A sad day (Updated)

| February 25, 2014

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It is my sad and solemn duty to inform you all of the passing of Nickolas “Nick” Androsky, AKA Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich, on Saturday February 22, 2014. His brother emailed to tell us yesterday, along with a request that we remove the post about him. Of course, even if we were so inclined, Nick’s legacy is spread across the internet in a thousand forms, so I’m not disposed or inclined to comply with the family’s wishes.

With my limited resources, I’ve only been able to verify with the funeral home, Penwell-Gabel Funeral Homes & Crematory in Junction City, KS that they cremated his earthly remains and that a memorial service will be scheduled at a later date. So there’s no need to pester them about it.

According to his brother, he died on Fort Riley, one can only imagine why he was there at the time of his demise. But he was treated and died at Irwin Army Community Hospital on Fort Riley. Of course they wouldn’t give me any information.

It was just this last year, that we caught him still clinging to his lies. So it’s a reasonable assumption that he was still playing the roll when he died. By the way, I’m not sure how he died. The internet is such a mess these days that I can’t even find the medical examiner’s website for Junction City. Now you know as much as I know.

UPDATE: I’ve just confirmed with an anonymous, reliable source that poor Nickolas has indeed passed on to his great reward.

Category: Breaking News, Phony soldiers

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Holy Balls Dipped in Honey!



Zombie Soup?

A Proud Infidel

As far as the obit in The Daily Union, I used to live in Junction City, and the Daily Union was never known for thoroughly checking facts before they published a story. Let’s face it, small town newspapers are never known for drawing the best and brightest talent, either! Adding farcebook friends after his “death”? OOOOH, I smell something too!! I can’t wait!!

E-6 type, 1 ea

Not trying to defend the guy at all, but if you send someone a friend request, and they wait a month to accept it, like say, after you off yourself, it would still show up as current friend activity, correct? That could be what happened, too. Or maybe he’s a lying sack of shit who’s trying to fake his own death. Who knows, just trying to offer an alternative train of thought here.


Post should stay up. Everyone should check their balls here. The guy was mentally ill and committed suicide. There is nothing to cheer about or pile on about.

Let him rest.


E-6, That could be true looking at it the other way. Interesting one of the people he added was Tony Androsky too. cousin or blood. You would have to ask those people if he added them or requested that day.


Meh. A family member could be controlling the account too.

A Proud Infidel

Very true, Nik, but I don’t think this saga is over just yet!

mr. sharkman

Master Chief,

You misunderstood or I did not make myself clear.

My only reference to you was to say ‘if this guy faked his death it would take me 2 weeks to come up with suitable vengeance but it would only take the Master Chief a day or two’.


Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

I have searched every Obit and everything else I could think of. The only place that says anything about him being dead in the funeral home, and here.

From what I can find his stepfather is stationed at ft Riley, His Mother is also there.

I dunno, I cant believe a funeral home would let a fake obit stay up, but I also have trouble believing that there is no other ref to it.

The only thing I can think of is he really did/does have mental problems that go way beyond just being strange, because of that he is a dependent. That would explain him being there and being seen on base if in fact that did happen.


I’d counsel just leaving things be until/unless something hinky shows itself to be going on. I’d feel like crap if I sent a shit-ton of hate through Facebook only to find out his sainted grandmother or someone was actually running the account.

Disgruntled Patriot

Nice Serenity reference there.

HS Sophomore

@68/71-I’ve been on to that guy for a while. He, unfortunately, seems to be somewhat smart. He’s ignored my friend requests, so I’m assuming he doesn’t want us to see his claims in more detail or get his personal information. Smart man. And a turd.

HS Sophomore

@85-I know pretty much jack about the legal process for a name change, but I think it’s more complicated than that. I don’t think they grant ones to criminals like Androsky who are or would be just trying to obfuscate their pasts. At the very least, I know that it’s posted in the local newspaper when somebody is changing their name and if anyone knows of a reason to object (at least in mine), so I’m assuming there’s a standard that’s gotta be met.

Mark Felton

Honor survives death; we don’t forget heroes, and take down their tributes. Why should his shame be cleansed? Keep his dishonor prominent; he earned it.


Attention whore fakes his own death and obit, has new ‘friends’ on FB, and tries to change his name to go on acting like an asshole.

No, you really can’t make this shit up.

And why would he legally change his name, anyway? Criminals use aliases. They don’t bhother with written requests for name changes. Soupy has a brother? You mean his mother reproduced twice? Eeew. But he might be faking that, too, IMHO.

If soupy here is yanking us, it’s his problem, not ours. And also, it’s Jonn’s blog and his choice.


