Obama’s Surgeon Corporal
You’d think that the Obama administration would, in a crucial election year, be a smidgen less confrontational when it comes to appointees requiring congressional approval. Immediately on the heels of a failed Justice Department nomination of another liberal radical minority candidate, the tone-deaf but determined apparatchiks surrounding our part-time president have forwarded another dubious appointee, this one to the surgeon general’s office. Out of the tens of thousands of wise and experienced American physicians available for consideration, do they offer up the Democratic equivalent of a Ben Carson – an accomplished, demonstrably erudite and constitutionally patriotic neurosurgeon? Well, no. It’s the political equivalent of a big fat middle finger to those who have dedicated decades of their lives to caring for America’s health.
The decision-making ideologues in this ideological administration have offered to the Congress for their approval a callow 36-year-old radical liberal, Dr. Vivek Hallegere Murthy, who can be guaranteed to carry out their ideological mission of politicizing medicine in ways the American people could never anticipate. Want your doctor visit to include a thorough quiz about the firearms you possess? Want to be required by federal law to have their serial numbers in your medical records?
This British-born whiz-kid nominee is no doubt a bright boy, as demonstrated by his academic fast track, but in the world of medicine, he is precisely that: a boy, über-bright, assuredly, but as yet not a fully tested member of the medical profession who has earned the respect of that large, gray, wise eminence that oversees the hands-on health management of this nation.
Make no mistake about it: this is not an administration nominating the best candidate to oversee the health concerns of this country. This is nothing more than a far-left administration attempting to secure just one more niche in the government power structure with the placement of a Kool-Aid-consuming true believer of their socialist agenda. Murthy is an outright opponent of 2nd Amendment rights, which is most likely what determined his selection by the administration. If that doesn’t wake you up to the reality that the Democrats are coming for your guns, then you are part of the problem.
We have seen the effect of electing a young, inexperienced president simply because it allowed the nation to achieve a first in world governance and history. That was an event that temporarily elevated America in the eyes of the world, until the obvious foolishness of such national impulse began to show. Had that young, inexperienced chief executive seized the moment and surrounded himself with citizens of true accomplishment and wisdom, this nation and this world might have found itself in a far different posture from what we have now.
This latest appointee, Dr. Vivek Hallegere Murthy, is but the most recent example of this administration’s deceitful intent and dismissive disdain for those its members govern. Dr. Murthy, like our president before election in 2008, has never managed anything. He’s like a community organizer in the medical community: politically active, medically questionable. Surely even some of the Democrat members of the Senate can see through the obvious and deliberate politics of this nomination and realize the total inadequacy of this nominee. If they can’t, their constituents can.
Young Murthy would be no surgeon general. At best, he’ll be a surgeon corporal.
Crossposted at American Thinker
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
We have seen the effect of electing a young, inexperienced president simply because it allowed the nation to achieve a first in world governance and history.
It’s not the first time, Poetrooper. We saw much the same around 50 years ago – in 1961, at the Bay of Pigs, and later that same year at the Vienna Summit.
Thankfully JFK was a quick study, and also had the good sense to hire good help.
Carter, on the other hand . . . .
That whole anti-gun attitude has been pervasive in the medical community for years.
I took our kids out of the care of their pediatrician when she started asking them whether we kept firearms in the house, and what kinds they were, how many, etc. She also wanted to know if “mommy & daddy” drank alcohol, used drugs, etc.
I was furious about that, and at first thought it was just her own bias. However, after looking into it, I found that the entire Pediatrician’s association held such views and that they encouraged their members to actively investigate the presence of firearms, alcohol, and drugs in children’s homes and report it in the children’s medical records.
Enough already.
We taught our kids that if someone asks if we have guns that the answer is no.
For those that want to take my guns…
Molon labe (Greek: μολὼν λαβέ molṑn labé
But God forbid someone should ask if you’ve ever used jock itch cream, cause that’s a HIPPA violation, and the privacy of our patients is sacrosanct!
Oh wait–no it isn’t.
Doesn’t this appointment have to be approved by Congress before it becomes finale?
Yes, it does, EX. But, I believe this falls into that category of nominations that can be approved by a simple majority in the Senate, not 60 votes to over-ride a possible filibuster. Say thank you, Senator Reid.
Yes, UpNorth, and there are mid-term elections coming up, which means that some people may lose their jobs over something like this. A simple majority can be 52 to 48 against this jackass’s appointment.
We can only hope, Ex. As fast as dems are running away from Obamacare and some of Barrycade’s pet projects, hopefully at least 51 people in the Senate can summon up the intestinal fortitude to vote no on this gun-grabbing neophyte.
This is the prevaling tactic of the left. Push push push the agenda. They take ground a little at a time, never yielding, always pushing. Conservatives on the other hand are always compromising, and as a result we are always losing.
This-and it is working for them so why should they stop. The left knows that the media (to the virtually non-existent extent that there is any difference between these two groups) will frame the issue so that conservatives appear to be the uncompromising, unprincipled and even hateful party. They’ve seized the cultural levers of power-the popular media and the education system-and they damn sure intend to use them to push their agenda.
