Guess who once again forgot he had been demoted…

| October 16, 2008

I’ll give you a hint, it’s the asshat that claimed he never held himself out as a sergeant. [Except the hundreds of times he has done so…]

From my email:

Iraq War Veterans Arrested While Attempting to Deliver Questions to Obama and McCain
A total of ten veterans were arrested during the action, including Matthis Chiroux (Army Sergeant), Kristofer Goldsmith (Army Sergeant), Adam Kokesh (Marine Sergeant), Mike Spinato, Geoff Millard (Army Sergeant), Marlisa Grogan (Marine Captain), Nathan Peld (Navy, 1998-2004), Nick Morgan (Army Sergeant), James Gilligan (Marine Corps, 6 years) and Jose Vasquez (Army & Army Reserves, 1992-2007).

Adam, this is your DD214 calling collect, please read me.

Category: Politics

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You’re having too much fun making sport of Elvis Kokesh.



Perhaps al-Qaeda’s rank structure includes Sergeants?

All this time we assumed he was still talking about the Marines.


Raoul- Perhaps he just had what we veterans call a DA attack? Dumbass attack, yeah, that’s it. Or maybe he has diarrhea of the mouth wherein whatever brain matter that existed has been expelled.

Winter Soldier

I got promoted to sgt e-5 on IRR.. So I never say Cpl or Sgt. in fact I’m happy being a cpl. as for Adam and rank, why not ask him? He’s pretty approachable when you do? I did when I heard about it. After all consideration your points are interesting, but only if they could prove to be reliable.

For instance my DD-214 has my OIF deployment and a lot of others. But I went to OIF’03 & OEF’04, and at the time that I signed for my DD-214, it just had not hit the system. And about him not having campaign medals from OIF… hmmm, well it takes a while to hit the system. Most of your more level headed bloggers, Might agree military records have been a point of controversy for many on both sides of the line.

Feel free to link this response to all talks about this. So I won’t to repost it a 1000 times. In this thread and then the thread with the video of Adam throwing the shoe.. and any other if you like.

Jonn wrote: We have Kokesh’s DD214, we don’t need to talk to him.