Spinning Troopergate

| October 11, 2008

When I wanted to keep up with the Sarah Palin “Troopergate” issue, I read Mata Harley at Flopping Aces who has covered this thing from the day Ms. Palin was nominated to be the VP candidate, mainly because the media’s coverage of this borders on useless. So yesterday, the 263-page report on the investigation was released and it actually cleared the Governor on the main charge of firing her pubic safety commissioner. But here’s how the newspapers are headlining the story.

The Washington Times;

The Washington Post;

The Wall Street Journal;

The Miami Herald;

The story is actually that the panel says she abused her position to get her former brother-in-law fired, but she didn’t when she fired her public safety commissioner. Each of the above stories admit as much, but look at the headlines they chose. For example, the Washington Post put the actual findings of the investigator in the middle of the story;

Branchflower investigated the charges for six weeks, interviewing 19 people, after he was hired by the Joint Legislative Council. He concluded that while Monegan’s rebuff of the entreaties played a role in his firing, other concerns such as budgetary issues and trooper vacancies also were factors.

“I find that, although Walt Monegan’s refusal to fire Trooper Michael Wooten was not the sole reason he was fired by Governor Sarah Palin, it was likely a contributing factor to his termination as Commissioner of Public Safety,” Branchflower wrote. “In spite of that, Governor Palin’s firing of Commissioner Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to hire and fire executive branch department heads.

Emphasis is mine. But which do you think the chatter from the Left will be…the headline or the facts?

Category: John McCain/Sarah Palin, Media, Politics

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The Alaska ‘Troopergate’ is a non-scandal induced by a bunch of hacks desperately trying to dig up dirt in Palin’s past. Aside from the usual in-the-tank-for Obama media reporting, it should be noted that although Wooten was involved in a nasty divorce from Palin’s sister, that’s not why he should be fired. There were factors like tasering his 10 year old stepson and drinking in his cruiser. Wooten has quite a record for a State trooper: “Let’s be clear: Mike Wooten is no angel. The fact that he is still a trooper suggests that the Legislature should review the troopers’ disciplinary standards.” “Trooper Wooten gave his 10-year-old stepson a “test” firing from his state-issued Taser because the boy wanted to know what it was like. That was astoundingly bad judgment. Because the child “consented,” and the test apparently produced no lasting harm, Wooten would have a good defense against any criminal charges. But it was a hopelessly inappropriate thing for a state trooper to do with state-issued equipment.” “Trooper Wooten also shot a moose illegally, using his wife’s permit. At the time the incident was investigated, he was a wildlife enforcement officer responsible for enforcing the very same hunting laws he broke. Questioned by troopers about the incident, he said he felt it was not inappropriate, according to the troopers’ disciplinary report.” “Trooper Wooten also said he would make his father-in-law “eat a f***-ing? lead bullet” if he helped get a lawyer for his daughter. Apparently that didn’t qualify as “assault” under the law because Wooten did not say it directly to his father-in-law. No crime, but another example that trooper Wooten lacked the judgment and temperament to remain a trooper.” “Another disturbing incident from Wooten’s record was the courtesy treatment he got from a fellow trooper during a DUI stop. A bartender had reported Wooten as a suspected drunken driver after Wooten caused a commotion in the bar and drove away. Wooten’s fellow officer stopped him, let him leave his car behind and gave him a ride to his destination. An arrest and conviction for DUI would have ended… Read more »