How we can lose the gun control debate
We gun owners and the NRA still control the gun control debate, mostly because we’ve all proven that we’re the only ones telling the truth. The gun grabbers have a habit of making shit up about us that they can’t substantiate, but it plays to the crowd that they’re trying to influence. Like the ditz who went out and bought a gun without even knowing how to load it, let alone how to aim and fire it, thinking that her inexperience said more about us than her side of the discussion spectrum.
For about the last year, we here at TAH have almost daily posted “Feel Good Stories” which reported the legal use by private citizens of firearms to protect themselves, their families and the property. Out of those hundreds of stories that we posted, only one proved to be false – it was false even though we verified it through three local news stations and only because some mentally deficient guy made a false report to police.
Lately, though, I’ve seen false reports spring up all over the internet, especially in the last two or three weeks. Stories about an old lady blowing away two kids who were playing knockout, stories about various governments seizing weapons from legal gun owners, you know stuff like that. You’ve seen them, too.
But, we track the stories back to their sources and they’ve all proved to be false, made up by creative writers, and many track back to the same blogs or websites over and over. Some doofus will write a story in a forum and the whole world wants to link to it, because it says what we want to hear. Like the gun grabbers believe everything that they like to hear.
As TAH has proven with our “feel good stories”, there’s enough real evidence that responsible gun owners are saving themselves and their families from evil doers that we don’t need to make stuff up. Yet, here are people making stuff because they want to influence the discussion, but untrue stories don’t really prove anything, except that some of the people on the internet are irresponsible. Just because you can supply a link, that doesn’t make the story true. And it proves that both extremes of this gun control debate aren’t above making shit up.
Category: Guns
Seen it on the Internet. Must be legit!
Bon jour.
Can’t argue that, but then again, if we had a media that was worth a shit, we wouldn’t treat the stories we see with such (justifiable) skepticism.
The media can’t tell the truth. It doesn’t suit the preezy’s agenda and is bad for the profit margin.
@4–WHAT profit margin? Print media is hemorrhaging cash like there’s no tomorrow.
The Boston Globe was purchased by the NY Times in 1993 for $1.1 BILLION. It was sold to John Henry (Red Sox owner) a few months back for $70 million–a loss of almost 94 percent, and Henry was the highest of several bidders. The NYT isn’t doing much better.
And broadcast media isn’t doing much better.
The big three nightly newscasts, while they still have the largest audiences, are losing market share and have been for nearly three decades. CNN can’t even draw as many viewers as reruns on Cartoon Network. MSNBC is the laughingstock of television, even with their spoon-fed DNC talking points.
Granted, there are enough people who still blindly accept that which is fed to them, and they still sway elections because it’s easier to look at Perky Katie’s smiling visage or Brian Williams hunky charm with women and believe the bullshit they talk (or don’t talk) about before flipping over to American Idol.
But those days are coming to a close because the pain is coming home. One can only hope that by that time, it’s not too late.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we need the press.
“Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
If the press doesn’t work, who investigates the government and reports on corruption? Web sites might substitute for newspapers, radio, and TV but I’m not so sure.
The news networks have abandoned their social responsibility. I don’t know why. For some reason, they seem to have decided that it is in their interest to align themselves with the political parties. So now the Democrats won’t watch Fox and they miss all of the thoroughly brilliant reporting on there 😉 And the Republicans won’t watch NBC or ABC so we miss all of the in-depth reporting from that source.
Yeah, yeah, I know, we all look at their web sites and watch some of their news but it isn’t the same. I remember watching Walter Cronkhite as a kid. He was trustworthy. We all used to read newspapers. Maybe not much but we all turned the pages and noticed the headlines and the story titles. My daily web scan includes CNN, Fox, MSNBC, Politico, Huff Po, and the National Review. Sometimes the Weekly Standard, Washington Times, WSJ, and Christian Science Monitor, BBC, Reuters, Dawn, UK Guardian, and Red State.
We need those guys out digging up the dirt on government so we can get up in arms about it and complain to our Congress-critters. Without the press, we run the risk of believing some of the drivel that they say.
The media tell the truth. They used to. I speculate that the problem is that Wall Street told the corporations who owned the news organizations that they couldn’t run them as independent non-revenue divisions, they had to show a profit or something.
