Levin won’t support vet COLA fix, if it means closing welfare loopholes

| January 8, 2014

Chief Tango sends us a link to the Daily Caller which reports that Democrat Senator Calr Levin, an ultra-liberal from Michigan, initially supported restoring the pension COLA increases for veterans…well, until he found that that bill’s author, Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), planned to pay for it by closing welfare loopholes;

“Sen. Levin would support legislation to repeal the military pension cuts if such an amendment didn’t endanger underlying legislation and if he supported the offset,” the aide told The Hill. “He doesn’t support the offset in Sen. Ayotte’s legislation, so he couldn’t offer support for her legislation.”

Ayotte’s bill would repeal the military pension cuts and replace the savings by requiring tax filers to have a Social Security number —- as opposed to just an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number — in order to qualify for the ACTC.

According to a 2011 Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration report, people who were not authorized to work in the United States claimed billions in refundable tax credits in 2010.

Well, we all knew how that would turn out, but it’s nice to have the proof in print. Paying veterans what they earned, what they’re owed, is secondary to what the criminal class wants – because the illegal criminals are a larger constituency for Democrats. The Democrats were perfectly happy to screw the constituency of the other side, but “compromise” stops at their own front door.

Of course, Republicans were idiots if they thought they would ever get to restore cuts to veterans’ pay in this fashion. And I predict that in the Fall, Democrats are going to be waving this particular bloody shirt at voters during the mid-terms. Not a tough prediction, actually. No tougher than the anti-veteran climate in Congress which I predicted six years ago.

Category: Congress sucks

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isn’t Levin the same dipshit who tried to renew the draft for some bullshit reason unrelated to anything military a while back?


I am once again, aghast. Citizens of this country who serve at the pleasure of the people, put the interests of ILLEGAL CRIMINALS before those of their own fellow citizens. In this case, CITIZENS who served and serve this country with their blood, lives and limbs! This nation is going to hell in a hand cart. I didn’t think it would begin, in my lifetime at least, as quickly as it has. I guess the problem is which people they truly serve at the pleasure of. Determined not by their oaths of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies both FOREIGN and domestic but by their greedy desire to be reelected. ILLEGAL ALIENS are criminals by definition and therefore enemies in residence to the stability and economy of the United States in my one opinion.


I thought the Democrats have said that “loopholes” are evil. At least that is what they say when the rich (already paying 50% of their income to the government) are not paying “their fair share”.


I can see Mexico from my house. I’m retired Army, 24 years. Veteran of desert shield/desert storm, deployed to Afghanistan when the population of Bagram was maybe 250 personnel. 3 Iraq deployments. Now you’re gonna cut my EARNED benefits in order to give a tax break to “undocumented workers”? I work in the Douglas AZ Border Patrol station. The guy I watch climbing the fence now has more rights than I do. And better tax benefits.


The political class (of both parties) has thrown veterans under the bus and enjoys going around the block to run us over again.


I live in Michigan, Carl Levin is one of my Senators. I just posted this on his “contact me” web page:

You sit on the Armed Services committee and you would vote to spend my tax dollars for undocumented alien benefits but you would not vote to pay veterans what they contracted for? Already earned? Bled for? Died for?

I am a citizen of Michigan and a veteran and proud of both. As my representative, I am stunned that you would sink this low. I have many veteran friends and I am ashamed to admit that my representative is doing this.

Please explain yourself.

If your explanation might include a comparison between veteran benefits and other civil servants, please consider the following:

Other civil servants don’t have to shoot anybody and they don’t get shot at.

Other civil servants don’t come home in steel boxes.

Other civil servants get to go home to their family every night and they have every expectation to arrive with the same number of limbs that they left with.

And if their mean boss yells at them, they can quit and find another boss.

None of that is true for veterans. I am genuinely mystified how a person of your obvious experience can make that decision. Have you no shame?

I hope it makes a difference but suspect that I am wasting my time.


Karl, er Carl, is known around these parts as Red Karl for good reason. And, this clown ended up as Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee? Must be that Uncle Ho and Fidel were otherwise engaged when the dems decided on a chairman for that committee.


Richard, I gave up on contacting him, or Stabenow. All I got back from either of them was the form letter, “Thank you for Contacting Senator______, we’ll keep your views in mind when it comes time to act on that concern”, or similar bullshit.


Keep after them anyway. Please! Even they will respond appropriately when the number of constituents expressing negative comments outnumbers those supporting them and their stupid ideas.

It’s all about acquiring and maintaining power for them. Even they will modify their votes if their reelection is threatened.


I’m glad at least one of my Senators (Ayotte) had the guts NOT to vote for the bill that started this whole shitstorm, and also had the fortitude to make it right by closing “loopholes” that only reward criminal (yes, libtards, CRIMINAL) behavior.

And here’s hoping my other Senator gets tossed out on her ass in November.


wow, just wow


@8 and @9 – If I have an opinion and remain silent, that is the same as not voting. In a republic, our representatives have to hear our voices. If they do not listen, I have a check book and a big mouth and a vote.


@9 and 12. Levin doesn’t care, he’s not running in ’14. Stabenow is too stupid to understand what she’s voted on. But, if it’s Asian Carp, she’s on it like stink on a dead fish.

CI Roller Dude

On my first enlistment in the reg Army, when we went to the field or guard duty, we worked 7 days a week, often 16 hours a day or more. On state active duty call ups in the guard to floods fires and earthquakes, we worked 7 days a week often way over 12 hours a day.
My first mission in Bosnia we worked 6 days a week and 7 days a week if needed… Iraq we started out 7 days a week, then cut back to only 6 days a week.
When we went over an 8 hour day/ 40 hours a week, we never got overtime, we never got comp time…we just did it…and never bitched because lives were at stake.

I’m guessing that many of us worked more hours in a year, than most welfare bums have worked in their entire fucking life.

Tom Huxton

If we required a valid SSAN in order to vote, some of this nonsense would evaporate like dew in the morning sun.