Plus we’ve become a nation of celebrity worshipping dimwits…no surprise the media takes advantage of the continuing decline in the intellectual ability of the general populace.
Good point, Sparky. They can ask all about your personal property that poses no risk to anybody. But HIPAA protects somebody from anyone finding out that their bad and/or deviant decisions earned them a nice big chunk of hep or HIV, which Fire/EMS, LE, and healthcare personnel could easily get from you through bloodborne pathogen transmission routes. A few years back, a guy who wrecked a dirtbike and had major facial trauma coughed blood in my face. I had it in my eyes, nose, and mouth, and it took four Goddamned days to find out that he tested positive for Hep-B! But they HAVE to know if I have guns at home.
Given that “Doctor” Murthy is English, I will tell him what my ancestors once told his: “Teacht agus iad a ghlacadh!”
Given that “Doctor” Murthy is English, I will tell him what my ancestors once told his: “Teacht agus iad a ghlacadh!”
…or “pog mo thoin” [pron. pog ma home]
Thus endeth the lesson.
Murthy might take that as an invitation.
Thanks to looking up the history of the band “The Pougues” I know the meaning of this,,, and why their name is shorter than the original name they had picked out.
I remember filling out a Birth Certificate application for one of my children. It was asking income, alcohol consumption and a bunch of other BS. I answer NYB, the nurse asked what that meant. NONE of YOUR BUSINESS, she then tried to tell me that My son would not get a Birth Certificate without answering the questions. I told her I will see her and the Hospital in Federal Court first.
What the hell does your income have to do with issuing a birth certificat for your child?
And when did this application for a birth cert come into effect? Who started that shit?
How much of a fight did she put up after that?
Well, if there is an up side to this, without looking up who is the surgeon general, can you name him or her? How about the first one appointed by obamaman, you know the one who was so fat he/she couldn’t see his/her toes while standing?
‘At best, he’ll be a surgeon corporal’
Under Obama, wouldn’t that be Surgeon ‘Corpse’-man?
I can put up with a lot, but this disrespect shown to actual promoted Corporals by comparing this odious leftwing hack to them is disgusting.
So instead of one of the thousands of well qualified candidates to consider, they give us…Doogie Howser, M.D. What another laugh riot this will be.
But…he’s from England! He has a cool accent, which means he’s smart. And he’s not a white male! Do you really want to be on the wrong side of history over this man?!
That shitbrick Piers Morgan is a Brit too. So was King George. Ditto Neville Chamberlain.
Need I go on?
Yeah, Sparky but they were the wrong skin tone.
NR Pax yea I forgot. It’s all about the PC agenda. Non-white, cool British accent which ALWAYS means intelligent. He’s got it all in spades I guess. (Wait is that PC to say “In Spades”?) At least as far as this Administration is concerned, he has it all. Who knows, if he does it all right we could see him on the ticket with Hillary for 2016!
/sarc off now/
Hm. Well, Hillary does need a way to attract the younger voters…
Lord help us. I hate to even put stuff like that out there in the universe.
Apparently one has to be a foaming-at-the-mouth liberal proglodyte in order to be nominated by B. Hussein 0bama, those with even a smidgen of logic or common sense need not apply!
Even besides the gun control issue, he is not qualified:
“Former Surgeon General Richard Carmona wrote a letter to the president in December to protest nominating Dr. Murthy because he is not qualified. Dr. Carmona said that Dr. Murthy appeared to have “no significant related leadership experience and no formal public health training or experience.”
Just like Obama!
Well, then, he’s obviously the boy for the job./sarc. Can I say boy, or will that get me in trouble with at least one of the segments of the left?
“You’d think that the Obama administration would… be a smidgen less confrontational…”
Why on earth would he be less confrontational about anything? He tried that for too many years, attempted to meet the other side halfway, and what did it get him? He had been operating under the misapprehension that the other side was acting in good faith. I think he’s over it.
He tried that for too many years, attempted to meet the other side halfway, and what did it get him?
Wow. I am so glad I didn’t have a mouthful of coffee when I read that. My monitor would have been ruined. Thanks for the laugh this early in the morning, Joe.
Is Joe the guy we know as Rock Climbing Joe?
He sounds like it.
No. I think this is Joe Shitforbrains. We served at Attu together.
Uh, you’re being sarcastic, right? ‘Cause I’m trying really hard to remember a time when Obama has offered anything remotely similar to compromise, middle ground, etc. All I’m coming up with is a long list of “My Way Or No Way” demands from the Glorious Leader while offering nothing in return. Not saying the many limp dicks in Congress are blameless, but Ol’ Barry has never been conciliatory or nonpartisan, despite his frequent (empty) promises to the contrary.
To quote JFK, “We can’t reason with someone who says, ‘What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is negotiable.'”
“I won. Get over it.”
Wait, who said that?
“”That’s the good thing as a President, I can do whatever I want.”
Yeah, probably one of the more “in your face” comments was by Paul Begala regarding Executive Orders when he said, “Stroke of the pen, law of the land. Pretty cool.”
Oh dear, which president was he working for when he said that???