Okay, I think that I know this group so I will stand back and bask in the fire 🙂
Got to tell you Jonn, the gun industry and retailers are not at all helping the cause. We own guns, several in fact. Well more than several. But we own sane shit, well almost like my M1A1 semi with the two 30 banana clips taped back to back. Don’t want to file the sear and make it auto just yet cause I want to hit what I shoot at. Was looking at the Bass Pro Shops Sunday insert earlier and wonder WTF are they selling some of the stuff advertised and WTF are they used for. I bought the M1A1 for about $15 in 65 because I carried one on duty for years. Got the clips after the LA race riots and had plenty of ammo. But damn, a semi with a 30 round clip, with 4 spares as part of the sale for only $1,348 plus tax. Then I saw the new style Daisey BB guns and no wonder a couple of cops shot some poor 13-14 year old in West Memphis a few years ago over a deal of pointing a toy gun at them. Of course the kid was turning his life around roaming the streets at zero dark early, but his Momma said he was a good boy. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. Hope the pork was worth this am’s drive into civilization.
To further the point that Sparky made, the local NBC affiliate just spent 3+ minutes telling us how wonderful the “revamped” Healthcare dot gov website was, with Brian Moore, from NBC, telling us how the White House said the web site was performing as expected now. Apparently, Mr. Moore didn’t do what CNN(Surprise) did, try out the “revamped” website.
Then they wonder why revenue goes down and ratings are less than Cartoon Network?
I think you might be missing something. Those who are anti gun are that way because: 1.) They know nothing about guns, 2.) They are afraid of guns (like small children in fear of clowns) and 3.) They want to get rid of all guns (except the ones they own).
It’s like a form of mental, illness. Until they get help and medication, there’s no hope for the rest of us to be safe in our gun ownership
On december 4 the sandy hook 9-11 tapes are supposed to be released and you will be able to hear the screams of the children as they cry for their mommys as the little angels are shot to pieces! Merry christmas! bang! bang! bang!
@10 – ah, Little Miss Sunshine sticks her head in the door once more…
Hey, vwp, why don’t you go suck-start a 12 gauge?
How many children will die in the next school shooting massacre ? 10,20,30,40,50 are more little angels?
VWP, You are a POS, morbid and never served on board the USS Liberty.
Your words again ring empty, yet full of self-loathing.
Enjoy the tapes, people like you are typically fixated on such horrible events.
#13: Waaay fewer that will drown in the same month. Ban water!
“I remember watching Walter Cronkhite as a kid. He was trustworthy.”
Except Walter Cronkite admitted later that he lied about the Vietnam war, especially during Tet. He reported a US victory as a defeat. He admitted he lied because he was personally against the war. The press has always been corrupt, they’re just exposed now.
8-track tape is dead too, because a more accurate medium exists now.
There are more children beaten to death by their caretakers than are shot, but where is the outrage? There are more children who die by car accident than are shot, but where is the outrage? There are more children who die by stabbing per month than are shot, but where is the outrage?
If you truly cared about the children, you would not be focusing on “gun control.” Rather, you would be focusing on the leading cause of child-related death… domestic violence. After how many child deaths will you be so vigilant about abusive households?
It has been proven that the so-called gun control has little to do with keeping firearms out of the hands of the law-breakers. What it is doing is making it more difficult for those who obey the law to obtain firearms to protect themselves. So, the ultimate question is: Why would you rather use children as a rallying cry to keep lawful Americans from obtaining firearms while allowing criminals to purchase them on the streets/steal them?
@13 you are such a POS…I cannot stand by and watch the drivel that you spew everytime you post…I wish all types of ill will upon you…stay away from this blog…you really fuck up a good thing you worthless bastard troll…(sorry everyone but the bastard really deserved it this time)
I don’t know how many children will get shot in the next school massacre. I do know where a massacre WON’T HAPPEN. It won’t happen where a capable adult is available to put a stop to it.
The reason the total ran up so high at Sandy Hook was because there was nobody to stop that murderer. He had plenty of time.
Vwpissbucket, one thing is for sure, it will happen someplace where people are heavily restricted from carrying a firearm, a “Gun-Free Zone” like VA Tech, the Aurora, CO theater, and the schools that were assaulted. Gun Control Laws aid violent criminals. In your idiotic worldview, you ze all gun buyers/owners as psychos who can’t wait to massacre, and the opposite is true. Just how many existing Gun Control Laws were violated in each of these shootings? More laws are not the answer, effective and competent enforcement of existing laws is what we need, little glue-sniffing, bong water-guzzling inbred idiot!
You lose again.
