Karzai has met the enemy, and the enemy is us
Well, you knew it was only a matter of time. The Washington Post reports that the Taliban leader, Hamid Karzai, has decided that the US is behind the recent wave attacks against the Afghan government;
Karzai has formalized his suspicions with a list of dozens of attacks that he believes the U.S. government may have been involved in, according to one palace official. The list even includes the recent bomb and gun assault on a Lebanese restaurant in Kabul, one of the bloodiest acts targeting the international community in Afghanistan, the official said. The attack, which left 21 people dead, including three Americans, was almost universally attributed to the Taliban.
But Karzai believes it was one of many incidents that may have been planned by Americans to weaken him and foment instability in Afghanistan, according to the senior palace official, who is sympathetic to the president’s view and spoke on the condition of anonymity. He acknowledged that his government had no concrete evidence of U.S. involvement and that the American role had not been formally confirmed.
On Law and Order, they’d be asking Karzai what possible motive could support those claims.
Senior Afghan officials have provided no evidence of a U.S. role in the attacks on the list, which include an assault on a Justice Ministry building in Kabul and another on a courthouse in western Farah province that left more than 50 people dead.
Well, the proof that we’re not behind those attacks is the fact that Karzai is still wasting oxygen. If this administration isn’t willing to turn Karzai to dust, they need to pull the troops out yesterday and let the little clown fend for himself.
Thanks to Chief Tango for the link.
Category: Terror War
Well, if we are behind the attacks I can think of one more high profile target…..
I’m not saying anything, I’m just saying.
Way long past time to GTFO!
@1: Yeah, what he said!
Can’t believe it! Well, yes I can. This is Karzai’s posturing to garner sympathy from the American left as well as the POTUS. Which…he will. Obama will be bending over backwards and opening OUR wallets to quiet him down. I agree with Jonn, get us out of there ASAP and let Karzai fend for himself with the weapons we provided and the training for his security force, which we also provided. Problem is in Muslim countries like Afghanistan, you can never be sure of who your enemy is. But you can be damned sure he has few if any friends on either side. His troops see him getting wealthy and they know he will be protected with asylum when we leave. Screw Karzai and his whole country of ass hole henchmen, whatever side they be on.
I read somewhere that a Taliban Commander has taken responsibility for these acts and that the USA is nowhere near being behind these.
I’ve read it here many times….we just need to pull everybody out, take what you can carry, burn what you can’t.
Oh, and I’ll say keep our money that we fund Afghanistan with in our government’s bank.
This insane piece of trash needs to die.
So, all this money goes over there and, let’s say, 20% -30% gets kicked back into a couple of Swiss bank accounts whose account numbers are in the possession of, let’s say, some elected members of the US government. I wonder if that’s possible.
@6, yeah, it could happen. As for Karzai, the moment we withdraw from there will be the moment he screeches and bawls for us to come extract his pampered, oxygen-thieving candied ass to safety and give him asylum somewhere he can enjoy the money he’s pilfered over the years!!
Whoever is powering the organ grinder’s monkey may want to rethink their selection of music emanating from the organ grinder. Or maybe get the choir singing from the same sheet of music. The Ambassador is singing a slightly different tune.
Karzai: Dirka dirka, Mohammed jihad!
Al Jazeera: Mohammed jihad dirka?
Karzai: Dirka Mohammed! Death to America!
Al Jazeera: Ah, Death to America! Jihad Mohammed Dirka!
Afganistan afgani for vietnam! Get the helicopters to land on the american embassy!
@10 Hey, VWPussy! You stood me up again! Are you going to offer an actual counterpoint to any of my arguments? Do I have to C&P them again? Or are you still too much of a chickenshit to answer?
This is just an attempt by Karzai to posture in hopes the Afghani populace does not throw him out on his a$$ 30 seconds after we leave.
Karzai will leave Afghanistan before we do and take his billions he’s saved up to Dubai with him.
What we need to do is wait for him to “retire” and then take anything and everything he has from him and leave him penniless in the streets of Dubai begging.
I wonder if Karzai will flee the country fast enough to keep his head attached to his shoulders after the pullout is complete.
isn’t “make Karzai weaker” an oxymoron?
@10 what does Afghan money have to do with any of this? Are you trying to say that Afghanistan should send money to Viet Nam (You probably wont get that but that’s because you are a douche)?
Karzai is just responding to the fact that we are leaving. This is cultural. His life depends on separating himself from the US. I really don’t blame him for this COA. In the World of Islam appearance is more important than fact. Does it make him an Ahole (by our standards)? You bet.
Anyone who’s spent time doing KLE’s/Shuras has seen this same behavior.