Dear Tony Magsam:

| February 7, 2014

Nice try asshole.

Now you really pissed us off. So we’ll make you extra famous now.

Magsam FOIA1

Our ISP made an error that won’t happen again. But it come from a halfassed idiotic complaint from someone who doesn’t know anything. Someone at the ISP got panicky. But we got it squared away now I believe. I think it was an innocent mistake on their part. But Magsam will pay. Oh boy will he pay.

Already have a call into my private detective, who just happens to be in South Jersey, and 20 mins from Philly. I wonder what he’ll be able to find. I’ll have all kinds of pictures shortly, and I will own the copyrights on those. Hell, I half expect to have a stool sample by COB today.

Category: Phony soldiers

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CB Senior

How do you know a Philly Cop is Lying, His lips are moving. Tony the tearful orgasm wants us to believe him, that he is not lying. Hell I would not believe anything a real Philly Cop would tell me, let alone a scumbag EX-Philly cop.

Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.

Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.

Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.

Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.
Tony Magsum the tearful orgasm is a POSer.


The PAIN TRAIN is comin’ for you again, Orgasm… and yo Momma won’t be able to do a damn thing about it, BYTCH!


I got $50 that the Orgasm with cry again when the shit hits the fan… any takers?


If I remember rightly, there are still plenty of slimy places in Philly where the Slagman could hide.

Hey, Slagman, while you’re up and about, go get me a pretzel with mustard and a cheese steak with mushrooms and onions, will ya? God, I miss that food!

Hey, Slagman, you could probably get yourself a little pretzel cart or a hotdog cart and go down to Center City with it. Just don’t eat all the profits, you moron.

Green Thumb

Tony Mansandwich is about massive amounts of meat in his mighty manhole.

Love the bike.

Can I still get a ride, Tony?


Oh Good Lord, been working my tail off on a for real deal paying project and I miss the attempted assault on Fort TAH? TONY! TONY! TONY! ‘mere sonny boy! You are just a special *little snowflake*, ain’t ya?

Anthony “Tony” Magsam(Google hit). Enjoy your new found fame now, sonny boy. That fake “Certificate of Discharge” doesn’t cut the liquid shit (diarrhea) anyway you look at it, pal. Pull your big boy wadding boots up hip high, you’ve just sunk in the shit big time. lmao!

Isn’t falsifying federal documents at the least a misdemeanor? Okay, off to go see if those damn Marines are destroying everything in their path. Scotty, yo Scotty! *whistling* ‘mere devil dogs…Got some biscut treats for ya’s! Here boys! LOL!


Now, Green Thumb – don’t tease “Magnum” here about his bike. His mommie probably won’t let him ride anything bigger or faster.


Hey V W P…Git a hanky and wipe that snot dribbling down on your upper lip, boy. Didn’t ya mama teach you a damn thing?


I just think it’s a cotton-pickin’ shame that tony the Slagman is SO unoriginal, he actually tries to PULL A WICKRE on TAH.

That is SO LAME, slagman. Maybe mommy should take the seat off that little motorbike and make you ride standing up. Yeah, that’s the ticket.


I won’t take the bet about him crying once the”poo poo hits the spinny thingy” but I would pay $50 for a video of him blubbering like a child with a skinned knee.

Green Thumb


Magnum PI he is not so I assume “Magnum” refers to the size and frequency of manpoles that deposit in his ass.


Tony Magsum and his mom are so tight knit – she rides b!7ch on his wanna be hog!


Does “Magsum” in another language mean “smegma”? Just wondering.

Way to go, asswipe. Your Google hit index just went up a shitpotful of points.

A pair of testicles with YOUR DNA are looking for a home. Obviously you’ve lost them, ’cause you don’t have the ‘nads to come here and defend yourself.

And drop the “Gunny Tony” shit already. You wouldn’t make a skidmark on a Marine PFC’s underwear.


@54…forget the cheesesteaks. Go for the roast pork/broccoli rabe sandwiches. DiNic’s is the most famous, but there are plenty of others who do a damn good job of it too.