@14 Of course I didn’t serve on uss liberty I wasn’t in the service. I don’t want people to forget those who did! When is hollywood going to make a movie about the uss liberty? They did one on the pueblo with hal holbrook.
@18 Their are LAWS that children ride in safety seats! You have to take a test to get a drivers license and it is taken away if you misbehave as is your gun privledges if your convicted of a felony and in some states even a misdemenor though that usually only occurs if your black! The first gun law was in new york. Do you know who it was aimed at? Ronald reagan then govenour of california signed a gun law into law. Again do you know who it was aimed at?
Vwpissbucket, every one of your posts further convinces me that you are your own Cousin, it’s not just the glue-sniffing, bong water guzzling, and Kool-Aid that makes you that big of an idiot!!
VWP and Psul need to get together and host an internet web show on Youtube. It would be hilarious. They could argue with the conspiracy theorists and the scientologists and then we will have officially lowered the bar to reality to the point where I think Chtuhlu is supposed to awaken… And frankly I would have all the crazy locked in one place which is how I like it.
At Drum, every one of Vwpissbucket’s posts confirms to me that he couldn’t make it past a fourth grade level of education before he dropped out of school and started drawing welfare. That, and he is his own cousin!!
People like vwp are so unimaginative. They think that just taking away guns is going to prevent people from killing people or even make it more difficult. I guess he hasn’t heard of the law of unintended consequences. I wonder how many kids Adam Lanza would have killed with chlorine gas? Hell I wonder how many people are familiar with the 21′ rule?
He’ll, knife and blunt instrument murders outnumber those committed with firearms, but like all facts and logic, it gets ignored by liberals.
Liberalism is a mental disorder, and libs prove that to be true 24/7/365!
@23: There are LAWS on the books in Chicago, in reference to guns, too, yet the total amount of people killed at Sandy Hook, while tragic, would equal a weekend in Chicago. 804 murders in Chicago and they have the most strict gun laws in the country. Of course, you know all this, but can’t resist throwing out the old, tired arguments based on extremely flawed logic, which most leftist piles of shit do. The Oregon mall shooting was stopped from becoming a massacre BECAUSE someone with a lawfully carried firearm stopped it from going any further. Same could have happened at Sandy Hook, but it doesn’t fit your meme.
Just remember; when the guy you pissed off with your smart mouth is beating the shit out of you, you can rest easy that you don’t have a firearm to protect yourself, and most people you associate with won’t have firearms to stop the ass whoopin, either. That way, you can go unconscious with that warm feeling of righteousness.
I guess the pustulant pest a/k/a svwp never heard of the truck bombing in Oklahoma City, OK. 168 people killed in one blast with a radius that destroyed the Murragh Building and damaged surrounding buildings. Age range of mortalities was 3 months to 73 years.
But see, because it was a revenge bombing by a couple of white guys, it doesn’t count in the demented brainlessness of someone like vwp.
I could also bring up Richard Speck’s rape and murder crime spree with 8 nursing students from the South Chicago Community Hospital. He stabbed them to death and/or strangled them after he raped them.
But again, this doesn’t fit the idiot meme or storyline that has been cooked up by the pustulant pest a/k/a vwp.
I’m guessing vwp is unfamiliar with the murder statistics in this country, or the numbers.
Right out of the first paragraph:
For example, 311 children under age 1 were murdered that year, as were an additional 385 children ages 1 to 4.
That’s ONE YEAR, dipshit.
Further down:
No surprise finding this weapon at the top of the list, but the breakdown by firearm type is a bit surprising. Roughly 6,600 of those annual murders are attributed to handguns. But the much-demonized “Rifle” category accounted for about 375 annual deaths from 2007-2011.
IOW, more children UNDER THE AGE OF 2 are murdered than are murdered by those evil scary rifles, vwp.
Why anyone bothers to even try and have a rational discussion with what’s his name above is beyond me. He sounds like so many other trolls who have infested this site from time to time…
As to the OP, I am so sick and tired of the false stories raised all over facebook for example of gun confiscations, etc. It is not just gun controll either, but damn people have become lazy as hell when it comes to actually verifying whether a story is true or not. Sites like the Oniaon and Duffellblog that people actually read their satire and think it is true is just a prime example of how incredibly lazy we are…
Oh and I am really a Gazzillionaire, so any of you with hot sisters hook me up K….
The one statistic that the ‘fear of guns’ group forget is that anyone who is dead set on killing people is going to find a way to do that, period. The means of doing so is secondary to the intent.
