Nigerian phony soldier scammer indicted

| March 6, 2014

Mary sends us a link to the Associated Press about Adagun Moshood Olalekan who was indicted on four counts of wire fraud in Saint Louis this week related to a scam to defraud women posing as a widower sole-parent soldier;

Investigators say he set up fake online profiles from September through last month, including one identifying him as “Lt. Col. Cadin Cayce Webb.” They say he used the photos of an actual soldier stationed in Afghanistan.

The indictment alleges he described himself as a widower with a daughter and wooed American women with “romantic emails and instant messages” and “false promises of marriage” before getting them to wire money to Nigeria.

I hope they pluck off each of his appendages slowly and one at a time. If, for nothing else, the amount of spam I get from these freaks. It’s a jungle out there, ladies. If he sounds too good to be true, he probably is. And, oh, yeah, sending money to Nigeria might be your first clue. Or the last clue, as the case may be.

Category: Shitbags

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Farflung Wanderer

They need to make “How to Catch a Predator: Poser Edition”. Same concept, same execution. Problem solved.

HS Sophomore

Really? Really? Wire money to a US Army Colonel stationed in…Nigeria? NONE of these women had EVER heard of that scam? None of them thought to maybe reverse image search his profile pictures and find where he stole them from? Holy geebus, I just lost all faith in humanity. Or whatever was left of it after that douchetool EPA guy got busted pretending to work for the damned CIA.


To bastardize a Jeff Foxworthy joke: They wouldn’t try it, if someone didn’t buy it.

You would be shocked to know how many people are STILL falling for variations of the Nigerean scam all over the world.

Spend a few minutes perusing the hijinks over at this site:

You will find that this is a problem that is growing, not shrinking.


My mother-in-law fell for it even though our entire family told her over and over again that it is a scam.


My sister was taken for around $4000, and a few months later my dad almost got taken. Of course my dad was already aware, due to my sister’s mistake. But he thought he could argue with the scammer and convince him to go away, and in the process almost gave away enough information to get taken anyway.

The best method to deal with these guys is the Delete button. Trust me – you can’t get them to admit they are frauds, and every word you say has the potential to become ammunition for them.


Well, I wonder of he is the same Nigerian Prince who has $10 million dollars waiting for me to collect of I send $2000 to, you know, just clear up that pesky bank and government paperwork. Spam all the time form these clowns. I am sorry for the women who fall prey to them. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. If it sounds too good to be true…

I hope they bend him over good in the “can” and work that $10 million he owes me out of him…slowly.

2/17 Air Cav

I am pour man with many, many children. For myself I ask nothing. But my pour children must eat and the civil war meens no work, no money, and no food for them. Please help these children. Look, here is a picture of little Ibangi Ubangi. he is hungry. Please help him and his 43 brothers and sisters. Thank you. Yours truely, Iman Ogood Eshola


I pity the fool who takes advantage of you, I do.

Combat Historian

Reminds me of the email I got in my personal email account from “Specialist Sargent Butch O’Brien” of the 12th Armored Division, who found 33 million dollars worth of gold bullion left behind by Saddam in some abandoned palace in Baghdad, and needs my special help to smuggle the gold out of Baghdad, and if I help him financially with this deal, I’ll get a 30% cut of the profit. It was a sad ironic joke that I really WAS deployed to Baghdad at that time, while the good Nigerian “specialist sargent” was trying to scam people with this crap while doing it from the safety of some city back in CONUS…


@2/17 Air Cav OK, You got me
were do I send the money order. That was an almost perfect example. You sure your not from Lagos? (Nigeria)


What? I sent that guy my bank info, PIN, SSN, wife’s med record, keys to my gun locker and Harley, photos of my collectable Elvis plate collection and my Ted Williams baseball card!

And now you telling me he is NOT legit!

Argh …

A Proud Infidel™

WOT YOO SAY, MON? Yoo meen I NO GET monee that heee promeese even though I send the promeese monee? OH, SHHHEEEET!!!
But JUST WAIT UNTIL NEXT WEEK when I get the millions that a Russian gal promised me as soon as I sent her the release money!!


Does this mean im not in a partnership with a Prince and that I don’t have a dead rich uncle I didn’t know about who died and left me “moneyies”?

Green Thumb

I wonder if this guy used to work in All Points Logistics fundraising department?

Roger in Republic

We had a woman from our fair village send one those guys $375,000.00. That was not the worst of it. She took the money from Real Estate escrow accounts and bankrupted the only escrow firm in our county. She got several years in the pen and will never collect a full pay check, or tax return again. They should have tacked on several years for stupidity.


And what happened to the homeowners?