Oh, and Tony–Google your name. This place is now NUMBER ONE when searching YOU.

As is the case, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

AW1 Tim

Well damn. Go off for a day doing stuff, come back, and look what I missed.

Ah, Phony, er, Tony. You really ought not to be prodding the bear with a little stick, you know what I mean? Sooner or later the bear gets pissed off and decides to do something about it.


Tim–that’s a lost lesson on this boy, otherwise he wouldn’t have pulled his shit.

One of these days he’s gonna figure out mommy ain’t gonna save his worthless ass.


Magsam, you silly bitch. You had a chance to tuck your dick and go away, but instead you’ve stomped it flat.

Enjoy your fame, valor thief.


NHSparky: it gets even better. Just did a Google search on “Anthony Magsam”. TAH has the #1 and #2 places. An article about his “tearful confession” from is the next webpage listed. And Scotty’s original bust is two after that. Excluding the listing for photos (right before the article), that’s 4 of the top 6 webpages.

How’s that publicity stuff working out for ya, “Gunny”? (smile)

— break —

GT: the “Magnum” listing was a joke; it was a play on words given the similarity between his name and “Magnum”. The reference was indeed Magnum PI.

You’re correct. This guy ain’t anywhere close to the Magnum character. The Magnum character actually did something and had some integrity. This guy was a wannabe, and appears to have been a dirty cop as well.


A weekly re-cap of Magsam’s failed professional relationships;

Veteran brotherhood – FAIL
Police Officer brotherhood – FAIL
Motorcycle Club brotherhood – FAIL


@70–one you forgot:


Green Thumb


A Proud Infidel

@29, Ex-PH2, there is a HUGE difference between Magsam and chicken shit, it’s that chicken shit is VERY USEFUL as a fertilizer, it’s packed with phosphorous and it will make a pasture flourish with clover and fescue, producing very nutritious hay for livestock!! Maggotspam is more useless and unattractive than a slug’s snot trail!!


@71 Trying to censor bad news on the internet: FAIL

Now all Magsam’s done is focus more attention on his pathetic and sad life.

Hey, Magsam: Mommy may have gotten you a plum job that you fucked up and flushed down the toilet, and she may keep you out of the Iron Bar Hotel (srsly, how is this guy not even charged with a crime?), but she can’t fix your Google search results.


Is this thread about Anthony Magsam? (Google hit)


Why yes, Rochambeau – this article and discussion IS INDEED about Anthony Magsam, the former Philly cop who if memory serves me correctly resigned under “questionable circumstances” involving missing weapons/weapons parts.

You know, if I didn’t know better I’d think he was a dirty cop who got caught and canned. But who really knows?


By the way: the original TAH story on Magsam and Scotty’s original story are now #1 and #2 on Google when you search for “Anthony Magsam”.

Yo, Tony – you’re famous, fella. Enjoy.


Hondo–slight correction, if I may.

Magsam isn’t famous so much as he’s NOTORIOUS. And it was all his doing.

Go ahead, Tony Magsam (Google hit!) revel in it. By God, you’ve earned it!

Green Thumb

As someone pointed out previously, he should contact Bob “The Maggot” Hay, who, by the way, is about to have a very bad day concerning his shitbaggery.

Thank local airwave media!

3/17 air cav

@79…… Green Thumb, any details you can share about upcoming on Danny Hay?

Green Thumb

Any new word on “Phony Tony”?


A few. He has changed his number and profile but word has spread like wildfire about his bullshit in his area being that it is not that large of a place.

As far as the VA, I do not think they are doing anything (VBA), even though they have been told about this shitbag. The VA has a lot of issues right now and paying posers is not one they want to deal with under public scrutiny. Odd, huh?

Also, Bob “The Maggot” has been brought to the attention of a radio personality (local) that hates these guys. It has been a few since I spoke with him, but I gave him a list of “regional” posers and telephone/email contacts (Bob “the Maggot” included). My assumption was that he was going to check them out.

Wouldn’t it be cool if he were to call them up while on air?

Sky is the limit.

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Any more complaints or threats by this shitball toward TAH?