CBS News correspondent leaves

| March 11, 2014

Sharyl Attkisson left her job as a CBS News correspondent the other day, apparently because the news agency wouldn’t run her articles which were critical of the Obama presidency. According to our buddy Eric Wemple, a media critic at the Washington Post;

Rumors of Attkisson’s stormy relations with her superiors at CBS News have made the rounds for months and months. In conversations from last year, CBS News sources told the Erik Wemple Blog that Attkisson, who came to the network from CNN two decades ago, was frustrated that more of her reporting on Benghazi and other investigative pieces didn’t make “The CBS Evening News” with greater frequency.

Attkisson herself didn’t help matters when she said on a Philadelphia radio show last May that her computers had been hacked, and she even went so far as to suggest that the intrusions could have had something to do with her work investigating the government. CBS News later confirmed breaches of her computer, though it never disclosed who had been responsible for them.

I suppose that being a reporter for a news organization who won’t run your work is like being a plumber who no one allows to fix the plumbing. CBS did put her product on their webpages, but it hardly ever made it to Americans’ television screens. But CBS news never makes it to my TV screen anyway.

In the comments, Washington Post readers are glad that she left because Koch Brothers, Faux News, etc… I suppose that they’re unaware that the things they believe are wrong because they can’t stomach criticism of “their guy”, that no real information will penetrate their tiny, closed minds. They’re feelings are more important than facts.

Category: Liberals suck, Media

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There you go again, Jonn – expecting our leftist “brethren” to want the truth vice hearing someone paen their Glorious Leader.

Aren’t ye a wee bit auld t’be a believin’ in Leprechauns, laddie? (smile)

AW1 Tim

Of course she had to leave. The sycophants simply couldn’t stand her constantly pointing out that the Emperor has no clothes.


I tried to think of what to write AW1 Tim, but you said it best brother. I’ll leave it where you left it. Well said.

The Other Whitey

I guess she was tired of choking on the bullshit fumes, and I sure as hell can’t blame her. You’d think that this might be a wake up call for libtards. You’d *think*…


Wake up call? Nah, the lib’ruls will just pound each other on the back and congratulate themselves on driving out a non-believer.


Your headline would be more accurate if you added the word “Last” at the beginning.


One less voice of reason in the Liberal echo chamber. Hopefully drinking their own bath water will kill them eventually. Cause Republican leadership is too afraid of being called racist to stand up to them.


I guess that brick wall that she pounded her head against is a lot more resistant than I had thought it was.

Common Sense

They liked her just fine when she was exposing shenanigans in the Bush Administration, giving her lots of awards over the years, but now that the shoe is on the other foot, she’s persona non grata.

She has a book coming out about the stonewalling by the White House. I’m sure she will land on her feet. Maybe the REAL news network will be interested?


What network would that be?