This is what we’re in for

| October 16, 2008

So Joe the Plumber asked Obama a question about raising his taxes. Obama answered that yes, he would to spread the wealth around. It was an embarrassing moment, when John McCain mentioned it last night. The video had been zinging around the internet for a few days, but when it got mentioned during the debate, Joe the Plumber became kryptonite.

Right out of the box this morning, Joe Biden demonstrated how out of touch he is with America by announcing that no plumbers in his neighborhood makes $250,000 (h/t to Curt at Flopping Aces);

And it set the conspiracy nuts to hunting. At Democratic Underground, they were absolutely giddy to discover that Joe the Plumber is distantly related by marriage to Charles Keating;

Turns out that Joe Wurzelbacher from the Toledo event is a close relative of Robert Wurzelbacher of Milford, Ohio. Who’s Robert Wurzelbacher? Only Charles Keating’s son-in-law and the former senior vice president of American Continental, the parent company of the infamous Lincoln Savings and Loan.

How close? Well we don’t know…no one is going to bother to tell us. But using moonbat logic;

10. How many Wurzelbachers can there be?

Typical defense lawyer…answer questions with more questions.

So when Joe makes the mistake of saying Obama tap dances like world-reknowned Jewish tap dancer Sammy Davis, Junior, the Gawker says Wurzelbacher “already talks like a GOP pundit (he’s got the accidental casual racism down!), and his aw shucks willingness to repeat ancient class war talking points to every camera in sight is actually a bit suspicious for a random voter“. Do they have proof that Joe Wurzelbacher is related distantly by marriage to Keating? Well, not really admits the Gawker;

Keating’s son-in-law, Robert Wurzelbacher, served a 40-month prison sentence in 1993 in connection with Keating’s Lincoln Savings and Loan collapse. Since then, who knows what he’s been up to, but there is a Robert Wurzelbacher who lives just outside of Cincinnati, owns a wood company, and donates to Republicans.

Meanwhile there is a Joseph Wurzelbacher who owns a painting company in Cincinnati! Along with a septic tank repair company!

These dots were all connected by a DailyKos diarist, who has no proof that Joe and Robert Wurzelbacher are related, but, you know, it’s suspicious.

Yeah, at the Huffington Post they’re already calling Robert Wurzelbacher his father with no real proof. But who needs facts? Speaking of facts, some rabble-rouser on Air America is claiming he’s a wife beater according to a DUmmy;

Blaq Dem
141. Word has it he was arrested 3 times for domestic violence!

…according to Thom Hartmann on Air America Radio.

So Ace asks;

Joe Wurzelbacher’s purported distant relationship to Charles Keating is newsworthy, the left is telling me, while Barack Obama’s friendship and protoge relationship with terrorist William Ayers is not.

I’m sorry – – what’s Joe Wurzelbacher running for again?

So, Obama can go to the debutante ball with terrorists, thieves and racists, but a McCain supporter can’t be related somewhat distantly to a bad businessman? But this is just a taste of what we’re all in for in Obama’s America.

In the meantime, I mentioned during the liveblog that McCain should use Joe in an ad. So here it is below the jump;

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Media, Politics

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Freedom Now

So let me get this straight. Biden says that working people like Joe will be hurt by a McCain administration. Yet he and his democratic party partisans attack Joe and his dreams.

Amazing! We really need a media that will scrutinize such things.

Joe was on Good Morning America and did a good job describing his feelings on the issue and didnt commit to disclosing who he will vote for. After all these attacks I cant imagine him voting for Obama. The Obama/Biden campaign is an arrogant attack machine that only cares about its own interests.

This is a major gaff by Biden.

Here is a link to Joe’s interview:


[…] They’re digging into Joe’s background, his finances, and even his lack of a plumbing lic… […]


I love Joe Biden. He’s always good for a laugh. He makes Dan Quale look like the founding father of MENSA. If they used the same microscope on him as they did Quale and are now doing to Palin he would have been laughed out of Washington 20 years ago.


The related to Keating has proven to be more democrat Lame
Stream Media BS.

Hussein O has his entire goon squad, including the Lame stream Media democrats after ‘Joe the Plumber’.

Bad move, now the American people know Hussein O will take from the working people and if they ever question the ‘one’ the goon squad will show up and knock on they’re door at 3AM. He is not only a Marxist in his
‘spread the wealth around’ comment, but is a Marxist in the tactic of threatening the health/life of anyone who opposes or questions him.
Every working American sign their post and comments,
I am ‘Joe the Plumber’