty isnt going to stop after the elections. They will continue to rationalize such behavior.”

The far left has much to gain if he makes it to office. Then as someone elsewhere put it; “We’ll be Europe Lite like the elitists want the USA to be”..