The return of Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich

| September 28, 2013

UPDATE: Nicholas Androsky died on Saturday February 22, 2014.

You probably remember our arguably most famous poser in the history of this blog, Nick Androsky, known more popularly as Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich. Well, he disappeared for a while, went underground, and like the fabled Phoenix, he has risen from the ashes in a new form;


Hardly looks like the poser we all know and…well…know, does he? TSO found the picture a few months ago, and I just confirmed that it was indeed him. So he’s changed his look, but not his phoney ways. On the collar of the shirt he’s wearing in that picture has brass Army rank – either Sergeant First Class or Staff Sergeant, I can’t be sure because the picture isn’t that clear. It also looks like he’s wearing freefall wings and a Purple Heart. None of that he earned, according to his records.

But, he does look like he finally gave up his shoe polish habit.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Currahee John

This actually doesn’t surprise me a bit. In my “former life,” I wrote a bit about the Late Unpleasantness, and as a result, was invited to speak to a number of SCV and UDC groups. Mostly very nice folks truly dedicated to honoring their history and heritage, but there were just an incredibly number of self-identifying former SF, Rangers, SEALs, etc. in their ranks. All wearing their best Medals of America accruements to these ACW-related events, of course.

My personal favorite was one that I ran into at a Scottish ball, who recognized me from a presentation I had given his SCV camp a few weeks before. I was impressed with the large and colorful ribbon stack he was sporting (though I didn’t recognize most of them), along with the Army triple stack of love on his left AND right sleeves, as well as the CIB/1 Star and SEAL Trident in matching silver. I was really impressed that he had found a kilt in size XXXXXL, and admittedly was distracted by all the swaying multicolored lanyards under his meaty arms, as he tried to get my opinion as to whether the trident went over or under the CIB. Problem being that his Duck Dynasty-worthy beard would cover up the top one.


Never knew you could huff shoe polish. Does that explain the long hours paratroopers put in caring for their boots? I recall Lincoln had a nice aroma, but the more common Kiwi was, well, just Kiwi.


Ol’ Soupy

He set the standard by which all other posers must judge themselves


Looks like this year’s tournament is going to be all repeats at this rate.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Could he possibly be a contender for next summer’s SV tourney?

Green Thumb

Extra turd.


Maybe we could have a New Year’s bonus tourney, with just a few candidates who are repeat offenders. That way, Tina Weeblewobble and madame Tesla could get back in.


At least he’s wearing MALE clothes this time. Still a dumbass.

Green Thumb

Is that a USAF dress shirt and tie he is wearing?

With that ridiculous taint tickler and suspenders?

Weak, man. Just weak.

Valerie Conley

No — that isn’t a USAF shirt and the tie has a picture on it!


this why dueling needs to be legalized. I would throw the gauntlet and give him a Texas sized ass whooping the likes his parents should have given him and Father Austin would be proud of.

I swear let him cross my path- the clowning and ball busting I would deliver would be priceless.


well, I want the whole back story. I doubt this was a one off and he’s probably been up to no good with those medals and what not. As a sentimental fav I see Soup as a high seed in the next tourney.

Green Thumb


It was a poor attempt at satire.

This clown is in a world of rare air with the likes of Snake Eyes, Dildoberto and soon to be Phildo.


@9, Green Thumb, it’s not a taint tickler, it’s a tombstone for a dead pecker.

Green Thumb


That’s good.

I can only imagine he has sucked it dry.

Right on.

I stand corrected.


That sure does look like he’s changed somewhat.

Is he still part of this?

Just An Old Dog

I do a lot of reading about the civil war and once upon a time I did some reenacting.
As a whole the SCV just seems to attract some serious mental cases. Soup Sandwich is about like 30% of them. Don’t get me wrong Iv’e met some decent guys who belonged.
I’m sorry though, that group is a swimming pool with too many turds for me to want to take a dip in,


This man has no fear or regrets. He will continue to pose till the end of time.

Green Thumb

I can only imagine Confederate Soldiers are rolling over in their graves everywhere.

Many folks may not like the Confederate military, but Soldiers are Soldiers.

And they have recognized campaign credit.

Fuck this guy.


@12 Andy-

This clown “graced” Sand Hill dressed in female AF Blues, decked out in all manner of bling , salad and flair. Sporting a GREEN BERET and Sand Corcoran’s with the female blues.

You cant make this crap up! No misfire on our anger


Jesus. Well … I guess there’s SHAMELESS, and then there’s Soup.

AF Loadmaster

On behalf of my service, and C-130 loadmasters everywhere, I am sorry for this POS

Just Plain Jason

Soupy gets a second chance!!!! I knew he could redeem himself!

John Robert Mallernee

I was in the Army, not the Air Force, so until I read someone’s comment, I didn’t realize he was wearing a FEMALE uniform.

I wonder if he was playing a joke on someone?

Could he REALLY be all that stupid and/or incompetent?

No, there just HAS to be more to this than what we see at first glance.

Why would he blow his Air Force career when he had a dream job of flying around on C-130s?

At least, I think it would be a dream job.

As I said, I was in the Army, but I love flying in those C-130s, or for that matter, ANY military aircraft (and I’ve flown in a LOT of them).


Never trust anyone that wears a belt and suspenders at the same time.

My uncle is involved with his local SCV. When I was back east recently, I met a few of his mates hanging out at the local gun shop.(natch) One of them started to tell me all sorts of wild stories “from the Nam.”

“‘Course ye ain’t gonna find any of it writ down nowheres. It’s all classified.” He said to me.

“If it’s so classified, why are you telling everybody?” I asked. He suddenly found a box of primers to be more interesting than talking to me.


Some of us missed the entire female uniform thing. No surprise though. There seems to be no limit on dishonoring the uniform itself and all who have worn it among these posers.

Pineywoods NCO

Oh hell, the Soup has spilled into my state…just what I need to do…

# 11, want help with that ass whipping?

2/17 Air Cav

“Never trust anyone that wears a belt and suspenders at the same time.” Brother, you have that right. At least we know he is consistent. He’s a mess in uniform and in civies.


Air Cav, sadly you are correct, my friend. This guy can’t (or won’t) do ANYTHING right.


This human sized enema bag needs to go the fuck away.

A Proud Infidel

He obviously takes a lot of pride in being his village’s IDIOT!!

Green Thumb

He actually looks like a manager at Applebee’s or some similar chain wearing that outfit with his “flair”.


@25 – You beat me to it.


Well, he’s persistent if absolutely nothing else…


And I am still wondering why there are multiple fonts on his DD-214.


Nothing to wonder about, OWB. Then again, I wonder if his “son” still beats the shit outta him every time he comes home on leave.


lol… that i would love to post here!!!

Combat Historian

Another serving of soup sandwich….my goodness…


he sure has changed appearance…I wouldn’t have picked him in a line-up.


32 pieces of flare is supposed to mean buttons with hopeful kittens and naughty leprechauns. This guy missed the memo.


What a doucherocket!!

HS Sophomore

Well, at least we know he’s straight. No gay man would ever be caught dressing this badly.