Welcome, GI Jane

| May 28, 2007

I want to welcome to the staff of writers (that’s a staff of two writers, now – me and one more) GI Jane whom I’ve known for three or four years. We’ve slammed back beers together a few times when she was stationed in DC (there’s a picture floating around the internet somewhere of us side-by-side, holding the bar up, beer mugs in hand) – but now the 28-year three-time combat veteran platoon sergeant has retired from the Army and moved to the frozen north country.

She has her own blog at The Foxhole, and she’s graciously agreed to write with me when she has a chance.

Her first contributions are on John Edwards and Jimmy Carter – two of my favorite subjects. I hope we see alot more from her – I’m sure you’ll enjoy her hard-assed NCO style as much as I enjoy it. 

Category: Administrative

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