PTSD for everyone

| August 12, 2013

Old Trooper send us a link to Fox News in which they report that poor drug-adled Amanda Bynes is going back to rehab because…are you sitting down and removed from your reach all liquids and objects that can be thrown at your computer screen…PTSD;

We’re told the PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) stems in part from the pressures of her Hollywood career, in which she shot to Nickelodeon stardom as a child, before declaring that she was “retiring” a few years ago. Bynes also has very deep-seated conflict issues with her parents, with whom we’re told she’s not particularly close.

So, apparently, everything causes PTS including being successful at an early age. Maybe it would just be easier to treat everyone who doesn’t have post traumatic stress.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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2/17 Air Cav

The project is entirely funded by contributions — from individuals, organizations and corporations — with Congress providing the space and authorizizing the organization to establish the memorial. To date, more than 1.1 million donors have contributed, according to Fenstermacher.

2/17 Air Cav

Dammit. I cut and pasted and the wrong thing pasted.

The last child start I watched was Opie Taylor, I think. I don’t know who this chicklet is. But this is why I cap the v in Veteran, to distingusih it from “veteran of the stage and screen” and veteran this and veteran that.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I sure would like have such a horrendous problem as being wealthy and having the world by the balls just to see if I could avoid all the emotional turmoil that comes from not ever having to worry about money again, and always being able to afford anything you want.

I know that sounds really, really, tough but I think I just might be up to the challenge….I probably won’t catch the PTSD though…

more likely I will catch the GIAARMF (grateful i am a rich mother f$cker)……


Well I guess being part of this whole disney stardom machinery may get you a crack mentally, but it should be called differently.

I see overwhelming stress for a young human being and a lack of being “just a child” but how this will get you a traumatic stress level (e.g. Constant or returning immenent threat to life, near death experiences etc…) is unclear for me. As a young star you can always cry and everyone will stop around you and try to aid you. Well try that on a battlefield

Tx Gunner

PTSD has become the catch all excuse to justify shitty behavior in our society. Damn sad if you ask me.

Zero Ponsdorf

Worth noting that rape victims, among others, can suffer with PTS. Among the other almost generic use of the DSM:

With every new DSM the list grows.


I do think the girl is suffering from a mental illness…but I guess her publicist thinks PTS will gain a more sympathetic audience than Bi-Polar Disorder or Schizophrenia.


And to think, she caught the PTSD without ever putting on a uniform!

Well, good — now it’s a universal problem and no longer related to military service.

Rape victims also suffer PTSD, so I don’t have a whole lot of sympathy for her, but at least it deflects the attention away from the military.


Damn. Wish I could have got it from that shit… Actually, nah- I couldn’t live with myself.

NR Pax

OK, someone find out if she caught the PTSD from bumping up against a Soldier at some point. We gotta get patient zero isolated if he can infect a girl with that level of crazy.


So, she’s claiming PTSD from “childhood stardom”.

Yeah, right. IMO, that claim is nothing but excrementum equinus maximus.


Who is Amanda Byrnes, kind of like a lohan freak. Geez I’m getting old.


If she goes into public with a 1 Cav patch and a SEAL budweiser and claims PTSD .. oh wait … wait for it … juuuust wait for it …

BTW I just got this from FB, well looks like someone from the 101 busted someone and he came clean!!!

comment image


i had a co-worker tell me this morning that he is 90% disabled according to the VA. i asked him what for, as i am only 30% with 3 fractures in my spine and a blown out shoulder. you guessed it, he caught the PTSD. the guy was a desk clerk with a 8 month deployment to the green zone in ’10. i guess he heard about someone being in combat while he was there or something.

i guess the PTSD is contagious, i better go into quarantine before i catch it too


Lost, I like that photo. D’you think he’d sign one for me?


wow lost, thats great!

AW1 Tim

Jesus wept.


Meh … had a Alice-in-Wonderland moment when I first read that on Fox … kind of a, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT??!!”

@5 Tx Gunner: yep

@11 Hondo: Dude. Are you going all cerebral on us? Horse pucky, Über alles! 🙂

2/17 Air Cav

@13. That’s worthy redemption. In fact, so much so, I’d blur his face in the pic now.

B Woodman

Yeah, I had to go look her up, as I couldn’t recognize her from anything I’d seen in the recent past. Turns out I was right, I don’t recognize her, as I’d NEVER seen her in anything from the recent past.
Sheesh. Just ‘fess up that you’re effed up, get the help you need from the bajillions of dollars that Hollywierd threw your way when you were too young and immature to grow up as a balanced and mature adult. Then just STFU and go away.

Almost sounds like the gubbment. Cause a problem, then throw tons of money at it hoping that it will fix itself. When it doesn’t fix itself, blame everyone else around you for the problem you caused in the first place.


PTSD is the new ADD, I guess. While yes, it is possible as previously mentioned for civilians (i.e., non first-responders or military) to have it, my guess is that it would have to be pretty damned rare.