@72 I bumped into a former co-worker of his last fall also. Nick had some serious mental health issues. He was acting out in some really nasty anti-social behavior at both parties and in private. On the chance that his family is on this thread it wouldn’t be in good taste to retype the stuff now that he’s passed. As a former recruiter, mental health is a tricky one. No scars like a football injury or car accident. I had recruits who seemed a bit strange, end up thriving in the military. I’ve also had kids who seemed sharp as tacks, completely lose it in BMT. A lot of mental health issues don’t fully manifest until late teens early 20’s and often moving away from the parents for college, military, or career is what pushes them over the top. Unfortunately it seemed Nick turned to self-medication to deal with his demons. I would hope him, along with Ballduster, would serve as cautionary tales to other posers that you won’t find happiness pretending to be something you’re not. I would hope….but I know it won’t happen.


I got the same sense too. He has that “chronically mentally ill” look though I would have no difficulty there were some substance issues mixed in as well. The fact that he was seen at the base hospital at his age would seem to support that since the only dependents I’ve seen still using Tricare at that age have had seriously and chronically ill.


When I was a little boy I dressed up and played “Army” with my friends. I later joined and served over 30 years. In a time when pointing your finger (like a gun) at a class mate will get you suspended from school… is it really surprising to see this type of Adult children acting out?

Personally, I say R.I.P. and hope on the other side there is an Angel there to help straighten him out! Now, having said that, if he were still alive… that would be another matter! Cheers.


alive, dead, repentant, recalcitrant, defiant – like a born-again murderer on death row, his misdeeds should live on, whether his subsequent life/death is blamel;ess or not. Keep ’em up.


Rotorhead: “In a time when pointing your finger (like a gun) at a class mate will get you suspended from school… ”

Heck, even wearing a 2nd Amendment shirt or saying anything positive about guns will get you shafted in school now.

Toasty Coastie

Poor Soupy..lived a coward’s life, died a coward’s death..RIP…

I agree the blog should stay if for no other reason as an example to others..


When writing fitness reports and performance evaluations, I made it a point to tell the person being reported on that THEY were writing their fitreps/evals by their performance and actions (or lack thereof). I was merely the scribe who put the words on paper, the conduit that transmitted the facts.

I empathize with his family for having to deal with Androsky’s life – and death. I can well imagine that they have experienced a great deal of emotional trauma about his misdeeds and manner of his death. I wouldn’t wish that trauma on any parent or other relative.

However, they have to remember that HE wrote, with his actions and words, the legacy by which he will be remembered, and nothing can – or should – erase the record of that legacy.


Any pity I feel definitely wouldn’t spur an appeal to remove any content about him.

There’s a reason why even with respect to mental health issues…very few disorders actually leave these guys believing that they are veterans or special operators. There’s still a choice, it’s only their decision-making skills that usually end up impeded. That besotted, homeless “Vietnam veteran” who tells you his story usually becomes belligerent or apologetic because he knows he’s caught, not because he believes the bullshit he’s spreading. It’s means to an end.

So while I definitely pity the dead, there’s still choices, and hopefully loved ones that will act before it gets to the point where veterans have to.


Wait … so who is Friending him on Facebook?

This is weirderer and weirderer everyday!

Just sayin’!


Off to that great big psychiatric hospital in the sky…


@120: Thanks for the definitive word, Jonn.

I have no further desire to pile onto the dude, and I hope he finds peace in the after that eluded him on earth. But I think (not that you asked for my or anyone else’s opinion on the matter) leaving it up is the right thing to do. He did what he did. It is what it is. His life serves as a warning to others, on many levels.


So I’m assuming in true Airsoft Commando form, he was “Living in his Mommies Basement” when he slipped the mortal coil???

I wonder if they cremated him in his uniform?


2/17 Air Cav

At one time, if I recall correctly, Soup was proposed to be mascot here at TAH. It never happened but, truth be told, Soup was one of the greats, as posers go. There were more one-liners and laughs shared about that guy than most, if not all, others here. BallDuster might have come close. There was something endearing about that photo of him and his getting jacked up on post wearing a dress uniform with boots. If there’s a silly section in Heaven or Hell, he’s there.


@130..what do you want to bet he showed up at the pearly gates and presented himself to Saint Peter wearing various items of garb from a priest, rabbi and imam?


OK, O-4E, I’m taking the bait here, much as I said I wouldn’t … no, full pope outfit, including ermine stole and Prada slippers.


I got a source that said they dude was visiting his mother and committed suicide in her bathroom. They lived in base housing.