Tuesdays with Claymore
When “DSL” doesn’t describe your internet access…guys, you know what I mean.
The best internet lawyer money can buy.
Gutting the Constitution….for the children.
Bumper sticker stuck on stupid…or perhaps a Prius. But I repeat myself.
Wendy Davis….mother of the year, entrepreneur, gun nut.
Blah blah blah socialism blah blah blah redistribution blah blah blah…
Unpossible…don’t they have gun laws there?
Pointing out that Wendy Davis is a lying skank is apparently sexist. Who knew?
Leftists worried that this governor may cause Hillary some problems.
He should record it, have Miley twerk to it and make some money.
…when they came for the venture capitalist, I was silent.
10 Steps To An Imperial Presidency
Assault on Texas….remember the Alamo.
Testicles in a jar. On her shelf. Collecting dust.
Define “democracy” and you can’t use Marx as a reference.
All these shootings recently? Your fault.
Fake angry Republicans always post fake rants in the Washington Post.
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore
I read more than my usual three or four. I guess I have a subliminal need to punish myself. Either that or the concocted titles drew me in: I especially enjoyed them. Saint Trayvon in the hoodie. Thanks for the laughs.
I actually liked the internet lawyer one.
I go to the gun topics because there are some people that post rational pro-gun points. Then there are the ones that claim that every well thought out and articulated pro-gun post is a “NRA talking point”.
@2 me too not all the posts are totally idiotic.
I see some on Snowden that are worth a moment or two….
Mostly because I think Snowden was reckless in what he did and violated the law, but I also think the exposure of unrestricted spying on Americans is just another clear example of the erosion of our rights and I have a huge concern about trusting the government to do the right thing when they can hide behind secrecy…that’s a debate worth having, maybe not with rabid DUers but our nation needs to discuss this stuff in the open.
TSO, I woulda pegged you to like the “Sheldon” one. 🙂
The Saint Trevon post made me sick to my stomach. How can people be so retarded?