New cuts next month unless Senate approves Defense budget

| November 29, 2013

It’s funny how the budget issues always get hung up in the Senate, isn’t it? I’m guessing because there’s no real leadership in that particular house of government. But now the Pentagon is threatening even deeper cuts to their spending if this one doesn’t get out of the Senate by the 13th of December. And of course, the cuts aren’t coming where they need to cut, but rather messing with the troops pay (first time ever – hah!) according to Stars & Stripes;

Combat pay? Could be gone. Hazardous duty pay? Could be gone, too. Foreign Language Proficiency Pay? Same.


[The Senate’s inaction] creates an increasingly likely scenario in which special pay provisions will be eliminated on Dec. 31, if no defense bill is passed. That hasn’t happened in 51 years, but the political atmosphere in the capital is particularly poisonous.

Well, at least the generals will be able to keep their private cars, cooks, aides and the only ones feeling the pain will be the Joes in the trenches. That won’t impact retention or readiness at all.

Category: Big Army

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Don Laucirica


I am a General Officer, combat vet, airborne soldier, and former Thai Linquest.

I am just a unhappy about this news, and will do my level best, advocating, informing, etc. to prevent.

I note I do not have a private car or a cook, and share an aide with three other senior leaders. But be assured I will fight for all soldiers, their benefits, as I expect most if not all GOs will do.


BG Don Laucirica

A Proud Infidel

GI’s having to sacrifice more? What a surprise, NOT!! When have ANY of those pols proposing further cuts foregone any perk or luxury?


@1 A General Offficer advocating for the troops, in this political climate? I’m surprised you still have a job, General.


I don’t think you’re quite bitter enough, Lilyea.

Oh, well, it IS a holiday.

CI Roller Dude

The “L” pay I thought was out of control. We had several Soldiers while deployed, who got paid extra for a language skill that wasn’t used in the country we were in…but when they had to write a friggen report in English, it was so bad I had to follow along behind them and re-write the shit. I asked for extra pay for being able to write in English.
Now, this didn’t apply to all of them, but– there were enough to waste a lot of my time.

B Woodman

“Combat pay? Could be gone. Hazardous duty pay? Could be gone, too. Foreign Language Proficiency Pay? Same.”
Good people enlisting? Gone.

“That won’t impact retention or readiness at all.”
My first and last thoughts exactly.

Another nail in the coffin of the military as we knew it, ready to go anywhere, do anything, fight anybody.

If any of my g’children join the military, it will be against my advice. Given three ways – long, loud and often.

NOW – – on the other hand, if the Pentagon and Congress would tie those pay cuts to pay and perks cuts to the perfumed princes of the Pentagon AND KongressKritters, I might be intrigued. BUt I dream. . . . . . . .


Time was I wouldn’t have hesitated to advocate to any qualified young man or woman to seriously consider at least one enlistment, if not make it into a career.

Now? It’s getting harder and harder to justify that point of view.