ACORN Updates

| October 11, 2008

We were frying other fish this week and sorta missed the whole ACORN thing, so I thought I’d bring myself up-to-date. My first stop, of course, was at Michelle Malkin who has the latest McCain ad using Obama’s ACORN connections against him…now that there are at least ten States investigating the voter registration practices of the organization. ACORN responds to the ad;

For more than a decade, ACORN members have held protests, released reports, and advocated for regulations to protect homeowners from predatory lenders. ACORN organizers and volunteers have been working day and night to help victims of the GOP economic meltdown to save their homes from foreclosure. In fact, ACORN has brought class action lawsuits against several predatory lenders, and has lobbied the Federal Reserve and Congress in support of regulations against predatory lending. ACORN has even been successful in convincing many lenders to treat homeowners more fairly and help families be able to make their mortgage payments and save their homes.

In other words, ACORN thinks the best way for us to get out of this problem is to hire more lawyers.

The Purple Avenger at Ace of Spades links to Hillbuzz which claims that Hillary Clinton supporters are the folks giving evidence to the Feds in the RICO case against ACORN;

Republicans and centrist Democrats are joined together on this effort to get the truth out about Obama before the November election. We firmly believe in McCain’s victory and do not believe it hinges on any developments with RICO.  The polls, in our opinon, are wrong, and the internal numbers we see coming out of NC, VA, PA, OH, IN and FL show McCain wins in all of those states (there is no mathematical possibility for Obama to win without taking PA, OH, or FL). We believe after McCain’s win there will be a continued prosecution of Obama and members of the Democratic party for voter fraud under RICO statutes in the months and years ahead. ACORN and leftist Democrats have gone too far this time — for years ACORN has engineered deliberate election fraud using taxpayer dollars funneled to it by Democrats.

Despite denials from the Obama campaign that Obama was ever involved with ACORN, Gateway Pundit finds evidence to the contrary;

Obama not only trained at ACORN, he worked with ACORN in the 1992 election, he was an ACORN lawyer and he was endorsed by ACORN.

It’s an interesting side show, it’s important for thecountry that ACORN gets shut down, but pinning our hopes on the election outcome to the fate of ACORN is not bright. ALthough it’s another arrow in our quiver, but time is too short to depend on prosecutors to do our work for us.

Here’s Lou Dobb’s report on ACORN;

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Politics

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Ace has a report of Hillary’s campaign cooperating with GOP, FBI and IRS with tales of primary abuse that mirror ACORN’s general election fraud–which is under federal pervue. Unfortunately, imao, it will be a December surprise at best.

JJ Williams


Saw this on craigslist:
Listed on craigslist with an ACORN office address with a free stuff ad.
Office closing, slow economy, everything tagged with a green, brown or white tag is free for pickup at xxxx xxxxxxx,xxxx,. After 6:00 everyday for next 2 weeks or all taken. Take all you want, so bring a truck. Door is open or key above door. Our loss is your gain. PS bring this ad with you.
Craigslist addresses
Acorn addresses