Jimmy, Cindy, Joe and Hugo (Updated 5-29)

| May 28, 2007

Fox News is broadcasting that Adam Housely (who live blogged the protest), on the scene in Caracas, Venezuela is reporting that the crowds fairly peacefully protesting Chavez’ decision to shut down the popular, dissenting RCTV television station are being fired upon by federal troops with rubber bullets, tear gas and shot guns are being fired over their heads. The reporter also said that the crowd wasn’t budging – which means that if Chavez intends to squelch this dissent he will have to ratchet up his response.

Chavez claims were that RCTV was engaged in “subversive” activities. How many times have we heard that phrase used in the last 50 years?

Housley made the point that international media is the only way to get word out about Chavez now because he’s shut down the last dissenting media voice in Venezuela. Housley also displayed what appeared to an expended low-base 12-guage shotgun shell he claims he recovered from the ground after federal troops fired it in the air (the video of Housley appeared to be via cell phone).

There’s nothing to link here yet, just some background in a generic AP story on Fox News;

Inside the studios of RCTV — the sole opposition-aligned TV station with nationwide reach — disheartened actors and comedians wept and embraced in the final minutes on the air.

They bowed their heads in prayer, and presenter Nelson Bustamante declared: “Long live Venezuela! We will return soon.”

Chavez says he is democratizing the airwaves by turning the network’s signal over to public use.

Germany, which holds the European Union presidency, expressed concern that Venezuela let RCTV’s license expire “without holding an open competition for the successor license.” It said the EU expects that Venezuela will uphold freedom of speech and “support pluralism.”

I’m sure Chavez is quaking in his stumpy little boots having seen the Euro-weenies “expect” all kinds of civilized behavior in the last few years.

My question is how do Jimmy Carter, Cindy Sheehan and Joe Kennedy feel about their pal, Hugo now? Will they rush out to condemn, not only the poor treatment of protesters, but the silencing of opposition – which is a basic human right according to our own traditions. 

I’d guess not. The Left in the United States kept silent about Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, even North Korea for several decades. I’m waiting for evidence that our own administration has done things worse than Chavez has done. I guess the authors of the Black Book of Communism will be able to write a Hugo Chavez chapter, now. And Joe, Jimmy and Cindy will go down in history as Chavez’ enablers.

Because, why should the Left acknowledge that socialism is a morally bankrupt philosophy that runs counter to basic human rights?

A-ha! found the story at that CNN place. Must be new network, I’ve never heard of CNN before.

National Guard troops fired tear gas and rubber bullets Monday into a crowd of protesters angry over a decision by President Hugo Chavez that forced a critical television station off the air.

University students blocked one lane of a major highway hours after Radio Caracas Television ceased broadcasting at midnight and was replaced with a new state-funded channel. Chavez had refused to renew RCTV’s broadcast license, accusing it of “subversive” activities and of backing a 2002 coup against him.

Two students were injured by rubber bullets and a third was hit with a tear gas canister, said Ana Teresa Yepez, an administrator at Caracas’ Metropolitan University. She said about 20 protesters were treated for inhaling tear gas.

The new public channel, TVES, launched its transmissions with artists singing pro-Chavez music, then carried an exercise program and a talk show, interspersed with government ads proclaiming, “Now Venezuela belongs to everyone.”

Got news for ya, pal. Venezuela only belongs to Chavez. Criticize him and see for yourself.

With her usual clarity, The Anchoress picks apart the media’s coverage of Chavez’ “liberation” of the Venezuelan people from the truth.

Update: Apparently, Chavez is in the process of tossing out the international press, too, according to AP:

Venezuela said Monday it was filing charges against US cable network CNN for linking President Hugo Chavez to Al-Qaeda, and against a Venezuelan TV network for encouraging Chavez’s assassination.

I guess it was only a matter of time.

Not surprisingly, we read at the Daily Kos, (via Little Green Footballs) that the American Left – who like to call themselves “liberals” and “progressives” and the true defenders of human and civil rights, the inheritors of the Jeffersonian legacy – support Chavez’ actions of the type Thomas Jefferson had the foresight to preempt in the very first amendment.

I guess the Left forget that our Constitution’s Bill of Rights was written to protect the minority from the heavy-handed majority in just such circumstances. And that the Constitution protects all citizens from government. It’s not to protect government from criticism – and the Declaration of Independence was a universal declaration for the liberty of all people, not just those living in the English colonies, to exercise the rights and protections given us by our Creator.

It’s not a multiple choice test which has fluctuating correct answers depending on the season or culture.

Category: Foreign Policy, Hugo Chavez, Jimmy Carter, Politics, Society

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jay k.

just curious why you don’t mention condi rice and her companies ties to chavez, or dick cheneys comapanies ties to chavez? i’m sure there is a reason beyond pure partisanship.


Jonn Lilyea wrote: Just tell me which companies Ms. Rice and Mr. Cheney are currently working for that have these ties to Chavez. I was under the impression that they both had full time jobs with the government, but I was wrong once before.

jay k.

rice is no longer on chevrons board, but maintains close ties to the company and as far as i know has not ruled out returning to the board. she continues to deal with international issues that have huge implications for chevron.
cheney is still drawing a salary from halliburton, and as vp pushed ginormous no-bid contracts their way.
so strictly speaking they do not work for these companies…however at this level it is not like when someone quits their counter job at mcdonalds…the ties don’t ever come completely undone…and to say so is no more a stretch than what you wrote in your original post.

Jonn Lilyea wrote: So because Ms. Rice hasn’t said she’s NOT going back to Chevron, that makes her in cahoots with them? And Cheney isn’t getting a salary from Haliburton. Do your homework, I’m tired of teaching you intellectually lazy people what you pretend to know. He gets a PENSION from haliburton – which means he doesn’t and he WON’T ever work for them again. And last time I heard, the Vice President doesn’t “award contracts” to anybody. Seein’s how Haliburton is almost the only oil SERVICE company in the business, whoelse would’ve gotten the contract – in fact, just name ONE oil service company without googling. Just one.

And to say so, is indeed a stretch relative to my original post. I provided concrete evidence in the links, which you apparently didn’t bother to read, all you’ve written about is ancient history, easily disproven with a few sentences.

jay k.

i didn’t say she is in cahoots…i said ties run deep. that’s a reality.
cheney does not draw a pension. cheney has unexercised stock options, that can increase in value depending on his decisions, and a deferred salary. cheney once claimed to have no prior knowledge of the granting of the contracts, which of course increased his wealth. that has since been proven to be false.
there is only one comapny capable of bilking the us of billions? poppycock.

Jonn Lilyea writes: Do you even know what stock options are? Besides, they’re in a blind trust. And “ties run deep.” That’s all you got? Since Chavez first took office in 1999, how can point at the Bush Administration, Junior? I also noticed that you didn’t name another OIL SERVICES company without googling. Are you merely regurgitating the tripe someone else told you?

How ’bout let’s discuss this whole Jimmy, Joe and Cindy thing. And let’s drop the standard “everybody does it” defense that you people use to avoid a discussion of your own crooked little cretins.

None of the Bush Administration has gone to Venezuela and talked ill of Democrats, no one in the Administration has defended Chavez’ human rights abuses. No one in the Administration enabled Chavez to maintain his tenuous hold on his government so he could toss out the Constitution and start over. No one in the Bush Administration is getting kickbacks for cheap fuel oil from Venezuela and taking food out the mouths of Venzuelan poor. So whatcha got, little fella? 

jay k.

nice personal attacks.

 Jonn Lilyea wrote: Personal attacks? By asking you questions you can’t answer? C’mon.