OTOH, also as previously mentioned, claiming PTSD is more “sexy” than your run-of-the-mill crazee, whic given her age at the time of “retirement” (early 20’s, IIRC) coincides pretty nicely with the age range at which a large percentage of mental illnesses develop in adults.

Bottom line, publicists are just doing what they’re paid to do, which in my book, makes them bigger bottom feeders than ambulance chasing lawyers who’ll even take on Paul K. Wickre (GH!) as a client to get him to STFU.

Just an Old Dog

The term PTSD has generally been accepted to apply to just combat vets. I guess conceivably any trauma in the military or civilian life can cause people to have issues.
It’s pretty asinine to use it for this kid’s case when you could just use the other terms like bipolar, depressed etc.
She was a child actor not a grunt in Falujah.


“I’m telling ya, there I was on the set of that movie we were shooting at Disneyworld. It was hell. Up at the crack of noon, memorizing 2, maybe 3 lines a day, having to drink orange juice for breakfast instead of guava. And that asshole yelling at me all day, going, ‘CUT! ACTION! CUT! ACTION!’ like we were dogs. And the pay–pfft, can you believe we only got a couple of million for that one? Buncha bastards, they were. Never forget it, man–never forget it.”


Disney has a long history of taking talented nobodies, making them stars, and then casting them out once the former child stars assert self-control.

And if some former child stars are to be believed, a lot of agents and leaders within the entertainment industry are pedophiles. I may be incorrect on this, but the leading cause of non-combat PTS is child-rape.

Not excusing Bynes, but she’s one of dozens of former child stars who imploded in a grand manner.


22 – Actually, I think PTSD has been applied to victims of violent crime as long as it has been applied to soldiers. It does not, however, apply to spoiled little girls with bad parents unless the parents acted in a violently criminal manner.

Just an Old Dog

@25 It’s certainly an acceptable medical term, but the general public tends to link it to combat service. Just like the term veteran is automatically linked with military.
PTSD wasn’t even a term in use until the 1980s,, Heres a link to a good article about the terms used before, examples and studies done. It covers a few examples of instances in cilivian life, such as a large fire or railroad accidents.


As a clinical psychologist (in training), anyone can be diagnosed with PTSD as long as they meet the criteria in the link below. Also, I’m just playing devil’s advocate here, but I’m sure if this person had a PTE in her past, then I doubt she wants that event broadcasted to the public. Thus, a BS story was concocted to hide the traumatic event.


Sweet lil’ ol’ Amanda Bynes? PTSD? That’s ri-goddamned-diculous.


I caught the PTSD reading too many Power Point Briefs.


I caught the PTSDs from watching Spiderman and his Amazing Friends. I was clearly far too young for that. Now every time I see a trapeze artist, or a girl on fire, or a realistic looking snowman, I get the anxieties.


I never get any of these exotic diseases. Durned boot camp inoculations! They made me immune to everything.


@32, I got so many Anthrax inoculations that I swear that my kids are now immune.


PTSD? So that’s what Hollywood is calling child stars who have grown up without a positive role model and someone to kick their ass from time to time – those who eventually step out of line from acting out all their lives?

Amanda is just another one of these kids who will eventually leave our memories, or – at a minimum – whose 15 minutes of fame can’t be over soon enough.


The reason the PTSD bug spreads so fast is because of all the whiny veterans who come home from a year in a motor pool or weeklong “combat” and cry for the rest of their lives. Why be surprised when the rest of society jumps on the bandwagon for the free ride? I know very few OIF/OEF vets who aren’t claiming PTSD and getting paid by the VA because they aren’t man enough to get a job and be responsible. Heaven forbid they get a speeding ticket, a bad grade in community college, or fired from McDonalds. The first thing out of their mouths is how they served their country. Don’t bitch about theses celebrities, bitch about the pathetic state of affairs our military is in.

Just an Old Dog

@35 That’s a pretty big brush to paint recent veterans with. While there are some cases of ass-hats like that I’d like to see your proof that a large portion of VA claims are from service members from rear echelons that are claiming PTSD.
You sound like a troll.
Another negative aspect of Veterans that is spread by an ignorant media and abetted mostly by phonies. I have several relatives and friends who served, dating from Vietnam to Afghanistan. Some of them, including myself get VA compensation. The amounts they get are pretty small for the most part, and they are for things such as tinitus, injured disks in the back, long lasting effects of ankle, knee or shoulder injuries, One of the more severe cases is suffering from the long term effects of exposure to agent orange. Like the individuals you cite in your example, quite a few were i support roles. There are 6 that were under fire, 2 received Purple Hearts. Only one draws anything for PTSD.


Omigod, they had POWERPOINT… its was awful! The horror, the horror! (Now those dirtbag fakers don’t have to lie so much– their NCO chewing their ass for watching porn at work really CAN traumatize and give ’em misbehavior-iducing flashbacks for life, I guess.)


@36 – Clearly, the thing who posted comments in #35 has never worn a uniform, and likely hasn’t contributed anything significant to his/her community, let alone the country, and is easily influenced by the media and stereotypes.