Yer Friday Morning Funny . . . .

| September 13, 2013

. . . is below the break.  It’s probably safe for most work environments, but might cause some, um, interesting questions if viewed by younger children.

Enjoy.  (smile)

Category: Pointless blather, Who knows

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Frankly Opinionated

I suspected as much, but never saw the proof. This has to be real as it is on the internet. Thank you so very much Hondo.

Combat Historian

I thought they had little orange carrot storks…


Vegetable porn. Whooda thunk it.


Is that photo from Peaboy Magazine?

Old Tanker

Did you find those in the cabbage patch? Because we all know what happens in the cabbage patch….


Hondo: Ahhh. INTERNET vegetable porn. I will never look at peas and carrots in the same way again.

If it were pics of baby carrots, would that be considered child pornography?


“Birds do it. Bees do it.
Even veggies in the garden do it.
Let’s do. Let’s make love.”

Too funny. 🙂

Al T.

Hondo, Hondo, Hondo…… Where did we go wrong? 😀


The guy looks like he could shed a few pounds – or she’s younger.

Oh what the he’ll am I talking about? They’re carrots fer cryin out loud!


Rule 34 is still applicable.


“Some leafy greens without means do it
I hear even Boston beans do it
Let’s do it, let’s fall in love”

Roger in Republic

That is certainly a new take on the old term “Needle Dick”. No wonder her legs are crossed, that could hurt!