Lawyer sues McCain/Palin for hate speech

| October 17, 2008

JammieWearingFool found a Reuters report about a retired civil rights lawyer named Mary Kay Green who has decided to spend her retirement years tilting at windmills;

Green, a 66-year-old grandmother and “semi-retired” civil rights attorney, filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Kansas City this week accusing McCain, his running mate Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and their campaign manager Rick Davis of “intentionally, recklessly and irresponsibly” portraying Obama “as un-American, a terrorist by association,   and ‘not like us,’ a non-white individual.”

Notice the quotes around “not like us”. As I’ve mentioned before, that’s not a quote from either McCain or Palin. It’s a quote from Obama himself when he once, on a stump speech, warned Democrats that Republicans and Hillary Clinton would tell them that he’s not like us and he has a funny name. So i guess this rocket scientist turned civil rights lawyer turned Don Quixote figures she can sue the McCain campaign for things Obama says about himself.

The lawsuit claims that Green “suffers terror of the heart, anxiety and grave fear for the life of Presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Barack Obama” because of the McCain campaign’s efforts to invoke hatred against Obama.

She ought to sue that cereal company to which she sent those 12 boxtops in exchange for her law degree.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, John McCain/Sarah Palin, Legal, Liberals suck, Politics

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Raoul Deming

Actually it was an ad on a matchbook cover, “If you can draw the Pirate, you can be a lawter.”


For the record, she went to Creighton Law School, a second tier school, which means it was not ranked in the Top 100 of law schools.

For the record, mine was 35th, and I am roughly as sharp as a nerf basketball.

I think all law school graduates should file a $6 million class action against her for causing fear of heart and terror among actual graduates who are tired of asshats making us look bad.


If she so freaking “fears” for him, why doesn’t she go offer her services as a bodyguard?

Ohhhh, and let me guess, does she require some (cash) compensation for her fear and suffering? If she’s just looking for money, try coming out of retirement and going back to school and learn something useful, instead of how to be a lawyer.

The Sniper

I fear that her fear may quell the hope for change and the changing fear of hope the prevents the change for hope. Holy crap, did that make any sense? Sorry if it did.


I recognize that common sense isn’t much of a factor here.

But, shouldn’t such tripe demonstrate a modicum of fact based reality? Obama has demonstrable ties to known terrorists! Disprove those ties, THEN do whatever?

The ‘not like us’ element is just silly. There’s not much race involved either. There are only 100 Senators. There aren’t THAT many millionaires, etc?



She ought to sue that cereal company to which she sent those 12 boxtops in exchange for her law degree


Good one!

TSO….I love you, don’t run yourself down like that. Women like strong confident men.


LOL @ TSO!!! Like the joke that it’s 99% of the lawyers that make the rest look bad!


Maggie beat me to the boxtops comment but anyway, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA Doesn’t that include 99 44/100% of the lawyers?

Freedom Now

Didnt Obama say something about the politics of fear? He must have been condemning his own campaign.


I sat with the lady at a friend’s kitchen table the other night. Her family was very close to JFK & Robert Kennedy. The type of hate dogma that is being espoused by the Republic National Committee nears that which she experienced during Robert’s campaign for presidential nominee. She is clearly more experienced and saner than anyone who has posted here.



To quote the great military genius Sherman Potter…Horsepuckey! You sit there and decry the exposure of legitimate concerns over a candidate’s background as “hate dogma” when the left attends every McCain/Palin event so they can scream and jeer at the Republicans attending. You can’t even pass by a McCain/Palin event without being harassed by these assclowns. The Republicans aren’t protesting at the Obama/Biden events, nor are we grabbing campaign signs away from elderly women and bashing them in the head with them. Look to your own house for abuses.

Besides, I sincerely doubt Sirhan Sirhan was a closet Republican. Bobby Kennedy wasn’t shot by the GOP and his regrettable death has NOTHING to do with this election. I’m sorry that you cannot handle any questioning of the “One”, but there are a lot of us who haven’t been drinking the Kool Aid. I suggest your friend go back on her normal medications, call her therapist for a session and leave practicing law to the adults.