Ambassador to Afghanistan; relations strained but not irreparable
The US ambassador to Afghanistan is wearing rose-colored glasses, apparently. He thinks that strained relations with the Taliban’s chief mouthpiece, Hamid Karzai aren’t beyond repair, according to the Stars & Stripes;
“The president (Karzai) has legitimate concerns that he position his country in the best way possible going forward, and I understand and accept that,” Ambassador James Cunningham told journalists in Kabul on Monday. “I don’t think he’s going about it in the right way, but he has to make these decisions, and we’ll try to adapt to them as we can.”
In some ways the long-troubled relationship between Karzai and the American government has never been more frayed.
Yeah, well, we could repair relations with the Karzai government by pulling our security detail off of him and beating feet for the exits, while freezing his foreign assets and enforcing a 100% No-Fly Zone over the country, then you’d see the little weasel come crawling. Let him have to depend on his own people for his ability to continue wasting my air and see how legitimate his concerns become. After the elections, he can move in with those prisoners he plans on releasing, we’ll see how soundly he sleeps.
Coddling the little peckerwood certainly isn’t working, so I don’t see a benefit of continuing to do that.
Category: Terror War
I pretty much agree with your synopsis, Jonn.
The only thing “strained” is the backs of Obama and others from bending over backwards to kiss Karzai’s ass.
Last statement of opinion is precise and to the point.
I see the problem here. Some, if not most, of us are failing to see the genius in this foreign policy. Remember the Arab Spring? He nailed it. Remember Benghazi? Nailed that, too. Remember Syria? Ditto. Relations with Israel? Couldn’t be better. Recall that Afghanistan, not Iraq, was the good war, the just war, the war he assured us we should be fighting. And that’s why we’re nearly pulling out. It’s genius! See, all we have to do is have faith–make that blind faith–in Obama, Kerry, and their subordinates. Didn’t he mend racial relations? Didn’t he lead an economic recovery? Didn’t he provide cheaper and better health insurance for all Americans–and illegals? I got a million more examples but you get the point: They know what’s best. We are just not appreciative of their genius. That’s all.
Agree, see how fast he changes his tune when his protection is gone and funds dried up and locked down.
You can not buy friends or love but you sure can rent it! Rents do!
“You can not buy friends or love but you sure cant rent it!”
And that, boys and girls, explains how vietnam war protestor ever finds someone to talk to – and on rare occasions, gets laid.
But only if the “pro” is truly desperate for $$$$$.
I doubt it Hondo-what was it the whore said to Lippy (William Sanderson) in Lonesome Dove? “Not even if you had $50.”
(I doubt if vwp has ever earned such a sum in all his life in any event)
Probably not even in a women’s prison with a fistful of pardons.