It’s unfortunate that the narrow-mindedness on THAT side of the coin doesn’t get that simple fact.
It ain’t the weapon, stupid, it’s the intention.
The useful idiots really don’t care about facts no matter the topic. Many of them are quite literally insane, as is evidenced by our pet trolls here.
Sane people can disagree about things without being disagreeable. For instance, when discussing the ownership and use of guns in general, those who do not wish to own or use them are not forced to do so. It’s no different from owning a green car – no one is forced to have one.
VWPussy is back? Jesus Christ, it’s way too early in the morning for this shit.
VWPansy-ass loser, I get it. You don’t like guns. And you don’t have to have guns. I however, do like guns. And because I am a law-abiding citizen without any violent or criminal tendencies, you have neither the right nor the moral authority to restrict me from having them.
If a criminal ever invades the sanctity of your home, VWPoS, you will do 3 things:
1) Cower in the closet or bathroom and pray that they are only there for your TV,
2) Call a special phone number to tell guys and gals with guns to please come save your ass,
3) Pray to God that the dispatcher understood your address from your hysterical panicked cries, that your address is clearly marked and easy to find, and that they don’t take 20+ minutes to get there.
Sucks to be you, dude. Good luck with that.
If that ever happens to me or most of the rest of us here, there are only two possible outcomes:
A) (Most probable) I will explain to the cops how the home invader(s) wound up with all those extra holes center-mass. They will take any survivors into custody, tag&bag as needed, and document that I was right and lawful to shoot in defense of my home, the pretty little Asian chick known as my wife, and my baby daughter. I will then go back to bed with, and have amazing sex with, the aforementioned pretty little Asian chick.
B) (Worst-case, if I’m seriously outnumbered) I will be found in a pile of empty brass, behind the wall I made of their stacked corpses. Meanwhile, the pretty little shotgun-equipped Asian chick will explain to the cops how the survivors of the initial firefight got past me, but met their well-deserved end when they ran into her defensive position in our daughter’s room and discovered just how pissed she is about the outcome of her husband’s last stand. Again, the cops tag&bag as needed and take any surviving scumbags into custody.
Either way, my wife and baby daughter come out okay.
@36 Well said and right on! I am with you all the way. If I die, it is because I ran out of ammo before the last one gets to me and running out of ammo is not a foreseeable option.
#37 Sparks, you also have the option of “fix bayonets.” Worked for one MOH recipient and his company in the Korean War.
@38 That method is included in my last stand plan, but my comment was getting long-winded, so I didn’t go into that much detail. I think it’s a safe bet that everybody here (excepting VWPussy) would definitely include blades, bludgeons, fists, and teeth in their home defense plan in the event of ammo depletion.
@39 Depending upon the exact details of any unwanted encounter, any or all of the above, plus a few others, might be utilized.
Also, meant to comment earlier that you did an excellent job up there at #36. Well done.
White conservatives have no problem with gun laws to prevent minorities from shooting back at white racists! Since none of you geniuses could anwser my questions I will enlighten you. Sullivan law in new york was aimed at disarming returning black armed civil war veterans. Bed time for bonzo signed gun law to stop the black panthers from protecting the black community of oakland california from the cops! The second amendendment was demanded by the southern states so white slave owners could protect themselves from their slave girls! Their are many good books on the slave patrol and go into the well regulated militia that all southern white men were ordered to be part of by their states for the slave patrols! PEACE NOW!
@41 So, VWPindejo, you go from “guns are bad” to “guns are good, but not if you’re white”. And you throw those “racist” stones all over that cute little rainbow-colored glass house of yours. The 2nd Amendment, like the rest of the Bill of Rights, was motivated entirely by depredations inflicted by the colonial British before the War For Independence. This was still in living memory in 1789. Slavery had jack shit to do with it. Yet again, you prove yourself a fucking idiot. Try reading something Howard Zinn didn’t write. You’ll be amazed at what you might learn.
Also, are you aware of the fact that the NRA has a long history of opposing those laws you mention? Funny how that fact alone invalidates your argument. It’s similarly funny how you accuse us of racism in spite of the fact that you are the only one here who has said anything racist. The rest of us loudly and consistently oppose racism and racists. And you bring up the Black Panthers. The only difference between them and the KKK is their skin color. They are racist shitbags, just like those inbred, sister-fucking, whiskey-tango cocksuckers in the pointy white hoods.
Once again, VWPutz, get fucked in whatever undignified manner best suits you. Fuck off and die. The adults are talking.